Post-election conservative social media has been on fire with conservative infighting, conspiracy theories and boosting of Trump vs. DeSantis for the 2024 nomination.
Without championing anyone, let me take a step back to weigh in on what I think the difference in approaches and what the underlying tension between the two sides is really about.
And maybe see that they actually have a lot in common.
It’s about priorities.
I’m going to generalize here because both men have more to offer than this, and they are supported for more reasons than this, but I think it is what is at the heart of the debate and the growing hostility on both sides.
For a lot of Trump supporters, the priority is getting RINOs out of the party. Trump was there to transform the GOP as much as to transform the country. Trump has been celebrated for taking on the GOP establishment.
DeSantis receives hostility and suspicion from a lot of Trump supporters because he rarely says anything negative about other Republicans. Even though he has presided over a successful conservative revolution in Florida, some see him as being with the GOP establishment.
What DeSantis however focuses on is fighting the Left. Instead of waging a direct war on the establishment, he’s undermined RINOs by showing that his model is better and superior to theirs.
These are two different ways of doing the same thing.
A lot of DeSantis supporters want direct victories without the inter-party drama. They want to win conservative victories by directly fighting the Left rather than purging the party in order to be able to fight the Left.
In the wake of the Obama era and the decline of the Tea Party movement, a lot of conservatives lost faith in the ability of conservatives being able to take on the Left without first driving the RINOs out of the party.
DeSantis is demonstrating that it’s possible to win directly.
This is really a tactical debate about the best way to secure conservative victories. And it’s playing out with both men following their model.
Before we insult each other, it’s important to take a step back and recognize that we want the same final outcome, even if we may disagree on how to get there.
This is a debate that was born out of the disappointments and failures of the Republicans in the last decade. And there are lessons to be learned there. But we also need to remember that whichever conservative candidates we back, we want the same things.
We want our country back.
Trump and DeSantis both offer compelling models and visions for doing it. Both men have achieved a lot. And we may also ask ourselves whether we need to pick and choose or whether there can be a synthesis that takes the best of both approaches in the conservative fight for our country.
Competition is a good thing. It makes us stronger. As long as we remember that Team Trump or Team DeSantis, we’re ultimately on the same team.
What’s Trump’s compelling vision? Do everything Donald Trump says. Never criticize Donald Trump. Whatever Donald Trump says is true, no matter how ignorant or demented.
Even with DeSantis as an option, you will not say the slightest critical thing about Trump. It’s kind of admirable, your lemming-like loyalty. If only it weren’t toward the most corrupt and incompetent president this country has ever had, who on top of that is a pathological narcissist and a pathological liar.
We leftist scum hate DeSantis. But any sane American should hope Donald Trump never gets close to the White House again.
at least you know you’re leftist scum – keep working on the self awareness
You leftist scum hate anyone who opposes your evil agenda, and the more effective they are, the more you hate them. Trump turned America around in an incredibly short time, despite all of your criminal schemes to destroy his presidency..
You leftist scum also hate America, but unfortunately for you, the large minority groups have caught on. You may like having our country run by idiots with massive urinary and intellectual incontinence. The majority of us don’t.. Buckle up.
Always a pleasure, Foghorn.
Oh, man, I was laughing so hard at that one! Good on ya.
Almost like TeaBugger under a new name.
“We leftist scum hate DeSantis”
Well, thank you for your honesty and self reflection. It takes a big person to understand and admit they are scum. Kudos to you.
Any sane American would not be a leftist and would vote for Trump
You will adhere to the left’s policy of demonizing any Republican nominee. That accords with your devil theory of history.
How many dicks did you suck today? I bet the first thing you did when you woke up was start slurping on a dick.
The meme that the red wave was weak is bullshit. We kicked your f’ing asses. And you’re still crying about it. Bitch.
You pussies want us to believe that Trump is weak and you want to pit Ron DeSantis against him…….because you want to divide us.
This weak shit left-wing meme that the election wasn’t a massive conservative victory is punk ass bullshit. We f’ed you up and you know it. You can deny reality but it will tear your pussy ass up in the end.
Well Mcornhole, I think you won the championship for down votes. Everybody agrees that you suck and your comments are insane.
True Daniel, but consider that although Trump is not an incumbent President facing re-election, he SHOULD have been, if not for the dirty tricks, illegalities and concerted assault by the left, to put it mildly. We have already heard direct challenges to Trump from non-loyalist Haley, and a lot of people believe that DeSantis – although he has not directly stated he will be challenging Trump – believe that he is allowing the media to float it for him. It’s a commonly talked-about topic, and DeSantis has said NOTHING to refute it. SO Trump rightly sees him as a challenger – and due to the NON-TYPICAL events surrounding the coup attempts, including the election steal, many people see DeSantis (for all his virtues) as not at all loyal to Trump.
