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Governments, once created, are all but impossible to uncreate even if no one can precisely define what they’re for. Take NATO. During the Cold War, its purpose was fairly obvious, after the Cold War it doesn’t really have one. Ukraine’s request to join NATO is helpfully clarifying in that sense.
Ukraine’s war with Russia must conclude before the country can join NATO, President Biden said in an interview that aired Sunday.
Biden made the statement during a taped conversation with CNN, saying there is no agreement within NATO on when to allow Ukraine to join the military alliance. Biden also noted certain issues with Ukraine’s eligibility, such as a lack of democratization.
“I think we have to lay out a rational path for Ukraine to be able to qualify to be able to get into NATO,” Biden told CNN.
Having Ukraine join NATO would pretty clearly define its mission as countering Russia. But then again that’s why countries like Poland wanted to be part of NATO to begin with. Eastern Europe doesn’t especially like Western Europe, but the latter has useful markets and an even more useful military to keep the Russians from reclaiming their empire.
Contrary to Russian propaganda though, there’s no such vision on the part of core NATO nations. Especially America. That’s why no one really knows what to do with Ukraine’s membership request. Accepting it would mean committing to countering Russia while rejecting it would be an admission that NATO is formless, shapeless and has no real purpose.
It’s easier to just punt.
Take this very odd official NATO video which doubles as a Biden campaign commercial, and is all about Ukraine. If the NATO agenda is reducible to Ukraine, then why not let NATO join? If NATO’s agenda isn’t about Ukraine, then what is it?
Figuring this out would have been a simple matter of thinking ahead in the 90s. Or anytime before events took off without waiting for D.C. or London to figure out what it’s all about. But our governments are croft. They exist so they can spend appropriated money while pushing assorted political agendas. Confronted with clarifying problems, they fumble and run away.
Having Ukraine in NATO might very well be a terrible idea, but then why have NATO at all? What purpose does it serve? Whom is it supposed to deter? Once you ask questions like that, the answers become uncomfortable because they’re definitional. And when institutions are adrift, definitional questions are traumatic. What if all this vast infrastructure actually has no purpose except its own self-perpetuation?
The U.S. was dragged into the Russia-Ukraine war with no plan, shifting goal posts, no sense of outcome and no decisions that aren’t open to being revised two weeks later. Even by Biden standards, the decision-making has been a disaster. But that’s what happens when you don’t know what you’re doing and someone else does.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Looking back it is easy to see what NATO was. USA protecting Europe so Europe could spend its money on social welfare and such while neglecting military spending. Masterful grifting by Machiavellian European governments.
Wolfgang Schremser says
Simple to say, but untrue. The truth never comes with a guarantee that it will be simple.
The truth is the European population is completely immersed in appeasement, exactly as the British and American population was before WWII. The European politicians, other than you say, just follow the populations appeasement/pacifism, just like Chamberlain and Roosevelt [in his case only before Pearl Harbour].
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s a good way of putting it, the European population is completely immersed in appeasement.
Ugly Sid says
The dictionary definition for Mission Creep is four capitalized letters.
Ugly Sid says
Privatize NATO. Go mercenary.
Gordon says
Putin has been asking this same question for decades. NATO is the military of the Globohomo Empire, and since Russia does not want to bow down to it they must be destroyed.
internalexile says
Nato as the police arm of a global woke agenda. Interesting concept. I shudder.
Onzeur Trante says
What is NATO for? Picking America’s pockets and other than that, good for virtually nothing.
Ugly Sid says
Well, there’s no Warsaw Pact attack to thwart.
What do you expect them to do, get jobs? Like suckers?
Kasandra says
“But that’s what happens when you don’t know what you’re doing and someone else does.” Like so many other of this maladministration’s policies. Think, e.g., China.
Fred A. says
Just a quick history about what NATO purpose was in the beginning and what it is now. First, you have to understand that the European countries are colonies of the American Empire, At first, its purpose was to protect the American Empire from Soviet aggression under Stalin and various leaders after him. That changed in 1991 when the U.S.S.R. got rid of Communism,, disbanded the Warsaw Pact, withdrew several hundred thousand troops back to Russia, allow eastern Europe to go their own way, and decided to just become a nation adjusting to a new capitalist, free market economy with free elections. In fact, Russia was looking forward to better relations with Europe and the United States. It was not meant to be. In fact, there was no need for NATO to exist anymore. Russian aggression ended.
