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You can’t turn on the TV these days without there being some ad that leaves you scratching your head wondering, ‘who the hell thought that was a good idea?’ Stupid music, dumb people doing annoying things, and a very high percentage of them are just downright ugly. When did this happen?
There isn’t an Amazon TV commercial that doesn’t feature some kind of weirdo. There’s the one with the semi-cross-dressing freak buying whatever. I honestly have no idea what that creature with the unibrow is looking for because I look away when it’s on. Should an ad make the viewer recoil? Should it cause bulimia?
I have to assume this is a deliberate choice, otherwise they’d bust out the weed whacker and slice through that brow.
Then there’s the hairy guy who may or may not live in some Nordic country who needs to buy sheep sheers to shave his hairy chest so his fat ass can jump into cold water while people watch. I assume there’s some kind of story to the ad, but what will remain a mystery – it’s just one fat guy getting wet and cold, something he’s very excited about, while others are there. I honestly never even noticed if anyone else looked wet in the ad, it’s just so stupid it’s hard to focus on anything else.
I get that Jeff Bezos and his fiancé are fans of plastic surgery, or at least they sure seem to be, but at some point shouldn’t they notice people aren’t looking at them because he’s rich but because they both kind of look like disastrous “after” pictures in a newspaper ad from a law firm fishing for clients who’ve been abused by a malicious doctor?
The next step is an Amazon ad for a bone saw with a guy living in a cabin in the woods.
Amazon isn’t the only one making incredibly stupid ads featuring wildly unattractive people. Sephora and Ulta Beauty, ironically, have a lot of cross-dressing “trans” people pushing their garbage.
Honestly, if you’re looking for beauty advice from a hairy fem-guy, you’re doing it wrong. If you think a confused guy wearing glitter lip gloss is the key to moving your product, your product should be a moving van because normal people will get the hell away from you as quickly as humanly possible.
I know you’re not supposed to say these things, but I can’t bring myself to care anymore. I have a wife and two daughters, and while the daughters are too young for most of this crap, when I do buy them nail polish or something for my wife, I avoid these places like the plague. I’m sure the products they sell are fine, I just want nothing to do with the company.
Embracing mentally unstable people is not “tolerance,” it’s exploitation. These companies are gross. They’re a couple of ad campaigns away from embracing a child molester as a “minor-attracted person” with a “love is love” campaign. Yeah, they’re that gross.
Who do they think this appeals to? Who looks at a commercial with a guy dressed like a woman and thinks, “This captures who I am!”? What is the percentage of the population that such ads draw in, less than one? What is the percentage it repels? When your ad campaign involves the hope that people seeing it aren’t paying attention to the details of it, you’re doing something wrong.
I’m glad I’m not a stockholder of these companies because even if they don’t cause the stock to crater, they and the people who signed off on it are most definitely holding back the progress.
And don’t get me started on the stupid lyrics in songs in some of these ads. Fanatics ads for NFL gear feature songs that people with brain damage recognize as dumb. If your market is people who buy things stupid people want, you’re gonna grow like crazy. As for me, I’m never going to use your products.
I’m old enough to remember when ads were about glamour and trying to sell the idea that your life could be like the commercial if only you had their product. It was selling an illusion, but it was an aspirational one. Now it’s punishment. A threat: Use this and the people you hope your kids never turn into or move into your neighborhood will…I don’t know what.
If they’re trying to appeal to as few people as possible, well done. If they’re hoping to draw in new customers, well, they’ve certainly cornered the Cro-Magnon market, for whatever that’s worth.
They are not appealing to their customers they are appealing to their broader stakeholders because they can’t make a profit anymore because of Chinese rip off products. They therefore need inward investment and they cannot get that without displaying ESG scores.
Anyone who still watches major networks deserves this and more.
I am so glad that i don’t watch broadcast or cable TV. I don’t watch ads. I can hardly believe that people pay over 100$ a month for cable, and then watch ads along with it.
If you want to end the BS, stop griping and start boycotting.
Done and done.
Buy a Samsung and get hundreds of free channels, stream free stuff online and pay ten bucks for Netflix is my advice to anybody with more than one brain cell.
Tubi TV is free and better than Netflix. I have been watching movies from the 1930’s -1950’s and they are so much better than the trash they are making today.
Tubi has the best selection of old movies. Hula listed a movie from 1980’s as a classic. Unbelievable!
I have Hula for free too. Samsung, baby. All the streaming sites are available. But I stream pirate sites. Who is retarded enough to pay for shit you can get for free?
I have Tubi TV for free on my Samsung TV. 🙂
I think it’s called DEI.
They don’t care about advertising and selling a product. They are trying to “center” (normalize) the abnormal, the ugly, the grotesque. That the corporations that pay for these ads don’t ask the ad agencies “WTF was that” when the agencies present the ads for approval is simply amazing to me. Corporate America seems to have become a collection of untesticaled invertebrates.
Now I know why I stream “Reacher” instead of paying for Amazon. In fact, I don’t pay for any stream service even though they all came with my Samsung TV. I could even watch Disney if I were suicidal. I don’t bother with network TV either so the only commercials I see are on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. Those suck badly enough, so I’m glad I don’t have to ignore the whacko crap Amazon airs. I have a limit to how many trannies prancing around I want to see each day and that’s about zero.
I don’t know why you pay for Amazon, Hunter, when you can stream anything on it for free and not have to see the freaks in the photo above. Thanks for making me hold in my vomit, by the way. It tastes great. You might want to take a look at your monthly budget and make a few adjustments. Amazon is a definite throwaway.
Hell, I don’t even pay for Netflix but I sure do watch it for free. America is full of left-wing dummies and companies just waiting to be taken advantage of. Who am I to say no?
The goal of the LEFT is to destroy beauty! Beauty in nature – look at the trash they leave behind and FROM their behinds! Beauty in art – hunter?? Beauty in media – hideous non-horror people! Beauty in life – murderous from womb to tomb! THAT is the GOAL of the left – to make their sick ideology the “norm”! I quit watching network tv at least five years ago – now I watch old movies where they spoke so eloquently and without the need for “f” words polluting every sentence! The left is nothing more than a CANCER and the sooner it’s destroyed the better for everyone!
It’s a mental illness, even a psychosis.
One day historians will look back at today and argue that it was the final blow that took down our civilization.
That kind of contradicts itself, doesn’t it? lol
Anyway, hopefully historians in the future will be more attractive than today’s historians.
I see ugly people.
Always. Everywhere. Not just on TV. Maybe that’s it. Maybe if America became thin and attractive again, advertisers would notice. Shape up, fatsos. Make America Beautiful Again. Lose some fucking weight, please.
We are living a time when ugliness, ignorance and stupidity are imposed as the norm, and it’s being done on purpose, to further condition us as vegetables. Resistance is a must.
So they didn’t learn anything from the BudLite Babe.. I see this as a desperate move to make these freakazoids relevant. This is why we watch recorded shows and zip through the commercials.