Most advice columns these days are just bait. Rage bait, pity bait, contempt bait or some kind of clickbait that was clearly made up by someone. But sometimes it’s just too hard to resist.
Question: By the end of 2022, I will have made $350,000 before taxes as the sole breadwinner and head of household. This is a great starting point and I’m very aware how blessed we are to be in this position, but I’m always looking ahead on how to improve. I currently have $88K left in student loans (originally close to $150K) and very little credit card debt (less than $2K with more than $25K available). I have two auto loans totaling $170K for two electric vehicles at 5% interest…
I’ve recently been offered a $200K HELOC at 9%, which would help me bring down some of my monthly payments…
But my biggest concern is that after taxes, 401(k) contributions, bills, savings and mortgage ($4,500), on paper I’m paycheck to paycheck.
What human being could possibly think Biden’s economic policies make sense?
I think we just found him.
There’s actually a serious point to be made here which is that we may find the Biden economic program to be evil or bonkers, but some people live in a world in which it makes sense. It makes sense to live practically paycheck to paycheck to have $170K in auto loans for electric cars. And some of the folks who live like this are setting economic policy.
If you spend some time in D.C., it’s not hard to spot them, they’re sharply dressed but walk out of shabby government buildings, they make good money, read the New York Times, the Washington Post and The Atlantic, and believe everything that it tells them. They’re exhausting to actually interact with because they’ll insist on reading those articles to you. Out loud. At length.
Modern Monetary Theory, massive green energy subsidies and all the rest of the stuff make perfect sense to them. They’ve got solar panels, green energy investments and they’re convinced that climate change is going to change everything. They’re not the elites who buy seaside mansions, they make sure to buy homes based on green charts 50 years in advance.
And yes, they’re capable of having $170K in electric car loan debt while living paycheck to paycheck. The future is so bright, you gotta wear shades.
The Biden cabals “economic policies” are meant to destroy not make any sense and until we acknowledge this we can not stop it.. They are about the entire destruction of American power, economically militarily and culturally. This is not some wrong headed economic policy. Please, somebody with some authority and persuasive ability start the push back against this assault. .
Thanks Daniel! Mind-boggling.
demoCraps are in the process of creating more poor people to control in the rat infested cities run by the same demoRats. Make people poor and they will have to move to their ghettos.
They can’t figure out their own problems but they think they know how to solve those of everyone else. As Bugs would say, “What a bunch of maroons.”
The biden democrat party, like the other recent democrat president, is totally worthless to the American people (democrat or Republican) and utterly priceless to our enemies.
That’s pretty expensive virtue-signaling. Just one less coal-powered car could make that college loan debt go away.
You forgot a major point: in DC, if they work for the Feds – no matter at what meaningless level – they are better than the rest of us. I lived in the area in 96, and that was a constant.
of course
Its weird to me, I grew up in the Cosmo Topper era of banking, when economics was the “dismal science”. It’s hard for me to imagine what the younger generations indoctrinated into the modern AOC school of economics, where money grows on trees, are thinking.