Instead, the neocons look upon this opportunity to add more countries to NATO. These become the new colonies of the American Empire. The last piece to be added to the American Empire was the Ukraine. That of course would be much harder to accomplish. Russia by then realize what the American Empire was up and had to draw a red line. In 2014, the neocons in the U.S. government overthrew the government in the Ukraine and install a pro-West government. Tension mounted until Russia had no choice but to intervene to protect Russians living in the Ukraine and Russia itself.
Today, NATO’s purpose is to dissolve Russia itself into several new territories according to the plan put forward by the Neocons in the U.S. government. This would give U.S. companies access to Russia vast mineral resources. Second, the United States could be threat on China northern border with our own military bases in Russia itself.
Just look at a map of Asia. Also do your own research, all this information is out there.
Have a nice day.
Domenic Pepe says
Yes … NATO’s ultimate objective is the demise and breakup of Russia.
Russia’s north Asian territory will become even more valuable if global warming makes Siberia warmer
and a more comfortable place to live and develop and grow big successful industries and cities in the
The Russian leaders and elite know this.
Copter Sled says
NATO Countries Combined GDP – $50 Trillion / Russia GDP – $2 Trillion
NATO Countries Combined Defense – $2-3 Trillion / Russia Defense $100 Billion
NATO has become it’s own government with legions of bureaucrats staffed in hundreds of buildings in dozens of cities.
Christopher Robert Riddle says
I have heard that NATO throws Great Parties??????????????????????
Alexander Scipio says
The purpose of NATO is to sell American Military products to foreign countries. The purpose of expanding NATO is to provide a larger market for those products. Those thinking NATO exists to deter anyone – which means a credible probability of defeating a peer foe on the battlefield – have not noticed Afghanistan. Those thinking NATO exists to defend, oh, I don’t know… North Atlantic countries? .. fail to grasp that NATO now is going halfway around the world to find a war to generate those orders for the Military Industrial Complex. Can’t wait for NATO to be deployed to Taiwan… THINK OF THE ORDERS!!!
In sum, post-Warsaw Pact, NATO has NO military or diplomatic purpose whatsoever.
BLSinSC says
Remove the US from NATO AND the UN! Remove the UN from the US!! Watch how better our Nation and the WORLD are in five years!!
Richard Courtemanche says
With everything going so bad globally, it’s hard to expect that good will prevail.
mea says
Like the rest of American foreign involvement NATO has become another way to loot American Citizens while the Hate America to Destruction politi’Kal ‘Klass that occupies the offices of the American government uses our money to try to buy favoritism from their hate America to Destruction Henchwomen/
Tamara says
Russia is stirring up wars all over the world. In America, they incite minorities. (Yuri Bezmenov interview, 1984 )
Muslim clans in the Middle East. For Israel, the KGB invented the Palestinian people ( How the KGB Created Arafat and PLO) and set the secular against the religious. It seems that they would gladly stand up for the trampled rights of Russian-speakers in Israel (according to the Ukrainian scheme).
Last but not least. Russia wouldn’t dare to fight Ukraine if it was not give green light from China, who strives to create precedent and use it in Taiwan).
Zdenek V. Pecka says
I completely agree with the author’s validity of argumentation, even though I lived on the “wrong” side of the Iron Curtain before defecting to the West in the late 70s. In addition, can you imagine any purpose for a future NATO under the “enlighted” command of Ursula von Layden after her Bundeswehr and EU fiascos???
Michael Gindis says
A bloody war ravaging Europe ! And Mr. Greenfield asking “Why have NATO at all? What purpose does it serve? Whom is it supposed to deter?”.
Putin does everything according to Hitler’s patterns. He makes the same speeches, pursues the same predatory policy, tries to remake the map of Europe, does not recognize the right of neighboring countries to independence, and, most vilely, does all this under the banner of the fight against fascism.
I bet that people like Greenfield, Tucker Carlson, MacGregor, Candace Owens and others , would be opposed to American involvement in the war against Hitler during WWII. Just imagine how our world would look if people like them prevailed.