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On July 1, 2024, the US detained its most prominent political prisoner; its most obvious political prisoner probably since the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War 2.
On July 1 2024, podcaster, entrepreneur, former Navy officer, and political advisor to President Trump, Stephen K Bannon, “surrendered”, in his words, to authorities, to begin serving four months’ incarceration at Danbury Federal Prison.
FCI — Federal Correctional Institution – Danbury, in Danbury, Connecticut, is a serious prison. The handbook, which all inmates receive, reveals a range of minute restrictions on liberty, and even on any adult decision-making, that characterizes strict incarceration.
Stephen K. Bannon, now one of the loudest and most powerful dissident voices in America in our time, will have no access at all to the internet, according to FCI Danbury inmates’ handbook.
Could that one condition alone, be the actual end-goal of this sentence, so assiduously sought? (As I have pointed out elsewhere, from my experience in the world of aides around President Clinton and VP Gore, everyone advising the President and VP relied on the protections of executive privilege, and they do so to this day. Mr Bannon is being treated with a shameful double standard).
The myriad restrictions on every aspect of an inmate’s daily life, at FCI Danbury, reveal that while this is a “minimum security prison”, there is at that facility an approach to incarceration that is mentally wearing and “institutionalizing”.
Looking at these prison regulations, one can see from where the global mental torture of COVID-era “lockdowns” — the minute regulation of time, space, decisions, options — may have derived. (“Lockdown” itself is a prison-derived term).
Mr Bannon will receive a set number of “points” a month for visitors, and each visit uses up these points. He will need to submit to authorities, in advance, a list of visitors, and fill out forms for each; each visit will need to be approved. Points are used up for metrics as random-seeming as the distance the visitor travels.
Mr Bannon will be awakened at six am every day, and if he oversleeps, there will be disciplinary action. He can possess no more than twenty postage stamps at a time. He will be able to shop at the commissary, but with a limit of $360 per month. Visits restrict human contact from family members: “Kissing, embracing and hand-shaking/holding are allowed only upon arrival or departure.”
In force for all but ten minutes a day is “controlled movement”, which is not clearly defined in the handbook, and can only be imagined by those of us outside the prison; inmates within it, are permitted “open movement” for just ten minutes a day.
Running and jogging are not permitted at all.
There are five inmate counts a day.
Phone calls are limited to 15 minutes each, for a total of 300 minutes a month.
Can we hear from Steve Bannon? Can we hear from him at all?
“Inmate Correspondence with Representatives of the News Media:
An inmate may write, following Special Mail procedures, to representatives of the news media when specified by name and title. The inmate may not receive compensation or anything of value for correspondence with the news media. The inmate may not act as a reporter, publish under a byline, or conduct a business or profession while in BOP custody. [Italics mine]. Representatives of the news media may initiate correspondence with an inmate. Correspondence from a representative of the news media will be opened, inspected for contraband, for qualification as media correspondence, and for content, which is likely to promote either illegal activity or conduct contrary to BOP regulations.”
Interestingly, there is a rich offering of educational opportunities in this prison. Bannon can take martial arts, use the legal library, receive subscriptions, learn ESL or complete a GED, get religious instruction, and accomplish any number of other educational tasks.
He can send snail mail.
However, Bannon’s voice has been effectively silenced, by FCI Danbury, for the critical next four months; months which just happen to overlap with this make-or-break, do-we-survive-as-a-free-nation-or-die, Presidential race.
The Warroom “Posse” cannot mass in the visiting room. They can’t see him. His globally successful podcast cannot broadcast his actual voice, as I understand the prison regulations.
Mr Bannon can’t even follow the Presidential campaign, via online news. He can’t tweet. He can’t livestream. He can’t record for later transmission.
His mass-movement-mobilizing, unyielding, Constitution-defending voice has been cut off from the flowing lifeblood of journalism and of politics: from the digital world.
The thousand and one restrictions that circle his every action round, in the next four months, will require tremendous fortitude to resist psychologically. His physical incarceration seems like a secondary outcome of what seems to be the primary goal of his sentence — that is to say, the removal of Steve Bannon from the stream of public conversation, public guidance, public mobilization; and from the public resistance to the murderous globalist plans for us all.
