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As is well known, Hamas has a long history, going back many years, of undercounting its own losses and exaggerating the number of civilians killed by the IDF. Think of the “massacre of Jenin,” where Hamas claimed that “500 civilians” had been massacred by the IDF. In the end, both American and Israeli intelligence concluded that 52 people had been killed by the IDF, at least 45 of whom were members of Hamas. Or consider the Hamas claim that an Israeli airstrike hit the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, killed “471 civilians.” It turned out that not an Israeli airstrike, but a missile launched toward Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad had misfired, and fell to earth in the parking lot of the Al-Ahli hospital, not on the hospital itself.
Hamas continues to inflate the number of civilians killed by the IDF in Gaza. It counts as “deaths caused by the IDF” all the civilians in Gaza who are accidentally killed by Hamas and its allied terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) when their weapons, including missiles, misfire, as did that PIJ missile at the Al-Ahli Hospital. How many victims of friendly fire” from Hamas have there been? Hamas also counts all those who die of natural causes — about 500 Gazans a month — as having been killed by the IDF. That’s close to 3,000 civilian deaths wrongly attributed so far to the IDF.
It turns out that as many as 75% of the Gazans killed may have been Hamas terrorists. More on the calculation that leads to this conclusion can be found here: “More than half, and maybe as many as 75%, of Gaza deaths are Hamas terrorists. Here’s why.” Elder of Ziyon, March 17, 2024:
The Gaza ministry of health has not directly counted 31,000 dead. Their own documentation says that they directly counted some 17,000 in their hospitals, and (as of March 4) over 13,000 from “trusted media sources.”
Those “trusted media sources” are the Hamas “government media office,” that the UN calls “GMO.”
Now, let’s look at the incident from the Kuwaiti roundabout last week. The Ministry of Health said that 20 were killed while the Hamas media office said 100 were killed.
The Hamas media office simply makes things up out of thin air. Just as we’ve seen from the Al Ahli hospital explosion, they will inflate death tolls by 5 times or more. And the media knows it – none of them reported the higher Kuwaiti roundabout figures (that were killed by Palestinian gunmen.) Yet the UN relies on the Hamas media office for its statistics of women and children killed, as well as the total number killed given by the MoH which includes the 13,000 from Hamas, and then the UN figures get reported as factual by the media.
It was Hamas gunmen, not the IDF, who fired into the crowd of Gazan civilians who had been waiting for food aid to arrive at the Kuwaiti Circle. Hamas wanted to scare them away – by shooting to kill — so its own operatives could seize the food for themselves and their extended families. Yet Hamas blamed the IDF for all of those deaths.
Now that means that the 31,000 killed reported by Hamas are highly suspect. We can imagine there are some bodies that never made it to hospitals, but not anything close to 31,000.
In short, there are not 31,000 dead in Gaza. The real number is thousands less.
Let’s be generous and pretend that Hamas only inflates their portion of the death toll numbers by a factor of 2. That would mean that the total Gaza death toll is closer to 23,000, not 31,000.
Now, Israel is reporting that it has killed 13,000 Hamas and other terrorists. From previous wars, IDF estimates of terrorists killed were found to be accurate even though they were hotly disputed at the time.
If the IDF has killed 13,000 terrorists, and the total Gaza death toll is 23,000 and not 31,000, that means that 56% of those killed are Hamas.
If the real death toll is closer to 20,000 (which would be my guess with Hamas inflating their numbers by a factor of 5), then the percentage [of Hamas members killed] goes up to 65% – nearly two out of three being terrorists, which is an absolutely stunning number given how much Hamas relies on human shields as its defensive strategy….
Do the math. It looks like there have not been 31,000 dead Gazans killed by the IDF but far fewer. Once we take into account Hamas’ usual exaggerations of civilian deaths, and subtract the number of Gazans killed by malfunctioning weapons of Hamas and PIJ, and “friendly fire” incidents by Hamas shooting, by accident, its own, and subtract as well the natural deaths of Gazans, we arrive at a total of about 17,000, with 13,00 of them being, according to the IDF’s calculation, Hamas operatives. That means about 75% of the deaths in Gaza are of Hamas terrorists.
Do you think any IDF spokesman will be allowed to present these calculations on CNN, or the BBC, or Agence France Presse? Do you think The New York Times or The Washington Post will examine Hamas’ claims on casualties, and publish the results? No, of course not. They directly contradict the incessant reporting about “31,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.” There is no evidence that they were “mostly women and children,” but that is the Hamas phrase that the world media have chosen to endlessly repeat, without examining its truth or falsehood. Still, for those who are willing to sit still, and consider carefully the calculations presented by Elder of Ziyon, it should be quite a revelation. To wit, up to 75% of those killed in Gaza are likely to have been Hamas members.