And even if one disagrees with the notion of “loyalty”, the main thing that we need to focus on is NOT TO LET THE LEFT WIN – especially with their history of orchestrated assaults on Trump – is actually an assault on ALL Americans!!
Thank you for the dispassionate analysis. It seems that many Trump supporters have just as much vitriol for good guys like DeSantis and Cruz, as they do for Biden and Piglousi. This is not a formula to take back America. It is not a formula for uniting all our countrymen for the formidable task at hand. This is not the time for mud-slinging and demeaning other ‘good guys’; many, very many, of us will be seriously ‘turned off’ by candidate ‘sliming’.
I don’t see vitriol within conservatives. I think you’re reducing this to a game. A game of politics. Most of us aren’t feeling like we are playing a game, rooting for our favorite sports team.
I believe we are all well beyond that by now.
.Among the non-left, history is often referenced. And it is terrifying
.We just want our children safe and the country and freedoms we thought we had restored.
If you listened to President Trump you’d have heard that he said repeatedly thats it wasn’t him they were after but us.
You should seriously consider that .
Trump tried. Voted for him twice. DeSantis is the future.
DeSantis couldn’t take the punishment Trump does. THAT”S WHY THE DIRTBAGOCRATS PRETEND TO SUPPORT HIM, YOU F”IN RETARDS! They know Trump is unbeatable and want to do anything to keep him from running. You f’ing retards!
You’re falling for the oldest trick in the book. Stupid mother F’ers.
I’m as conservative as it gets. But, Jeff, you’re not going to convince anyone as long as you denigrate them with profanity. Chill out a little, tough guy.
Yeah, that reminded me of what they did to Kavanaugh. Probably a completely innocent guy, yet they brought him to tears.
I agree. Trump and Desantis are that rare embarrassment of riches for Republicans. Let’s not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over our particular preferences. Both men are infinitely superior to any Democrat.
My hope is that Trump, Desantis, and the Republican Party strive to do what is best for America.. One way to do that is to create a super ticket with Trump being the presidential candidate and DeSantis the VP. If they were elected, Trump could revive the economy and Desantis would get on the job training when he runs for the presidency in the following election. It’s called continuity and Republicans haven’t had any for decades.
Trump could have really benefitted from someone like DeSantis as his VP. Desantis is very good a handling the left’s BS. Pence was worthless. And while DeSantis helps Trump, he’d be sharpening his blade and earning loyalty for his shot at the oval office. Success breeds success and 12 straight years of great conservative leadership could reverse a lot of the damage perpetrated by the left since Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama,, and Joe Biden have befouled the office of the presidency.
Without continuity we end up with the same seesaw battle that always better serves the nihilists who seek destroy than those who want to re-build America. The left’s agenda advances far more when the presidency is traded back and forth. America can only advance when there is time to heal injuries inflicted by the left and still have time to build new strength. We simply can’t win this presidential musical chairs game any more than we have ever won by getting sucked into so-called “bipartisanship”, which is the dialectical engine of the Democratic Party. It’s time we put aside naked ambition, work together, and win big instead of babbling about red waves and other small-ball nonsense.
But DeSantis shouldn’t resign the office of Governor of Florida until they win the election. Otherwise the Democrats may steal the election.
Exactly. Better yet, come up with a way to appoint a proxy to run Florida even if Trump/Desantis win. Take territory and hold it! It would be the opposite of the traditional Republican tactic of offsetting a victory with several abject surrenders to the Democratic Crime Syndicate.
Finally. A voice of reason. The nastiness I’ve been seeing in online posts is frustrating and at times enraging. Anyone who states that we need both men and many other Americans, male and female, just like them, gets attacked from both sides. I’ve begun to suspect Leftist tactics to foment this internecine war.
I think much of it, maybe most of it, is leftists fomenting division. (This is a theory I have long held about social media).
Good point. The left’s purpose is always nihilistic, therefore their focus is on getting us to help them destroy our own unity, and too many of us willingly take up the challenge. Somehow, we never learn. Given Trump’s latest outbursts, it seems he is seeing enemies everywhere. I’m afraid Trump has been in the ring too long. He is looking like he is stressed out by the left’s endless attacks, to the point that he sees everyone as an enemy.
In my opinion, Trump needs DeSantis and Desantis needs Trump. Both have to decide if they are going to fight a selfish war or a war for the good of America..