So let me say this:
Where the hell are you, everyone?
Where are you, Conservatives? Libertarians? Independents? Hell, where are you, liberal Americans?
Anyone, anyone, who claims to care about an open society and due process of law?
Where are you, “freedom-lovers”?
Where are you, alt-media?
Do you not realize what time it is?
I look at the reaction to Bannon’s imprisonment — which is, with the exception of a few horrified podcasts and a handful of distraught articles in the alternative press, a non-reaction — with astonishment.
I am amazed that millions of ordinary citizens who should know better, and thought leaders who should know better, and elected officials who should know better, all seem blithely unaware of the lessons of history.
Do you think that if you ignore what has happened to Mr Bannon, that you will be spared?
I have been warning since 2007, in my book The End of America, about the sequence of steps that tyrants always take, in order to close down an open society. Since 2020 we are, in the US, at Step 10 of the “Ten Steps to Fascism” — that is, at the point of enduring emergency law.
We have, as the whole world saw during the recent Presidential debate, that true symbol of a Banana Republic: a puppet leader.
But in the last few months, the hallmark final events signaling a murdered democracy have started to unfold in earnest.
This is the stage of the physical mopping-up of the opposition.
Independent commentator Mark Steyn, against medical instruction, though seriously unwell, crossed the ocean to appear at a judicial hearing in London in which OfCom, the UK government media regulator, explained that the agency was entitled to destroy his career, reputation and livelihood because of the “harm” he had caused by reporting the truth about dangerous mRNA injections (some of which have now been pulled off the market in the UK).
Podcaster and commentator Alex Jones asserts that Federal agencies are trying to shut down his studio, and he has been compelled by a judge to pay $1.5 billion to the families of the Sandy Hook victims, a judgment that is forcing him into bankruptcy.
Epoch Times, the third most read digital publication, and an independent voice regarding issues ranging from President Trump’s campaign to the events of January 6 to the COVID injections, has been hit by a major reputational attack, via a hard-to-follow story involving bank cards, unemployment benefits, and the alleged financial misdeeds of a CFO, who has denied the charges.
Dr Joseph Mercola, a major independent medical voice critical of pharma, was debanked, due, he believes, to his views on COVID.
What you need to understand is that debanking, loss of medical licenses, deplatforming, fines, are all mere annoyances that go along with the late-stage decline of free civil societies.
But the physical incarceration of critics — signaled now by the imprisonment of Stephen K Bannon — means we have passed a point almost of no return.
Once they take your body into custody, anything can be done to you, in addition to the suppression of your voice. (One of the scary things about FCI Danbury is that inmates have a “responsibility” to accept medical treatment and follow medical treatment protocols. That could mean anything.)
Mr Bannon would probably dismiss my concerns. His courage, and that of his daughter Capt Maureen Bannon, is unimpeachable. His farewell speech, given just prior to his “surrender” to imprisonment, is one for the history books, delivered with that elan of a Celt wading into a throng of vicious enemies, swinging a sword and shouting with the joy of battle.
I barely know Mr Bannon personally, except in my role as a guest on his podcast. But I recognize in him a patriot, a brother in the fight for our nation’s liberty, and a hero for our times.
Though I don’t agree with him on any number of policy concerns, I recognize that he is the general on the battlefield of the freedom movement; a general for all of us, of whatever political stripe, who love our country and will not see it die if we can help it.
Sometimes I have expressed to him anxiety about the future. (I come from a whining subculture).
Whenever I do so, he responds sternly, “Stop.”
And then he adds: “Get to work.”
So I assume he would not condone the worry I have — not just for him, but for us all.
Those of us who are left un-ruined as of yet, un-incarcerated as of yet, are braced for what may be coming our way.
We are checking our food and water supplies, checking our security systems, and we are training (peacefully) with firearms.
My worry is that once you are in “their” physical custody, whoever “they” are who wish you silenced — whether this custody is in a quarantine camp, a restricted hospital setting where loved ones are not permitted, or in a prison — they can do anything to you.