That means a 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every three Hamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare.
Quit whining about enemies lying about casualties. That has been the case since Korea. “We must be the moral country”! What a load of garbage. What matters is who wins. One way to definitely win is to “create a desert and call it peace.”
Well Mr. Fitzgerald, you have presented a neat, logical, and orderly explanation of the casualty figures, and your conclusion that the 1:3 civilian to combatant death ratio is unheard of in the history of warfare is no doubt correct. (This reader does not know enough about humankind’s bloody, millennia-long history to be certain of it, but it does sound like the Israelis are almost superhumanly careful to avoid civilian casualties and quick to apologize when bad things happen anyway.)
Unfortunately, the left and its muzzie pets are not capable of understanding neatness, logic, or order, nor are they capable of doing the simple arithmetic from which you derive your conclusions. Therefore expect to hear the screeching denunciations of brave, embattled little Israel to continue, and what is left of our own now-hijacked, beloved Republic joining in the collective demonization and punishment of the Jews and their homeland. It’s a damned shame. If only your writing could be syndicated on more websites and in print media… but what you say might trigger or offend too many special snowflakes for most outlets to carry it.
I’m wondering if there is any way of circumventing Hamas’ reporting. My thought is that, in an Islamic country, everyone will be buried, not cremated. So, allowing for the fact that there could be occasions when bodies cannot be retrieved from rubble, are there ways of monitoring the graveyards, or maybe the receipts of any professional involved in the burials, such as an imam or gravedigger?
The other possibility would be that if they have registrars who issue death certificates, it would be worth checking out whatever records they keep of certificates issued.
They have been lying throughout their whole existence. And we gullible people in the West believe them and see them as the downtrodden victims. Wake up, people!
After watching the video of random men on the street taking turns beating the dead, raped body of Shani Nicole Louk, the German-Israeli woman, lying in the back of a pickup on October 7th, I am doubtful of the term civilian anymore when discussing Gaza residents.
After seeing videos of Gaza Arab children wearing the garb and practicing the craft of terrorists under the tutelage of Hamas murderers, it makes me question it further.
At this point, Gaza seems full of terrorists, terrorists supporters, terrorists in training, and of course, proud parents of terrorists.
There may be some who are sickened by this whole mess. Hamas better not find out. Then they will do the killing themselves.
Not to mention the 500+ “civilians” who ran after the Hamas soldiers to kill, maim, capture innocents as if they too were soldiers. These Gaza inhabitants are subhuman.
Biden is a FOOL for believing he is giving innocents subsistence in Gaza. Hamas rules completely there. In fact, he is gifting food and supplies to Hamas. He has ordered released many $billions of dollars to Iran. Two weeks before October 7th Biden gifted Hamas $158,000,000. The terrorists see him as a weak moron who will fall for a few easy lies.
Daniel Greenfield quoted from an article in Tablet magazine about how the Gaza Ministry of Health phonies up the numbers of civilians killed in Gaza by IDF soldiers. The article, “How the Gaza Ministry of Health fakes casualty numbers” should get a lot more exposure. It reveals, once again, the lie being shoved down our throats by left wingers.
that america is claiming the high moral ground over a war with terrorists in israel and the number of civilians the u.s. has killed in its ” war on terrorism ” is laughable . and should be treated with the utmost contempt . that feckless joe is propagating the swill that his minders are feeding him just confirms that he is an empty suit and a dog faced lying pony soldier . israel needs to ignore the democrat hamas mouthpiece and get on with the job of cleaning out the vermin in gaza including the so called civilians that voted them in . unfortunately hamas has no intention of releasing the remaining hostages , israel needs to get used to the fact that hamas killing the remaining hostages is their stated aim even before they kidnapped them . they wont accept any deal just like they havent accepted a 2 state . time to wake up israel .
Hamas maintains that it is the solemn duty of all Muslims to kill Jews and destroy Israel. So it does not consider any Muslims in Gaza to be “civilians.” And, yes, it lies about everything, except it’s declared intentions to kill Jews and destroy Israel.
Gazan’s elected Hamas by a 70% margin and should suffer the same fate as the indoctrinated Germans that voted for Hitler, Carpet bombing!
20 years ago a little sweet Gazan baby boy, indoctrinated with islamic hate from birth, grew up to be a rapist and murderer. So will the little boys in Gaza today.
Egypt and Jordan refuse to take these animals for the threat they pose to their own rule.
Kill’em all Israel.