The New Hampshire Senate race, at this point, isn’t all that close. Hassan could still get the chop, but the GOP isn’t all that confident, dropping its ad buys, and the Dems aren’t too worried. This isn’t a desperate bleeder of a race and yet Dems keep showing up.
Last week, former Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) — a self-proclaimed Granite State newbie — expressed excitement about touching down in the fall.
“First ever visit to New Hampshire and I made sure to take a short break from campaigning for my friend [Hassan] to enjoy some amazing New England Clam Chowder and a lobster roll!” Jones tweeted, along with a photo displaying his big grin.
Is anyone in New Hampshire really seeking the services of a guy who spent 5 minutes in the Senate repping Alabama? Or Jon Ossoff?
A pair of senators from two of Democrats’ top swing states, Jon Ossoff of Georgia and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, have also stumped there to help keep the Senate majority intact.
Isn’t there a Senate race in Georgia, Ossoff could be helping with?
Booker and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) have also paid visits
Not a major shock. Both would love a shot at 2024 if they could get it. Jones is a stranger one. And Ossoff? Seriously. Then again this is a guy who blew a ton of money on a previous race and then rode the coattails into the Senate, a role he’s completely unqualified for and we hardly hear anything about him. So in true Beto style, he may be looking at the White House. It makes as little sense as the rest of his ridiculous career.
What all of this really is a vote of no confidence in Biden and Kamala. Democrats are feeling out primary options on the assumption that there’s no future for either of them.
Also this suggests that the Dems may end up with a very crowded primary. Again.
lol, good one 🙂
I suspected as much, or was nearly certain of it. Now it comes out in the open 🙂
Whoever runs from either party globalists win big. “Always be closing”
Not if Trump beats the institutionalized Dirtbagocrat vote fraud next time around.
Whoops! I misread your comment in haste. You’re 100% right. I was saddened to see the globalists F your new PM out of office so fast, but then I doubt you wanted her any more than I did. I wanted you to get that (real) conservative African chick but I knew you wouldn’t. For all Labor’s kow towing to wokeness and non-whites for the suckers in the electorate, I notice all the PMs have been white. Disraeli was a Jew (also white) and Thatcher was a woman but they were anomalies, and demonstrably so.
Not that I want a woman President or another Rainbow Boy like Bareback Hasbeen Osama, who’s race is unknown except that his mother was definitely white. I would support a woman like Sarah Palin or Tulsi Gabbard as President but I can’t think of ANY other which I would. All the other usual candidates would be nightmares worse than Boudica or Merkel.
Double whoops. I was right the first time. It’s my girlfriend’s birthday so I’m in my cups.
If Alzheimer Joe is still vertical for the primaries, I’ll watch them. Usually they’re just boring and idiotic lie fests but they’d be hilarious with that senile retard and a gaggle of nobodies and familiar losers all trying to prove they’re the most “woke” and their policies are the most anti-American. The fake news media fake moderators would make it even funnier.
Good “Hassan chop” reference. I wouldn’t have thought you were old enough to have seen that cartoon.
Yeah, from vertical to comatose. When will it happen? I’ve seen numerous cases, but never kept track of how long it took.
You never know. I do know he DNC won’t allow him to win and probably won’t allow him to run even if he is alive and vertical but I don’t believe for a second that he’ll be either.
He isn’t healthy like us. He’ll be fertilizing a graveyard soon while his soul burns in Hell. If there is a Hell and afterlife.If not, he’ll become an impotent ghost that kids tease and bully worse than the Canterville ghost ever was humiliated.