Once they take your physical body into custody, we have arrived at that notorious six- month period in 1933 in Germany:
“Within days of the Reichstag Fire, and the resulting presidential decree for the Protection of the People and State (February 28), the SA and SSescalated the violence against Nazi political opponents. Thousands of Communists and Social Democrats were arrested and jailed. In March—April 1933, an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 political foes were taken into “protective custody” (Schutzhaft) and imprisoned in concentration camps. The SA and SS routinely beat up and tortured political opponents and vandalized, looted, or destroyed leftist parties’ offices. Sometimes, individuals were murdered.
Not even individuals holding political office at the local or national level were safe from such violence. Some 500 municipal administrators and 70 mayors were forcibly removed from their positions by the end of May 1933. By the end of spring the violence had spread to non-leftist political figures. On June 26, Heinrich Himmler, the head of Bavaria’s political police and the head of the Nazi SS, ordered his forces to place all Reichstag and state assembly representatives from the Bavarian People’s Party in “protective custody.”.’
In this period, the SS informally seized opposition leaders and civil society leaders who had stood fast against their party and ideology.
They seized union leaders; journalists and editors; outspoken religious leaders; and elected officials.
They seized prominent people of all kinds. They marched them off.
They took them into informal custody — basement prisons — and beat them; and eventually released some of them, to tell the tale of their abuse.
Or they disappeared them.
People heard about these basement prisons. They were scared. They went quiet. They complied. In six months, civil society had ended in Germany.
They complied just as you, national political leaders, thought leaders, are scared, and going quiet, and complying, in the wake of Steve Bannon’s arrest, hoping that this silence will buy you freedom from a similar fate.
So many people in the freedom movement are dead. Perhaps it is all just coincidence, just bad luck. Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who warned presciently in December 2021 that the COVID virus was a bioweapon, that the COVID vaccine was “premeditated mass murder”, and that “we are in World War III”, is dead. Dr Kary B. Mullis, who invented and exposed the limitations of the PCR test, is dead. Dr Rashid Buttar, a member of the “disinformation dozen”, claimed that he had been poisoned, and shortly thereafter, passed away. Italian MEP Francesca Donato, who was a “vocal anti-vaxxer” during COVID and criticized the “green pass” system that restricted the travel of the unvaccinated in Italy, lost her husband; he was found dead in aLandRover.
Are all of these accidents, losses and mishaps, irrelevant?
Your silence will not protect you, to quote poet Audre Lorde:
“I was going to die, if not sooner than later, whether or not I had ever spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you.
What are the words you do not have yet? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language.”
Six months after the SS’s detentions and beatings began, after these silences of others about the detentions and beatings, the National Socialists consolidated their power.
And that was the end of the chance to speak out, till that party was defeated in a bloody world war.
That’s what time it is now, leaders from all walks of life — you fools.
This is where we are.
If you don’t speak out now, they won’t pass you by. That is a false calculation.
It won’t be Steve Bannon, next time, and thus “not you.”
Because of your silence now —
Next time, it will be you.
2 books come to mind that anyone with any discernment needs to read , roy beaumeister , ” Evil ; inside human violence and cruelty ” chris browning ” Ordinary men ; reserve police battalion 101 and the final solution in poland ” america is now there and it is going to get worse . the ruby ridge standoff was a warning shot that america ignored . a more recent one is the case of thomas caldwell . its not a matter of will they come for you , the answer is yes they already have and americans are stupid enough to believe it wont happen to them . imagine folks as the left continue to chant ” 4 more years ” . the same crowd that are burning bridges eventually find that they cant cross back over to the safe side because all of the bridges they burnt no longer exist . it is now too late to wake up .
sounds like we have trumps pick for vice president. what better choice when the communists act out against liberty. the ball to topple liberty is rolling. equal and greater force is needed to send it back. it is a simple science.
Chris browning ” Ordinary men ; reserve police battalion 101 and the final solution in poland”
What Browning got fundamentally wrong is that the Final Solution was never enacted in Poland! This is historically false and he has fallen into to the often repeated “Polish death camps” slur on the Polish nation.
