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I remember when White House Spokesman Ari Fleischer made an off-hand remark about what he thought was Bill Maher praising the Al Qaeda terrorists, suggesting that people should watch what they say, and we have spent years hearing about the Bush administration “terrorizing”, “censoring” and “intimidating” the press.
Bush was compared to Hitler and the incident still continues to be brought up today even as the Biden administration is fighting in court for the “free speech right” to censor political opponents on social media, and now the White House has fired off a letter to FOX News warning it to stop covering Joe Biden’s corruption.
The White House is formally calling on Fox News to walk back its coverage of bribery and corruption allegations against President Joe Biden.
In a letter sent to the right-wing network’s top brass this week, which has not been previously reported, Ian Sams, a top White House spokesperson, noted that the ex-FBI informant who was the source of the bribery claims has now been charged by federal authorities for allegedly fabricating the story.
“Despite this, Fox has taken no steps to retract, correct, or update its reporting on this false allegation from 2023,” Sams said in his letter to Fox News chief executive Suzanne Scott, president Jay Wallace, and Washington bureau chief Bryan Boughton.
Despite media misinformation, Smirnov’s allegations were a late-arriving cherry on the cake in an investigation that involved IRS whistleblowers, business partners of Hunter Biden and extensive information from his own laptops.
Yet forget that for a moment.
Imagine the response if the Bush or Trump administrations had sent such a threatening letter to CBS News.
This isn’t even coming from the Biden campaign, a distinct organization, or any of the numerous leftist groups it has at its command, but from a special assistant to the president, with Anita Dunn cc’ed on it.
And the media is cheering it on.
“American Paralysis and Decline” ….
Quoted from Victor Davis Hanson
” We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.”
So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.- A.D. 17) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic.
Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless.
But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration—and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy—made it impossible to save the patient.
America is nearing such an impasse.
Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes.
Most often, they know what is destroying them.
But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate.
So they implode gradually, then suddenly.
I think the overwhelming majority of Americans think we’re too big to fail. Twenty years from now – or even less – we may still be named the United States of America but we probably won’t be. Much of our society is already unrecognizable.
Jeff, I don’t see that we have 20 years. The trans military weirdos and rampant crime? And full sharia states like Michigan? I am not sure what will happen but we haven’t got that long. Maybe those with some cash or services to offer will trade it for protection and hide behind gated areas. IDK but it’s here.
The only way evil suceeds is for good men to do nothing. Obviously, evil controls people by deception. Our system has been broken by the strategies of Lenin, Cloward, Piven and Obama. The first step under the Cloward-Piven strategy is to fundamentally change America and dramatically weaken the system by undermining its econonic supports using numerous bailouts, stimulus packages, and perpetual government spending, and now opening the borders. All the plotting against Trump both before and after the November 8, 2016 election, is the kind of authoritarian conduct one might expect of a Latin American caudillo, not the supposed leader of the free world.
Having an illegitimate President who’s a Manchurian Candidate AND a demented meat puppet of his handlers makes fundamental change for the worse much easier for the lefties who want to tear everything down.
The ex-FBI informant was arrested because he told the truth, not because he fabricated the story. Yet, the White House wants the arrest to discredit the truth and reportage. Telling the truth about the Biden Crime Family is treated as crime. Lying about Donald Trump is resume building.
The MSM have gone way beyond what used to be called “bias.” They are now self-conscious ACTIVISTS for the Democrat Party and all left-wing causes. The left loves to speak of an alleged “right-wing media ‘ech0-chamber’,” but in doing so they ignore their own habitual patterns of groupthink. Meanwhile, anyone familiar with conservative websites knows that they are often arenas for bitter infighting, even on subjects – e.g., Donald Trump, the war in the Ukraine, Covid vaccines) – in which a conservative orthodoxy is often assumed.
Yes, disagreement, debate and discussion are healthy aspects of conservatism but the diseased left uses them against us. We’re divided by critical thinking and they’re united by groupthink. And they aren’t hindered by honesty, integrity, ethics, morality, and especially not honor.
