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In my article early last week, “Trump Should Pull Out of Gaza Nation Building”, I warned that this was coming.
If the Trump administration backs the deal, it will be forced to act as a ‘guarantor’ which will not only mean protecting Hamas, but an extended terrorist nation-building program bigger even than Iraq or Afghanistan. Phase 3 of the deal reportedly calls for a 3-5 year rebuilding program.
That timetable would have President Trump spend his whole second term rebuilding Gaza.
And the UN’s actual numbers are far worse. The UN Development Program is estimating $50 billion in costs to rebuild Gaza by 2040
Steven Witkoff, the real estate guy with a history of previous dealings with Hamas’s state sponsors in Qatar, appointed by President Trump to act as his Middle East envoy, is now parroting the UN’s numbers.
Witkoff, a real estate developer, assesses that the demolition and moving of the debris alone will take five years.
“There has been this perception we can get to a solid plan for Gaza in five years. But its impossible. This is a 10 to 15 year rebuilding plan,” he said.
That 15-year plan would put it at… 2040.
What that means is the U.S. would be dragged into this nation-building project in Gaza for President Trump’s entire second term and for, if he should get them, J.D. Vance’s two terms in office.
While Trump is saying sensible things about getting a terrorist population out of Gaza and over to Egypt or Jordan, where they originally came from, Witkoff appears to dismiss the whole idea.
Witkoff told Axios he hasn’t discussed with Trump the idea of moving Palestinians from Gaza.
Instead, Witkoff had the brighter idea of committing the U.S. to the Biden plan to save Hamas, putting U.S. boots on the ground as I revealed in my latest article, and a 10-15 year rebuilding program.
This is not America First. This is Gaza First. This is Islam First.
He’s delusional and projecting his civilized values onto the terrorists.
That’s why he’ll be fired soon. The last thing President Trump wants to do is get involved in a conflict overseas and attempt “nation building.” And even though he’s too diplomatic to say so, it’s obvious he holds the Paleosomians in contempt.
I see we have 4 trolls who love Hamas terrorists. Too bad for you they won’t stop attacking Jews and the Israelis are going to go back to exterminating them as the vermin they are.
Why is he being taken seriously>
Why do they always make the Left win?
Let Qatar fund their terrorist buddies by rebuilding Gaza. They are as much to blame. The USA and other western taxpayers not at all. And if it takes 100 years, not a problem. Not a cent.
Clear Gaza of all Psuedostinians and let the Israeli government decide what to do with its land.
Four jihadi terrorist loving trolls? Piss be upon you.
I agree. Qatar funds these psychopaths, and the ideology their follow. Let Qatar fund the rebuilding of the psychopath enclave.
Witkoff apparently has the President’s ear, as they are golfing buddies. That said, it feels to me as if he is too far over his skis with his proposal for the US to be a party of the rebuilding of Gaza. Maybe it’s time for Witkoff bo back off a little.
I predict Whackoff is going to be fired golfing buddy or not.
I learned from my Dad and Uncle that successful businessmen do a lot of their business on the golf course. I just realized that maybe not everyone knows that?
Yes, they do. And when it comes to Trump, he even conducts his brand of diplomacy from his golf courses. When the squirrelly “socialist” President of Colombia refused to take plane loads of criminal deportees (he used the excuse that they were transported on “provocative” military planes) Big Don told him that tariffs on Colombian goods was immediately 25%, the visas of all their government officials were cancelled, some other punishments, and the tariffs would go up to 50% in a week and 100% after that if those Lilliputians didn’t take their human trash back. Trumpy didn’t even make it three more holes before the little dictator acquiesced and even offered to use his presidential plane to transport the scumbags! Ha Haw. It shows what little tolerance and regard President Trump has for the Lilliputian foreign leaders who had been taking advantage of America whenever he wasn’t in office, and that includes the terms of Reagan and and the Bushes. Hell, they OWNED Alzheimer Joe and his handlers, who kissed their tiny asses without even being asked or ordered to. They volunteered to betray America.
I’m sure you know about that story but I love it so much I just had to repeat it. He’s only been President for 12 days and I can’t even count how many things he’s done for America and Americans. He’s firing government scumbags Willy nilly, too: Jack Smith and all his prosecutors, all the J-6 prosecutors, 6 of 7 top FBI executives, the heads of 20 FBI field offices, including the head of the DC office who participated in the Dirtbagocrat DOJ set up of the political prisoners and every other legitimate and lawful protesters. Every FBI agent present that day is under investigation and I have NO doubt they’ll be fired, too. In fact, that whole set up is being investigated.
I sure hope he goes after Pelosi too, who was Botox deep in that set up.
We’ll see how many other government scumbags get fired. I predict it will be a LOT, followed by prosecutions in many cases. Happy days are here again.
I see Whackoff has three Moslem butt buddies who’ll miss him.
Why does a damned golfing buddy have any say in this at all?
he; should not have a role in govt!