After the defeat of Poland in 1939 there was no Poland. That is fact.
The Final Solution was enacted in German Generalgouvernement, Gaue East Prussia and Silesia, Reichsgaue Danzig-West Prussia and Wartheland.
IMO the post WWII restructured Poland should have never included Auschwitz which was a German death camp in German Gau Silesia and should have remained a post-war German territory and the dreadful history along with it. Meaning that visitors would not associate going to see a Polish death camp as it being Polish because it is in Poland after all.
Firstly: The reason the Poles annexed Silesia and so on after the war was because the Soviet Union – who were their puppet masters and tyrants – dictated it. Nothing else even came close.
Secondly: There was indeed popular support in Poland for annexing it, unlike basically every other communist initiative, but after dealing with decades of German two faced mess and finally a genocidal dismemberment, who can blame them for wanting compensation and some safety buffer?
Finally: “ After the defeat of Poland in 1939 there was no Poland. That is fact.”
No, it is not, and this is a perverse and disgusting adoption of the Nazi perspective. It is all the more ironic you do so allegedly on behalf of Poles or a besmirching of their names (which is a real problem as Miss Gorska can attest). While Nazi tyrants could invade and declare whatever they wished by forced of violence, that did not make it right or correct or legitimate; the legitimate Polish Government in Exile proved this. As did the ancient slogan of “Poland is not yet lost.” Moreover, without understanding that the General Governate was built off of the artificially dismembered territory of Poland, it makes little sense why the Nazis had to deploy their troops to exterminate the “undesirables” that had been peacefully living in the land up to that point.
Firstly I am Polish.
The fact that Poland ceased to exist after the invasion of Germany and the USSR is a historical fact. Just as Poland had ceased to exist for 123 years prior to its reconstitution in 1918. I am sure some Poles believed Poland was not lost during that time also.
What happened to the legitimate Polish government in Exile? It also ceased to exist and the Polish communist PKWN took power whilst the impotent “legitimate” Polish government in exile held power in London!
All mail out of Warsaw during WWII was never marked as sent from Poland it was always addressed as from Warschau, Generalgouvernement, Maps produced never feature the pre-war Polish state boundaries. I believe there was an American atlas published at the time where the German territories of former Poland were detailed not the pre-1939 boundaries.
As to the reconstituted post-war boundaries of the Polish State, the London based Polish Government in Exile could not even affect that. So much for their influence over the Allied Powers. They were always a fractious collection of competing interests. The majority of the “London Poles” want a return to the pre-war boundaries which even Sikorski (and Retinger) thought fanciful. Sikorski before his death had also made known he was in favour of reaching a territorial accommodation with Stalin which many were opposed to agreeing with.
Silesia was seen as incorporating industrial resources into post-war Poland however Poland could have left Auschwitz aside for Germany in some kind of extraterritorial arrangement. Which IMO it should have been.
Washington D.C.(District of Criminals)is full of those who belong in prison for Treason Bide and his Son as well as both the Clintons plus Soros and Gates
The lack of any opposition to lockdowns, the lack of any opposition to net zero, the lack of opposition to globalisation of government, and for your nation, the lack of opposition to the January 6th political trials holding people in solitary confinement for years now WITHOUT TRIAL.
Virtual silence was the stern reply.
Like in Nazi Germany nobody cared about the Jews and WWII started when the Germans came for everyone else.
This is the future of America if these Leftist Democrats aren’t stopped.
They will definitely come for all of us.
Including there Useful Idiots parading around as climate change warriors and Trump haters.
They are too stupid to understand that they are being used by the International Left to achieve World domination by the United Nations and China.
God help us.
Had Great Britain and France not entered military Anglo-Polish Agreement in 1939 then WWII would not have started following the German invasion of Poland.
The Germans weren’t interested in “everyone else” other than its territorial expansion “policy Generalplan Ost ” in the East at the expense of the barbaric and uncivilised Slavs. Eastern Europe and the CCCP were to be under German colonial administration and its population exploited as a resource to the full benefit of the colonial regime. Germany had no animus with the British Empire it simply wanted its own Greater Reich” in the East free of interference from Britain. They could coexist however the Anglo-Polish Agreement put paid to that. Also Chamberlain was acutely aware that the Soviets were stoking things up in the British socialist establishment to push Britain and Germany into a war
WWII was not about saving European Jews although it seems to have been seen as such today.