You didn’t seem to really address the heart of the question itself, but rather made it an appeal,to finding common ground and working together, possibly a Trump/DeSantis ticket. If one side isn’t picking a fight and at this point, that,is clearly,the case, you might do better to speak,to the side that is and why. Trump listens to no one. He has a very nasty and self destructive side which likely was a major factor in the lack of a red wave as he continues to divide and not unite the conservatives and the RINO’S. He could have done so much more, nut he chose not to. Same has been said about why he lost in 2020.. TIime for him to get off the stage, and allow someone else a chance. it would actually do wonders for the conservative cause..
You didn’t seem to really address the heart of the question itself, but rather made it an appeal to finding common ground and working together, possibly a Trump/DeSantis ticket. If one side isn’t picking a fight and at this point, that is clearly the case, you might do better to speak to the side that is and why. Trump listens to no one. He has a very nasty and self destructive side which likely was a major factor in the lack of a red wave as he continues to divide and not unite the conservatives and the RINO’S. He could have done so much more, but he chose not to. Same has been said about why he lost in 2020.. TIime for him to get off the stage and allow someone else a chance. it would actually do wonders for the conservative cause..
I love Trump. I voted for him twice. There is no question his policies made America stronger and more prosperous. Contrast Trump’s policies with Biden. Stark difference. You can tell me you dislike Trump’s personality. You can argue he’s immature, says stupid things, is arrogant, over-bearing, etc. Although I have no issues with Trump’s personality, I can understand Trump isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Again, that being said, Trump’s policies were tremendous. Trump exposed and took on the establishment.
Now, I love DeSantis, but does he have what it takes to fight off the Leftist dirtbags and Rino establishment, on that big a scale?
The question is who has a better shot at winning the presidency? Would DeSantis get the independent votes, some Dem votes, because his personality is not as off putting as Trump? I believe it’s a mistake for Trump to attack DeSantis. The dirtbag Dems never bad mouth each other, not in public anyway. We have too many Rino’s in the party undermining conservative values,
I like your sentiments regarding Trump and DeSantis. I disagree, however, with your notion about dirtbag dems; dems are well known to eat their own. Notice over the past few years how they have been out-woking each other. That’s how our culture has become a never ending, accelerating train wreck.
The left always eats their own. No one can ever live up to their lofty utopian ideals and so the best thing is to do away with those who don’t bow to their idols. It’s way more than words to them.
Trumps antics are mostly words, and while he could do better, are mostly harmless. But leftists are far more dangerous as any review of history will attest to. They have no moral problem with silencing those that dIsagree with, and if necessary use any means necessary to do so. It’s already happening in this country.
Trump, DeSantis, Jesus Christ…NONE of them could “win” the election if election fraud is not going to be stopped. Otherwise, politics become rhetorical, not reality.
Bingo! Bravo!
(Maybe we should run a giant paper doll of Jesus or Mother Teresa – I am being sarcastic but ya’ know?…..)
Both RINO purges and direct action using leftist tactics against them are required to secure a beachhead against the rising tide of cultural & ideological subversion. We have been destabilized and are entering the crisis stage as described by Yuri Bezmonov.
Purging the swamp of elites compromised by their ties to Red China, Ukraine, the Fed/Pharma Cosa Nostra and others is absolutely necessary! Civic Institutional Trust is dead because political elite enrichment fails the Citizen. Please read Peter Schweizer’s “Red Handed” and Robert Kennedy’s “The Real Anthony Fauci”.
Donald Trump is a wiz at tripping up leftist propagandists in any profession. Trump can troll with many lines in the water and he plays his catch until they get a thump on the noggin. This tactic is required of the next MAGA leader. DeSantis needs this skill.
A presidential primary race that divides conservatives is not a winning plan. The way Trump is taking swipes at popular Conservative leaders might be his way to inch towards the sidelines if he believes that his time for leadership is waning. It’s also a method to test the mettle of the next generation of candidates.
So Trump fends off all the Democrat assaults and hoaxes for six or seven years nonstop,
exposes Democrat/RINO corruption, promotes Conservative candidates, keeps the base
energized and committed with rallies and truth . . .
When did DeSantis slam Democrats for their frauds against President Trump and using
the DOJ/FBI/IRS against Republicans.
DeSantis is going to start getting hit with fake sexual assault charges etc.
Does he expect Trump to step in and help him?
We need both men and I wish they would be on one ticket. Trump has huge experience in coming back from the brink of bankruptcy and we are gong to need that, plus he is tough on China and will close the borders and bring back the supply chain. We need at least 3 terms to bring back the country to some semblance of individual liberty and opportunity for prosperity.
