If you needed any more proof of WikiLeaks’ extremist agenda, look no further than Israel Shamir, the Holocaust denier who is in charge of distributing the organization’s documents to the Russian media. The involvement of Shamir, who also supports Ahmadinejad and refers to Palestinian terrorists as “martyrs,” should put to rest any doubt that WikiLeaks’ rhetoric about transparency is just a cloak for its anti-American and anti-Western agenda.
As Michael C. Moynihan exposed, Shamir has a long track record of anti-Semitism, including Holocaust denial. Shamir described Auschwitz as “an internment facility, attended by the Red Cross (as opposed to the US internment centre in Guantanamo.” He told another journalist and fellow Holocaust denier that “it’s every Muslim and Christian’s duty to deny the Holocaust.”
In reading Shamir’s work, it is easy to find other anti-Semitic statements and even endorsements of terrorism. His criticism of Israel is not based in politics but in bigotry. He writes, “Israel’s behaviour is partly connected to the Jewish superiority complex, and its consequence, the apartheid structure.” He forecasts the destruction of the Jewish state in language that any Islamic terrorist would admire, saying the “Demise of Israel is inevitable; the only question is whether it will be forcibly removed and the land destroyed, or it will be peacefully absorbed in the region.”
Shamir openly supports Palestinian terrorists carrying out attacks in Israel and outrageously, even calls a potential nuclear suicide bomber a “martyr.”
“Israeli cruelty, vengefulness and inability to respect others called hundreds of Palestinians to the horrible martyrdom. If, or rather when, a potential martyr will be equipped with a miniaturized nuclear device instead of home-made dynamite, the sad story of the Jewish state will be over,” he writes.
Based on these comments, it is not surprising that Shamir would openly advocate for Iranian President Ahmadinejad, another Holocaust denier that supports terrorism and seeks nuclear weapons that could destroy Israel. “[The] people of Iran have made their choice. Democracy won….Iranians reelected their president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by landslide majority,” Shamir wrote. He complimented Ahmadinejad as having “highly deserved” his so-called election victory.
It has also been discovered that Shamir’s son, Johannes Wahlström, acts in a similar capacity as his father for WikiLeaks in Sweden. He has been accused of making up quotes and expressing anti-Semitism. One expert on neo-Nazism said that one of his son’s stories that had to be redacted “[had all of the] elements that one would find in a classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.”
It is fitting that such extremists would serve as high-level officials in WikiLeaks, given the organization’s anti-American agenda. The organization’s recent actions are clearly designed to damage the United States, politically and operationally. The group recently released a document labeled “secret” from February 2009 that lists over 200 sites including 35 companies around the world that qualify as “critical U.S. foreign dependencies.” The document specifically says that “if [the listed sites are] destroyed, disrupted or exploited, [it] would likely have an immediate and deterious effect on the United States.”
This was a confidential list of potential top-tier targets and it is now publicly available. Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies condemned the release, saying it is like a “global map—a menu, if not a recipe book—to every extremist group in the world.”
This is a case where the release of a specific document undermines the national security of the U.S., but the overall disclosures have instantly negative effects. By releasing confidential diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks deters foreign officials from talking honestly to their American counterparts and makes them wary of discussing any secret arrangements. Foreign governments will not make sensitive deals with the U.S. or even share intelligence if they are significantly worried about exposures that embarrass them or reveal methods and sources.
WikiLeaks’ disclosures also serve as anti-American propaganda. The leader, Julian Assange, has indicated he has material related to what he calls “the Garani massacre” that supposedly killed over 100 Afghan civilians, mostly children. As I previously discussed, the facts surrounding the incident provide some explanation for the civilian casualties but that is of no concern for Assange. Prior to that, WikiLeaks released a heavily edited videotape titled “Collateral Damage” that was so biased against U.S. soldiers in Iraq that left-wing comedian Stephen Colbert confronted Assange in an interview, one of the very rare moments when Colbert breaks character.
It is telling that WikiLeaks’ resources are spent against the U.S. and its allies and not against truly oppressive governments like those in Iran and China. Julian Assange has said “We have been attacked by the United States, so we are forced into a position where we must defend ourselves.” He says, “I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards.”
To Assange, Holocaust deniers and supporters of anti-Israeli terrorism are not “bastards” that should be “crushed”—but the U.S. government and its allies are.
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