Well said, even if you present only a small precis of the total picture. (A larger amount of information would take up far too much space.) Nobody cared about the European Jews then, any more than they care about the Israeli or Diaspora Jews now. We are too small a population to create more than a tiny blip on the big picture, anywhere or at any time.
“Germany had no animus with the British Empire ..” Are you kidding, ever heard from kaiser William II and his obsession with Britain?
Hitler’s Germany wanted its own Empire/Großgermanisches Reich alongside that of Great Britain. That Großgermanisches Reich was to be in the East with the subjugation of the uncivilized Slavs. There was no animus against the British Empire as long as Germany was allowed to create its Großgermanisches Reich. Hitler was an admirer of the British Empire – how a small island nation was able to control vast swaths of colonial territories – that he wanted to emulate in the East.
J6 was the Reichstag. You are spot on.
The speed of implementation is slower this time.
More and more people are ripping the blinders off. Thanks to the charade at the top of the democrat presidential ticket.
Thank you Naomi for pointing out how serious this is and the precarious situation we are in.
Deadly serious!
Many Reichstags. J 6 idiots walked right into it. Wise up.
Many of us have been warning about this coming from the left for decades. The same people who said I was out of mind in 1995 and called me a white supremacist are now coming up to me like “Can you believe this is happening! We need to do something!” Of course, if I was a white supremacist I would have to hate my own wife and kids but that didn’t matter to them. While the left waged political warfare under a thin veneer of tolerance(which fooled many) the people we thought we were electing to stop it acquiesced and indeed joined in on the deep state takeover in order to advance their own fortunes. It is now a fait accompli and it will take decades to recover our liberty, if ever. On the bright side, 30 years ago there were no media voices on the right except for Rush, and they pulled the same kind of dirty tricks on him with audits and allegations and investigations that they’re doing now. Nobody came to his defense at that time either. The only reason they are now putting people in jail is that they know they’ve lost control and are becoming more desperate.
Texas Senator Phil Gramm had an Asian wife, but that never stopped salivating liberals from slandering him as a “racist!” also.
Of course the left toss around accusations of “racism” as casually as they spread diseases. (The most desperate example is always on Voter I.D.)
Interesrting thing about Gramm, is he had a PhD in Economics and was a conservative Democrat. The rabid leftists in the DNC ejected him like they did Lieberman. (His sin was showing fiscal restraint – especially with spending.)
Side note:
Ann Coulter did come to Rush’s defense back then, but that was back when she was on her game.
Stalin put people in jail. It was not “desperation”. It was power.
As it is now.
Bannon was thrown in jail after defying a congressional subpoena and getting cited for contempt by Congress.
Merrick Garland defied a congressional subpoena and was cited for contempt of congress. When will the House sergeant-at-arms arrest him?
Garland is on the side that’s winning. Garland is a government insider. Bannon is neither. Not to mention that the committee that subpoenaed Bannon was not legally constituted, according to House rules (only two minority members seated, instead of six), and thus may not have had the legal standing to subpoena anyone.
Very, very sadly, frustratingly, Luna backed off.
Today was the deadline for her replacement $10K fine. Was that erased too?
Eric Holder, Obama’s wingman AG, also ignored such an order.
The weaker horse did nothing.
Trump had an opportunity to go after Hillary and her multiple crimes. However, once he had the authority, he backed off. Hence. lefties grow more confident.
Does anyone know why?
So as not to set a precedent for going after rival politicians as which is the norm in 3rd world cesspools.
I personally think the bitch and her grifting Clinton Holyland Foundation should’ve been investigated. If a decisive case could be laid out (it could have and then some), then criminal referrals should’ve been made.
Keep in mind that the FBI had already intentionally damaged the case by giving full immunity to witnesses WITHOUT CONDITIONS. They dutifully cashed in and refused to testify.
Trump stated that Hillary had suffered enough already.
