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Remember when the default leftist line was a sneering “Republicans believe corporations are people.”
Now, much as on feminism and using national security to target domestic political opponents, the Democrats have flipped around and decided that corporations are people.
Woke corporations.
The media and lefty social media were vocally cheering Disney’s lawsuit against the DeSantis administration accusing it of political discrimination.
The media neglected to mention that it was defending a corporation’s insistence that it should be able to set its own zoning codes and run its own region with a shadow board. That’s not just arguing that corporations are people, but that they’re governments.
And really set aside all the LGBTQ debates and the wokeness and that’s what the Disney vs. DeSantis battle is about. The actual legal issue at stake here is whether a corporation should be a local government.
Gov. DeSantis stripped away Disney’s status as a local government. Disney wants it back. The Left and the media are in Disney’s corner.
They’re not just supporting Disney because of identity politics, but because corporations have become a defining element of the authoritarian Left. Over the last decade, the Left has turned to corporations to pressure conservative states to abandon religious freedom, to fund their operations and to broadcast their propaganda.
The vast power of corporations relative to individuals, the very thing lefties used to criticize about corporations, is exactly why the Left has fallen in love with them.
If you’re going to transform the country and take away individual freedoms, corporations are a great lever.
And the Left isn’t even arguing that corporations are people, but that they should rule over us.
Yeah. I was just reading in one of the SF papers about an Oakland Safeway plagued by theft. A commenter seemed to think Safeway should just allow some items to be stolen. Like it was a government entity involved in a giveaway program. No concept that the store is a for-profit business, and wouldn’t carry the items unless someone was liable to pay for them.
The author seemed to take the side of the thieves also, they really seemed confused about what a corporation is, what a business is, not a social welfare program.
And the thieves are always the first to piss and moan when the stores they’d been robbing go out of business.
I hate them. At least have the fortitude to admit you’re the ones who put them out of business and admit it was because of your thievery. Like all the Target sores which recently closed. And golly, I notice they’re black. Get jobs, mother fuckers. Or accept your welfare bennies with gratitude and obey laws.
I remember hearing people back in the 80s when called out on being thieves saying, “Yea, I steal, but only from big corporations,” like that made it okay. My reply was that I’m the one who pays for it in higher prices.
It would be kind of funny if Florida declared Immanent Domain on disney and built a new highway on their fun park.
DeSantis should close Disney World down until Disney begs for mercy.
In the third reich, it was called “corporatism.”