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Neither sleet, snow, nor major firestorms will ever prevent California’s one-state Democrat majority from conducting its rounds of pushing woke politics above everything else.
As wildfires continued to ravage parts of Los Angeles on Thursday, California lawmakers in Sacramento officially began a special legislative session to prepare the state for President-elect Donald Trump.
Thursday marked the first regular floor session for state lawmakers since the fires began. Those fires are expected to leave Southern California with one of, if not the, most expensive catastrophes in U.S. History. The damage also raises questions about California’s future with the property insurance market, which has been hesitant or refusing to insure residents living in disaster prone parts of the state.
The Democratic-led Assembly and State Senate paused their regular business Thursday to gavel into the Trump-related special legislative session, which Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered days after the presidential election.
That session is meant to quickly provide the California Department of Justice an extra $25 million to prepare for legal battles with the Trump administration
When pressed by KCRA 3 if now is the right time for the Trump-related special session, Assembly Speaker Rivas wouldn’t answer the question.
“My colleagues and I are acting with great urgency to ensure we are providing much needed relief to Angelenos, that we understand what it will take for this region to recover and to support those who have been most impacted by this disaster,” Rivas said.
What does helping ‘Angelenos’ recover mean? Protecting illegal alien criminals.
The core purpose of the special session is fighting Trump’s deportations which will be primarily aimed at illegal alien criminals.
California can be on fire and it won’t matter, Democrat legislative priorities will be illegal alien criminals, transgender procedures for kids and getting rid of the rest of the water.
There’s a dearth of sound judgement, rational thinking and common sense among the elected leaders of the state of California.
And I’ll betcha dollars to donuts that every one of those incompetent democrat jackasses running this state gets reelected. The voters here have a weakness for crazy feckless democrats.
With a “selection” system like that in California which gives the Democrat organized crime enterprise free reign to commit vote fraud and leverage their illegal immigrant population to ensure permanent power, you can count on this Marxist-Leninist state to continue on its current path. The incoming Trump administration should declare it an “outlaw” state that harbors terrorists and prosecute Democrat officials and NGOs at all levels. A large-scale Oct 7 style terrorist assault on the U.S. is coming (the trained assault teams are already in the country thanks to the Biden regime), and Democrat-controlled California will be a principal support base for these terror operations.
While all that is true, keep in mind that the dims don’t need to engage in vote fraud to win. Perhaps in other states but certainly not California. A simple demographics of the state of California reveals why that is true.
To put it succinctly, there are far more democrats in this state than republicans. The dims have the numbers thus vote fraud would be a waste of time as there would be nothing to gain by it.
I never vote for them. I don’t know if they get into office through voter fraud or voter stupidity but I know I never vote for them.
Greasehead Newscum. I don’t think so.
Stupidity is how democrats get and stay in power. A failing education system is their best friend. that produces functional illiterates is what’s keeping democrats in power.
Ignorance, illiteracy, a servile media and a largely incurious and ill-informed populace is what keeps democrats in office.
I do ;not generally like the divisiveness of hating on regions of the country because vote fraud brings those regions corrupt leaders. So, take what I suggest with a grain of salt. Yet…..
With Canada, Greenland, and Panama added, why do we need California?
Whoa whoa whoa there bub!! I live in California! You ain’t kicking me out of the union! Not without a fight! Plus I can name several north eastern states that are more deserving of being kicked out of the union than California!
Continental defense, ports, and when properly irrigated, the central valley is an agricultural bread basket. Better to kick them out of power than give that up. It’s not like it’s not “for cause.”
Hey, I live in California. I wouldn’t mind if it became it’s own country, in fact it should, just outlaw the Dirtbagocrat party.
And pronounce me as Emperor. I would be an enlightened tyrant.
Sounds like a plan to me with just one caveat: We anoint you emperor for a 10 year period then at the end of that 10 year period, we the people cut off your head and the anoint a new emperor or opt to become a Constitutional republic.
As emperor, you have the option of declaring the country of California a Constitutional republic before you term expires and then resign as emperor to escape being beheaded.
Look at the rack on that chick in the left side of the photo. Succulent.
Um um um!! Sweet and delicious eye candy!!
They all should be arrested and charged with Treason they all deserve to get Life in Prison without Parole Plea Bargins Clemency or Pardons
Actually, I’d prefer it if they were quietly renditioned to some small remote island in the deep Pacific ocean for “questioning” and……..
I suggest that the only thing Assembly Speaker Rivas does with great urgency is having anal intercourse with other members of the Assembly while swapping spit in the shower.
Question: Will the Hollywood left leaning stars fork over millions in support for the disastrous leadership that allowed their homes to burn?