And Holder, Garland, Lerner, Hillary/Conspirators/Foundation, Comey/FBI Conspirators, 51 Conspirators, Hunter, other Biden’s, and THE BIG GUY…. ARE LAUGHING!
If Trump went after them, then they’d use the word Lawfare and turn around the narrative and the MSM would promote it!
Then we have Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, and members of the J6 Committee who DESTROYED ALL THE EVIDENCE while not looking at some very suspicious acts… so they act like Sgt. Schultz… “I see nothing! I hear nothing! I KNOW NOTHING!” Most in Congress are attorneys, so where did they learn that only the prosecution puts up evidence and no defense attorneys or witnesses? Even two DA’s I know didn’t care what I told them. They LAUGHED! They LAUGHED about the DOJ, AG’s, and DA’s, targeting Trump and letting Biden off!
“THE MAGMA is brewing HOTTER AND HOTTER and the Volcano is about to BLOW!” SC
Thank you for speaking out about this atrocity. How does the ordinary average citizen fight against this? I know getting involved at the grassroots level is important but when we see this kind of overreaching Lawfare, what can we do.?
Good questions. Does anyone out there have answers?
Buy more ammo. 🇺🇸
Absolutely. And there is only one answer to make it easy for anyone. ‘Choose’ to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and invite Him to take over your life and prepare you for an eternity with Him in a paradise you can’t even begin to imagine.
Yes, I said ‘choose’. Scripture says “Choose ye this day who you will follow: as for me and my house, we have chosen the Lord”. It really is up to you and time is running out. God gave mankind 6,000 years to ‘get it right’ and now time’s up !! That is why everything you are seeing today is insane and demonic.
“But I don’t believe the Bible” you say. Well, that’s a choice you made. Now simply make another choice to believe the Bible, believe in Jesus and He will take it from there. You only have to take the first step (believe) and He will do the rest in and through you by His Holy Spirit.
Give Him a call quickly. He has been wating to hear from you for a long time.
Rev. Roy……….<
You could form a human rights group and target it to these cases.
Good article by Naomi. America has not seen the worst yet; then, and only then, will America stand up.
Prayers for Navarro and Bannon and all political prisoners and last but not least, pray for the country.
There is no doubt the left will go max violent when we win the election in November.
They need some pain.
You are 100% correct, unfortunately it is the only language they understand.
Don’t forget political prisoners Derek Chauvin, the J6 people, and the Georgia Three (Ahmet Aubery)!
Bari: start organizing the rally, I will be there with all my family. I was in Washington DC for the freedom works, for the anti obamacare, for the restoring honor of Glenn Beck, etc, so when do we go?
Naomi Wolf organized a network of legal and medical minds to expose the COVID lies and combat Big Pharma fallacious injections that inflicted pain and suffering on humanity… promulgated by Fauci and main stream media whose revenue comes from Rx advertising.
The demise or death of prominent scientists who challenged the fake narrative are in company with Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, John Eastman, J6ers among others.
What Time It Is: Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco (1959) explains the time as encroaching fascism/communism/marxism/globalism irrationally or illogically captures public group-think in defiance of objective reason and independent thought.
Some of us “will not capitulate.”
The cleverest totalitarian system is one where the citizens do not realize they live under a dictatorship. Anon.
I have grown a huge respect for Naomi Wolf. Not long ago I would have denounced her warnings as leftist hyperbole. No longer. The evidence of the last 10 years since Obama, have solidified my contention that the Marxist/Islamist party once known as the Democrat Party is concentrating power within our own government to become the fascist megalomaniacs of our histories nightmares. We dismiss these sign at our peril. Fight them we must a the local level on up. Apathy is suicidal.
She’s similar to Tammy Bruce, as she’s a liberal and not a leftist goon.
(Tammy Bruce insisted that a predatory lecher be prosecuted for breaking the law. As that lecher turned out to be Slick Willie, Tammy was kicked out of the L.A. chapter of N.O.W.)
A former BLM, and former AntiFa member also had an epiphany; now they both have videos on Prager U.
Gotta love it when someone takes the blinders off.