Time to let Rubio take over and tell Witkofff his services are no longer needed..
Rubio is going after rogue government agencies led by scumbags who think they aren’t subject to the Department of State He’s going to fire plenty of slimy bureaucrats who were stupid enough to say he has no authority over them and they’re autonomous. He just said so today.
I predict he won’t have his role much longer. He’ll “resign.”
Why don’t the ask Soros or Gates for few Billion those Globalists/Traitors
Heres a flaw in the plan. Hamas attacks again. Israel demolishes Gaza again and again. Will Trump have US troops firing on IDF to protect the precious Hamas-Trump-Witcoff real estate development?
What a scenario! As we all know the genocidal gaza civilians (aka Hamas) will attack Jews again. Just look at their behaviors during the hostage release!
Build Demolish Build Demolish!
Anyone in gov’t advocating that we flirt with bankruptcy by rebuilding Ukraine or Gaza should be charged with treason. The USA is broke, and the debt pit seems bottomless.
IT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN. Trump reiterated in no uncertain terms today that he wants the Psuedostinians relocated to Egypt, and he said he believes Egypt will take them. He’d like Jordan to take the squatters in Judea and Samaria too, but he’s realistic. He knows Jordan won’t take any of those subhumans but Egypt likely will. Al Sisi has offered to take them in the past.
And Whackoff isn’t going to have a government job much longer.
“Witkoff doesn’t just want Trump spending his second term rebuilding Gaza. He wants J.D. Vance to spend his two terms rebuilding Gaza.”
Israel has given up so much land to achieve peace. It would be nice if she just took all of it back and rebuilds under her own power and auspices. Has any treaty with Hamas been honored?
President Trump wants the Psuedostinians sent to Egypt. Let’s hope he makes it so. Gaza belongs to Israel but they providing utilities to the terrorists there. Not a single Psuedostinian has objected to 10-7, so in my opinion, that makes ALL of those subhumans terrorists.
He wants the squatters in Judea and Samaria gone, too. He said “Palestinians” which includes them. He also referred to “Gazans,” which indicates to me that he’s aware that “Palestinian” is a fake ethnic identity. As President, the man has access to the finest advisors in the world, after all. It’s just a matter of choosing the right ones.
Let the Palestinians rebuild Gaza. They instigated the war that caused it’s destruction, so they should do their own rebuilding, except in that case, it would take 50 to 100 years.
Gaza needs to be annexed completely by Israel and rebuilt for the Jews. The sand monkeys can be sent to other Muslim countries.
Yes, although it already belongs to Israel. Apparently the idiots in the Knesset and crooked Israeli judges are content to maintain it as a zoo full of Paleostinians, all utilities included. Israel legitimately liberated Gaza from Egypt during the Six Day War. Egypt had seized it illegally during Israel’s War for Independence in 1948.
Send all the sand monkeys to Egypt.
Anybody who gives a single penny to Gazans is aiding and abetting the terrorists.
And therefore terrorists themselves.
I post this one once more.
Is the story about Witkoff´s purchase of Park Lane Hotel together with malaysian Jho Low – who turned out had embezzled a malaysian fund – and left Witkoff in deep trouble – and in came Qatar, true?
Gaza should not even exist. That land should be nothing but Israel with all the Fakestinians gone off of it.
Fill all the tunnels, raze all the hovels and rebuild it as a modern and civilized area. Push the rubble into the Sinai.
The USA isn’t going to rebuild Gaza or any other 3rd world, we’ll be busy rebuilding the United States of America.
Yes, that’s what President Trump cares about. Like us, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about foreigners, particularly jihadi terrorists.
Abolish Gaza and expel all the residents to Jordan or Egypt
Gaza is dead. It cannot be ‘rebuilt’.
‘Rebuild’ is the wrong word.
‘Resurrecting’ a corpse is more accurate.
Trump is committed to sending Gazans away from the graveyard to greener pastures. Very good.
So then, why the premature talk of this ‘rebuilding’? Witkoff & Co/Qatar
would have us believe that the war is over after phase 3 of their ceasefire.
But, like Sodom and Gemorah, Gaza requires total physical destruction, and its physical destruction is not yet complete.
Obviously, the complete physical destruction of Gaza cannot happen until every single hostage, dead and alive, is out of Gaza. When the hostages are out, and the Gazans must be out by then, too, then Israel can freely and systematically destroy every tunnel underground and every structure above ground. These tunnels and whatever above-ground structures that remain are hiding the terrorists.
The ‘day after’ completing this total physical and terrorist destruction, that part of the Promised Land called Gaza will finally rest after twenty years of absolute abuse, of darkest evil.
After resting, the land can then be rededicated, reconsecrated, reclaimed and resettled by the Children of Israel, who will gladly shoulder all responsibility to accomplish this, with no ‘help’ other than loving God with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their might.
And it won’t take long.
I think Trump, with God’s help, may go for this scenario. It’s the best, and most assuredly, blessed deal for the US.