They aren’t hindered by anything, which is the scary part. Any and all kinds of perversion are on the table for them, so they are quite literally limitless in their evil. United by groupthink, a herd mentality, and absolutely zero accountability, they flaunt the most demented and psychotic of perversions as normal and healthy. And they will hijack any kind of division (such as critical discourse in conservatism) and worm their way in to bust open the cracks even wider, because their goal isn’t to change anything for the better; it is to disrupt, dismantle, and champion evil as good by flipping anything and everything God-ordained completely on its head. Get into a heated argument with one of these lefty minions and you’ll be left shaking in your boots when their eyes almost literally turn as cold as ice or become as black as coal right in front of your eyes as frustration from disagreement turns into abject hatred directed right at you–I know I have.
Very well stated.
I dont have confidence in Fox’s ability or willingness to hold steadfast. Look at what they did to Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and others- fired them the minute someone sued them.
The letter requesting them to stop coverage itself is VERY NEWSWORTHY and should be a frontpage bonanza.
Fox News hasn’t backed down yet and I don’t think it will. Even its dumb snatch, lefty CEO and former secretary/prostitute of Rupert Murdoch, Suzanne Scott, has advisors to tell her Alzheimer Joe is going to be dumped by the delegates in the August 19th to 22nd Dirtbagocrat National Convention.
Crooked Joe’s days of corruption, lawfare, dictatorial decrees and protecting his crime family are coming to an end.
Go pound sand Biden we don’t elect Dictators Biden needs voted out tally in November
I saw this on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. Shocker. The Beijing Biden administration doesn’t even try to hide its corruption, criminality and abuse of power most of the time.
I wish America’s Dirtbagocrat infested federal government were more ethical and respectable, say, a banana republic or a military dictatorship.
” “Despite this, Fox has taken no steps to retract, correct, or update its reporting of the truth.”
I haven’t been following the Smirnov story. Are his allegations true?
The DOJ isn’t interested in that. It just wants to discredit him and his allegations and keep him on ice until after the election. Smirnov had said there were recordings of the Biden bribe demand. I doubt DOJ asked Zlochevsky for them. Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, it is far more likely they obtained and destroyed them before indicting Smirnov.
This Fox corruption coverage has been found to be hurting Sleepy Joe’s poll numbers although he does not know that thinking that inflation has been eliminated, fentanyl deaths stopped, and his reelection will be an overwhelming landslide.
Fox knew about the Biden corruption years ago, we all have known for years. They have now been given the go, they can pretend to be a news agency.
Fox sukz like all the rest.
Unimaginable evil has gripped this nation, the USA and the rest of the free world since the coup d’etat of the pLandemic and being finalized with the 2020 election. The treasonous criminals and foreign plotters are scrambling to destroy our freedoms in USA. As USA goes so goes the world. Canada Parliament exposes Trudeau corruption: ( – This is a global coup d’eat. We have to have more than faith in YHVH/Yeshua we must take them down and prosecute them to the fullest extent. There is no immunity for treason!
Satan is in full control of the Obongo/Bidumb White House and the Democrat Party. Free Speech and the Rule of Law are under full assault from Globalists and the lawless/demonic despots under their control. May God have mercy on those who seek His will and His protection.
The only way to stop communism/socialism is …….
And since theres no organized effort in the vein, that I know of (and please don’t believe the “trust the white hat plan” or “The military is coming” social media pacifying BS).
I guess we let the left euthanize us.
So much for the 1776 spirit.
“The media”? You must mean the murky, stinking pipes of the Fake News SewerStream Media (SSM), Enemy of the People. Thank THE LORD for decent media like GAB, Rebel News, the American Spectator, Frontpagemag (you), Epoch Times, et al.
Who does this White House think they are…? Joe Stalin and his cronies?
No one employing dishonesty as their primary weapon is is vying to enter heaven.
Their goals have a worldly, not a spiritual purpose.