The huge problem is that the voting machines are being digitally manipulated. Mike Lindel hired experts and they have proved this twice. He should not be mocked and discounted as the “pillow man” He spent his money because he loves our country and the cyber experts took the data live. It showed drops of 90 to 100 thousand votes for the democrats in every race. In fact in duckworth’s race they made a mistake and gave her a million more votes then they took them back! They stole governorships in New York, Pennsylvania and Minnesota plus Hershal Walkers win. The time line shows that as soon as the democrat caught up to Walker he all of a sudden had a sudden burst of votes that made his line on the graph go straight up after that the graph lines look very similar. If this is not exposed and fixed we can forget about freedom. Period. Almost all of DC and a lot of local municipalities are owned by the Chinese government. Voting machines must be exposed and we must go to a simple hand count.
Which ever gets the GOP nomination will get my vote. The RINOs where part of the Never Trump Derangement Syndrome. Getting rid of them s necessary but the direct action works too..
The Democrat Voter Fraud Machine will find a way to steal the 2024 Election too, though.
The same GOP that is allowing the current election to be stolen are the same Globalist Scum backing DeSantis. Like Paul Ryan. And the GOP views this as a chance to further damage Trump no matter the cost to the Republic. They hate him because he is America First. And they are obviously not.
“Conspiracy Theories”
Get real
If DeSantis runs for President the Democrats and Rinos will launch their plan to lie about him ten different ways. They will accuse him of everything corrupt Biden is doing. Remember that is what Democrats do to Republican candidates – all of them even the Rinos like Romney. Everything they said about Trump was a lie. If or when he runs it will be DeSantis’ turn to have his reputation destroyed.
The Communists have fully taken over the Democrat Party and its media minions. They have taken control of the education system K-PhD now too. Their grip is much tighter every year. Communists believe that it is their civic duty to steal elections if that’s what it takes to win. They successfully changed the laws to permit mail in voting and unverified absentee ballots. Most Democrats are cheating every chance they get. They will continue to tighten their grip on us and steal elections.
As I have read at The Conservative Treehouse, billionaire Ken Griffen has given De Santis billions. Notice. He hasn’t said boo about the corrupted election. He is no longer his own man.
Two questions that seem fairly clear moving forward from this election, which was a conservative failure.
1) what voters wil the trump bandwagon be able to add to insure greater successs in future elections?
2) Should Trump step aside,, what Trump/MAGA supporters will vote democrat in future elections?
If you said NONE, you are likely correct. If not, please let the country know how to move forward and build a conservative consensus that can win elections.
Trump is done. he did his service and history will either validate his legacy or not. Time to exit stage right. Be the elder statesman and support someone who will carry out his better policies. If he truly cared about the future of the country he should do it. He won’t of course. He managed to pull it off once. It was an anomaly in American politics. It’s only downhill from here for him. Don’t believe me. Just look at the election results.
Since you missed it the first time, let me reiterate the importance of continuity in politics. Managing to stagger to a win once in a while won’t turn the real Red Tide. They destroy faster than we can rebuild, and Trump happens to be one hell of a builder, especially when he isn’t distracted by every scheme the lying left cooks up. Trump does need a good, tough lawyer on his side. Desantis is perfect for that role, and when Desantis runs after Trump is done, he will already have momentum and experience in D.C. Those who ultimately win in politics play long ball.
I addressed the heart of the matter. The Right needs to stop doing the left’s work. That includes Trump. Show me where I suggested that Trump was excused from unnecessary partisan rancor.
I also addressed the strategic necessity for those on the Right to work together for the common cause of saving this nation. That means all of the candidates, so Trump is necessarily included. You imagined that I was favoring Trump because you don’t like him and clearly don’t understand what he did for this country, despite the left’s avalanche of lies, attacks, treasonous conspiracies, etc. to force him out of office. You’re a bit of an ingrate.
You ignore the stress the left kept up on Trump for several years. He has been in survival mode for a long time and deserves a bit of understanding. I doubt you’d last a month under the same barrage.
The Red Wave was an idiotic fabrication. To lament its failure to appear like magic and then to assign the blame to Trump is childish nonsense. The suggestion that the so-called “Red Wave” was inevitable resulted in some Republicans staying home because this election was a “sure thing” and had many Democrats desperately running to the polls because they planned to keep sleeping with every man who says “Hello” and wanted to make sure they could get easy access to an abortion. The Red Wave BS was counter-productive.
Finally, you simply don’t understand that the voting populace does influence the behavior of candidates. When Trump won in 2016 the majority of people wanted a rough and tumble fighter. In 2022 Trump was crushing Biden, hence the left’s orchestrated national election fraud — and don’t bother to argue against that truth or risk exposing your motives. What the mood of the electorate will be by 2024 has yet to be seen, but many will still want a fighter, but they may also have enough sense to realize that we are fighting Communists and need all the unity we can muster.