Steve Bannon’s case is yet another example of the iron rule of leftism: whatever nefarious thing they accuse conservatives of doing or planning to do is exactly what the left itself is doing or planning to do. They say that – if elected in November – Trump will go after his political opponents, yet they have been going after Trump and his associates and supporters for eight years: General Flynn; Rudy Giuliani; Roger Stone; Bannon; Sidney Powell; the J6 trespassers and “paraders”; the Hillary-meme guy; Trump himself; and all of the others I can’t recall at the moment. Among Trump and his associates, there have probably been twenty or thirty they went after.
We must gather our strength and fight this behemoth!
While some Dems are trying to figure out how to get rid of the corpse Biden, those of us in the egregiously stupid wasteland of Canada are increasing being subject to totalitarian dictates by the idiot tyrant Trudeau. Just about all western democracies are riven by division and dissention regarding the social construct of these respective countries. At the same time, our enemies are are increasingly cooperating and determined to dominate the world. The reason there is war in Europe, the Middle East and an impending move by China on Taiwan is because of the lack of purpose and navel gazing in the west – particularly in the US. It remains to be seen if DJT can render the totalitarian hegemon inert. If not, then the new world will be a dystopian hell for our kids and grandkids.
Ms. Wolfe, thank you for such an insightful, albiet disturbing, article. A respectful suggestion – watch your own back! We need you! I look at Bannon and Navarro, the J6ers, and Trump’s “felony conviction”, and see a very ruthless machine that will stop at nothing, including assassination. What’s next I try not to think about, but I fear it’s not pretty.
Though I agree with the direction of the article, I must criticize it beginning with the first phrase:
Stephen K Bannon IS NOT the most prominent political prisoner: Derek Chauvin is! Over 700 peaceful participants of the January 6 rally are!
I do not understand why Mr. Bannon refused to show up at the notorious illegal commission. Why did he not use that opportunity to speak out the truth upsetting the commission?! Why didn’t Mr. Bannon insist that Pres. Trump exposed the imposture by Obama/Soetoro inviting Sheriff Arpaio to testify before Congress the results of his December 15, 2020 3rd press conference?!
By the way, why didn’t Mr. Bannon merely leave the country somewhere offshore before his trial?
Moreover, why didn’t Pres. Trump didn’t leave the country already on January 7, 2021, somewhere offshore to establish a government in exile?!
Shame on them both! By participating in the farce of this government, not only do they both COMPLY, but they send us all a very shameful message that we comply too!
Where the hell are we, everyone – asks Ms. Wolf?!
Sorry, sir. The insult is brought by those who run, hide, and roll over to allow the evil to rule.
Sorry, Madam, “the insult”, or more accurately, the demise of this nation, was brought by opportunists not wishing to expose the 2008-2016 imposture by Obama/Soetoro, one of which was Mr. Bannon. The rest is the consequences – see http://judeochristianamerica.org/
Bannon refused to show up on advise of council, due to the illegal nature of the committee.
Retribution in 2025 for each and every one of the miscreants who turned America into a 3rd World Nation by doing this. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
Lefties who performed a coup will long remember 2025.
What the author is saying is frightening enough but if you really want to know what it was like look at Darkness At Noon by Arthur Koestler – either the play (w/ Claude Rains and Kim Hunger) or the novel. It reveals what it’s like when there’s no way out and even the original Bolsheviks are devoured one by one by one man’s paranoia (Stalin). Koestler was an early Zionist, then became a CP member and used a liberal Berlin newspaper as his ‘cover’ for his working with the CP. A true believer for a long time. Then came the Moscow show trials 1937 – 39 and the lid was lifted from his eyes and the beast revealed. Publishing his novel – thought to be lost in a shipwreck and translated into French by a woman who was a sculptress and his lover and finally rediscovered in an attic in Switzerland it finally made it’s way to the U.S. a horror of a machine grinding up its victims with no way out.
I was so moved by the story I wrote ‘Darkness After night :Ukraine – a parable of wish fulfillment for the brave Ukrainian people. Link:
It of course didn’t make waves in a major way – that’s often the case with well-meaning, low budgeted efforts but it did win Best Original Screenplay (adapted from another medium)in The Marina Del Rey Film Festival.
