About Scott Adams, the white male creator of the (once) popular “Dilbert” comic strip, The Washington Post wrote: “On his Feb. 22 episode of ‘Real Coffee With Scott Adams,’ the creator of the comic strip ‘Dilbert’ decided to riff on a much-criticized Rasmussen poll and promote a type of segregation. He declared that Black Americans are part of a ‘hate group’ and urged White people to ‘get the hell away from Black people.'”
National Public Radio condemned Adams’ “racist rant.” His distributor dropped him after several outlets, including the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, stopped carrying the strip. Adams later said his comments were “hyperbole,” but the damage was done.
About the “much criticized” Rasmussen Poll, it asked American adults the following question: “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: ‘It’s OK to be white.'” Eighty-one percent of white of American adults strongly or somewhat agree, 7% strongly or somewhat disagreed and 13% responded, “not sure.” As for blacks, 53% strongly or somewhat agree, 26% strongly or somewhat disagree and 21% of blacks responded, “not sure.”
In interpreting the poll, Adams confusingly said, “If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with white people…that’s a hate group.” Twenty-six percent of blacks strongly or somewhat disagreeing is not “nearly half.” Also, Adams made no comment on the nearly 20% of whites who either strongly or somewhat disagree or are not sure whether “it’s OK to be white.” Presumably, Adams would not want them as neighbors either.
Adams said a lot of things in his “racist tirade,” including that he tried to be supportive of blacks, but felt his efforts were not appreciated: “So I think it makes no sense whatsoever, as a white citizen of America, to try to help Black citizens anymore. It doesn’t make sense. There’s no longer a rational impulse. And so, I’m going to back off from being helpful to Black America, because it doesn’t seem like it pays off. Like I’ve been doing it all my life and the only outcome is I get called a racist.” He also said he is kindred spirits with those who believe in hard work and merit.
Do you really think Adams, a former Bernie Sanders supporter, is the only white person who feels this sense of frustration? After all, we have had affirmative action or race-based preferences now for over 50 years. And some black students want separate dorms and graduation ceremonies. How is that different from what Adams said?
Nearly every major city from New York to Los Angeles has or has had a black mayor, with many having or having had black police chiefs. Yet, when a black suspect was mistreated recently in Memphis, the black mayor of Los Angeles suggested the cops would have reacted differently had the suspect not been black. Never mind the cops and the Memphis police chief are black.
In Baltimore in 2015, black suspect Freddie Gray died in police custody. The mayor was black; the number one and number two in charge of the police department were black; three of the six officers charged were black; the police department is majority minority; City Council is all Democrat, majority black; the state attorney who brought the charges was black; the judge before whom two of the officers tried their case, and who found them not guilty, was black; and U.S. attorney, Loretta Lynch, was black, as was then-President Barack Obama. Yet despite all these black players and decision-makers, the Department of Justice announced a civil rights investigation.
At a time when anti-black racism has never been less of a factor, most blacks demand reparations, properly described as payments from those who were never slaveowners to be given to those who were never slaves. Schools promote concepts like critical race theory that characterize whites as oppressors and blacks as victims. Some blacks complain about “microaggressions.” If in response to “Black Lives Matter,” a white person says, “All Lives Matter,” all hell breaks loose.
Is it really surprising that some whites, like Adams, are now saying, “Check, please!”? He just said it out loud. Frustration is not racism.
Rebecca Conn says
I love you Larry Elder.
Spurwing Plover says
Time for America to pull out of the United Nations and loved the whle lot to Moscow without America to push around we can help their other nations after a disaster
Robert says
Huh? This is just gibberish! What does it mean?
Mo de Profit says
Twenty-six percent of blacks strongly or somewhat disagreeing is not “nearly half.”
It is when you consider 21% are “not sure”
Larry, as usual, hits the spot. You have summed up how I feel about skin colour these days, and like Adams I fought against racism all my life.
Not any more.
White people are a very small minority in this world but we built the world.
There you go leftist elites, there’s your proof that I’m racist. That saves you the trouble of commenting.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Is it okay to be white? Not a hard question. “Not sure” is evasion.
Mr. Elder is right about frustration being the primary cause of what is now called “racism.” But my main frustration is ubiquitous black racism against whites (and pretty much everybody else). The fact that the majority of black families teach their children to hate and be suspicious of whites and especially police officers is inexcusable. Where is the condemnation? Could whites do that and escape criticism? “The Talk” is a real thing. John Derbyshire got fired for creating the white version, still easy to find online.
