There is one overriding issue in this campaign. It’s not abortion, immigration or judicial nominations, as important as they are.
When your house is on fire, don’t make plans to redecorate. There’s a fire raging in America which could consume our country. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s reality. If the revolutionaries seize control, nothing else will matter in the long run.
We’ve seen it time and again. We saw it in the streets of Paris in 1789, in Moscow in 1917 and in Germany the early 1930s – the marches and sloganeering, the rage, the murderous violence, the attacks on authority, the chaos, and the insistence that only a revolutionary vanguard understood the will of the people.
The enemy was aristocratic privilege, or an antiquated monarchy, or “capitalist exploitation” or the Jews. This time, it’s carefully orchestrated charges of institutional racism, police brutality, and an unjust economic system.
We used to say it can’t happen here. That’s what some Germans told themselves during the Weimar years. How could a country so educated, so cultured — the center of scientific research and medical advancement — elect a gang of murderous cretins? They did.
In the 18th century, France epitomized refinement in art, architecture and literature. French was the language of most European courts, the language of diplomacy. Then came the guillotine.
And America?
We pioneered representative government and civil liberties. Our Constitution was a model for developing nations the world over. We survived a Civil War, the Great Depression, two World Wars, and the upheaval of the 1960s. We told ourselves we were the last remaining superpower, and other comforting cliches. But civilization is never assured. The barbarians are always at the gates.
It’s not just the anarchy in our streets, but chaos with a purpose — chaos that’s been carefully cultivated.
A Biden victory will be the revolution in power – like Hindenburg appointing Hitler after the Nationalist Socialists won a plurality in the 1932 election.
Antifa and BLM will make the transition from brown shirts to Schutzstaffel – a paramilitary force used to terrorize opponents of the regime.
Under a creature like Andrew Cuomo, the Justice Department will be used to probe and prosecute police on suspicion of doing their job, to intimidate them into compliance. As Governor, Cuomo said there was no place in New York for conservatives. As AG, they’ll be no place for conservatives in America.
Under Chief Justice Hillary Clinton, an expanded Supreme Court will provide a veneer of constitutionality to the regime’s depredations, including confiscation of civilian firearms.
Shortly after his inauguration, the 25th Amendment will be invoked and Biden will be removed for mental incapacity, whereupon Kamala Harris will become the president from the 9th Circle of Hell.
There will be a modern equivalent of the Reichstag fire that the regime will use to consolidate its power and demonize everyone on the right. After D.C. and Puerto Rico become states, and millions here illegally are amnestied and made citizens, future elections will be a sham.
There is one man that stands between us and the triumph of the revolution.
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