(my dream is to revive the Golden Age of TV which took place in NY in the late 40’s, 50’s and 60’s where the budgets non-existent or at least commensurate with local TV programming, sets were small but had actors like Ed Asner, James Dean, Kim Stanley, Martin Landau and were written by Paddy Chayevsky, Ronald Ribman, Rod Serling, etc.
Call me naive or a hopeless idealist but the cultural level was head and shoulders above what is now considered sophisticated with all the DEI pablum being foisted upon us – gutter culture by any other name. How can no one see this?
Stephan Morrow
Artistic Director
The Great American Play Series
I remember the early days of TV, I was a child then. I also remember the adults of the day had attention spans, read books, and could have articulate discussions. They could appreciated literate productions. Today’s viewers? Well, I have my doubts. Best of luck to you.
“We did not love freedom enough. We simply deserved everything that came afterwards”. Solzhenitsyn.
Bannon is the American equivalent of the UK’s Tommy Robinson.
He will come out of jail stronger and his political opponents will eventually be decimated.
If parents will not do whatever necessary to protect their children from activist Judges who take them away because the parents do not follow the LGBTQ agenda, then they are not going to raise a finger in aid of a middle aged, grizzled, fat white guy. And I say that as a middle aged , grizzled, fat white guy. America is already lost, what is happening is just the final, confirming act of that fact.
I used to practice kendo, Japanese fencing. In that art, as I believe is true in all forms of combat and sport, your opponent is defended not by the perfectly execute sword cut or thrust, you must beat them mentally or spiritually before he can deliver the physical “kill” stroke.
We see the same in America society. American society is paralyzed. It is paralyzed mentally and spiritually and thus cannot react against the physical blow that is on its why but yet to land.
We are in a global coup d’etat targeting USA first.
As USA goes so goes the world.
A coup d’etat without firing a single shot.
The first salvo was the pLandemic
And the control of the population.
The cinching salvo was the rigging and stealing of the 2020 election.
Installing the perfect stooge puppet whore for the deep state
Who signed whatever they told him to sign
To systematically destroy the USA in every facet and sector.
And reduce us to a complete banana republic.
The UN’s Secret Plan to Erode US Sovereignty
The 2nd Amendment was created for these times. (Now). Stock up on ammunition and pray. (God and guns can save America).
” They are not coming for me, they are coming for YOU, Im just in the way”….
Donald J. Trump tells it like it is once again.
Take note of the amount of people who have died when they spoke out against the covid BS and who has gone to Prison for speaking their minds in what used to known as a Free America with a First Amendment right.
Dangerous days ahead.
No sooner is Julian Assange released (https://peterdanielmiller.substack.com/p/a-coincidence-of-two-decisions) than Steve Bannon is imprisoned. Bannon was held ‘in Contempt of Congress’ — but something like 90 percent of the American people hold Congress in contempt. And Congress richly — no pun intended — deserves their contempt. If everyone who despises Congress and the rest of the WDC swamp-slime were to show up at Danbury, there’d be way too many to arrest. Perhaps that day will come, thanks to this call by Dr Naomi Wolf.
Re. Bannon’s incarceration, what is being described is simply every correctional facility’s mode of functioning. I don’t see anything particularly unique in treatment of Bannon here. No prisoner has access to the internet, for obvious security reasons. As to following the election campaign–I presume he can watch the TV news, if not more alternate internet sources.
As a 71 yr. old lie long practicing Christian I worked in aircraft simulation for over 40 yrs and retired in 2018. I knew the jab process was a COUP of my country Canada from the get go. I would not be silent. Many of my on line friends are no longer with us. The local health establishment treated me like a ward of the state and still does to this day. I have been active in e-mail campaigns to so called officials who are nothing short of belligerent bad actors involved in this attack on us all. I firmly believe the next lockdown they will come for me. They have built a “women’s center” to house ???? here in Montreal during the 2020/2023 lockdown. They are not going to stop. They have the hill in military terms. Just saying. Thanks for this. Be Blessed.