The many THOUSANDS of videos of black-on-white violence, always accompanied by laughing and jubilation, and the almost non-existence of white-on-black violence is nothing short of astounding considering the ubiquity of phone cameras.
I still believe in content of character, but context is important. Color me “postjudice.” I follow the rules of the version of “The Talk, Non-black Version.”
roberta says
Yeah, we quit giving to charities that claim to help the intercity cause probably 25 years ago, maybe 30 years ago.
No bang for the buck. The intercity culture was shot then, and only has gotten worse. Giving to it only adds to it.
And the over reach of these so called charities is another problem I have with the entire situation.
Having the nerve to tell me that there are hungry kids in the ”under served” cities. They have more disposable income (the American flag card/food stamps) than many working people. Its their responsibility to feed their kids with my money, and not sell the ”benefits” card for half price in cash, then show up at a food bank begging.
Mo de Profit says
Same here in the UK, wander into any council estate (project) and the smell of pot pervades 24 hours a day.
Craig Austin says
If White dominant countries dissappear, where will Black and Brown people go to get away from each other? Migration is predominantly a one way street.
David Ray says
It is one way . . . and also, whites are killed/deported from minority counties at times.
MuGabe killed & deported white farmers in Zimbabwe, then doled out their stolen farmland.
Only problem is that the farmers took their knowledge with them.
Mugabe found out that farming is far more involved than Bloomberg said it was.
Farming failed – Famine followed. Oops!
Mo de Profit says
And the white taxes were sent via the UN to prop them up again.
Kynarion Hellenis says
And it wasn’t a little failure. Bread basket to famine.
Una Salus says
White man goes clown.
junkyard_infidel says
^^^^ says the bed wetting, limey wanker gone full retard ^^^^
Warm Pablum says
Nothing is as popular or as simple as a sound bite. Quote: me
Kasandra says
Great column. Black people in academia and eslewhere say such things and worse about whites every day without adverse consequence. This country has become the live embodiment of Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance” essay.
Andrew Blackadder says
100% of people that live in ”black areas” across America are in fact black.
Most of the people that live in ”white areas” across America are white.
Many black people wish to move to white areas for the safety and schooling of their kids.
NO white people wish to move to black areas for obvious reasons.
When black Americans learn that success is the best revenge then, and only then, will they stop blaming everybody else for the garbage dumps they live in.
As Malcolm X once said… First we have to clean up the neighborhood… And look what black leaders did to him.
Riddle me this… Witch Race and Gender of humanity built the modern world we all live in today?.
This is not a trick question but I fear certain idiots may scream racist…. Weird that huh?.
SchmuelyMoneywitz says
I was a victim of racism from blacks all my life and people that “fought against racism all their life” made sure the blacks got away with it with no consequences and attacked me on behalf of black people when I pleaded for fairness and a single set of standards.
The word “racist”,as it is currently understood, is just the N-word for White people. You were always a “racist” you just didn’t ever have to be called one because you “fought against racism all your life” from the safety of a relatively well-off and probably mostly White neighborhood.
When someone says they are fighting against “racism”,that doesn’t mean that in their minds they are fighting against discriminatory laws or policies. It doesn’t mean that they are fighting prejudicial or bigoted attitudes or beliefs,nor does it mean that they are fighting hateful inclinations,intolerance, or extrajudicial violence or harassment meted out on the basis of skin color. Those things are either tolerated or encouraged against one race;the White race.
What it means is simply that they are fighting against White people.
Kasandra says
Well, it’s a way of silencing most people. That’s what the Left wants most of all – to have power and make anyone who doesn’t like it shut up.
Urban Mole says
We are never told what the sample size is in any of these polls. Why is that ? Is it n=500, or is it n=20,000? Or n=100,000. This makes a difference when the authors talk of percentages.
Average White Guy says
Scott Adams was right. I’m done with Blacks too (for the most part).
Wayne says
Approximately 750,000 Soldiers died in the civil war. At least half were fighting for the freedom of Blacks from slavery, The other half were not fighting for slavery, they were fighting for States right to decide for themselves. You never hear anything of the amount of death and suffering in America for the freedom of blacks and there is never a mention of appreciation. The victim-hood mentality has gotten minority populations nowhere and the Marxist Democrat party continues to push that kind of thinking.