America is racist, horribly evil and systemically oppressive. When it’s not randomly killing black people for no reason, it’s banning schools from indoctrinating children with the fact that all white people are racist.
WNBA superstar, which is up there with ‘curling great’ and ‘backalley dart throwing legend’, Napheesa Collier had a whole lot of opinions on “systemic racism“. But suddenly she learned to love America.
Or at least refuse to leave it.
WNBA player Napheesa Collier said on Monday that she doesn’t plan to play overseas for the foreseeable future in the aftermath of WNBA star Brittney Griner’s recent detention in Russia.
“It’s really scary. You really have to evaluate, anyone who wants to go overseas, what it’s going to look like,” Collier, who was alongside Washington Mystics player Elizabeth Williams, told “CNN This Morning.” “We’re in a big market also, like a lot of money to be had there. But you have to look at — their rules are a lot different than ours, their laws.”
Their rules are the same as ours. No drugs. It’s not that complicated.
“For me, it’s just not worth it. It’s not the same for every player,” Collier added, noting that playing in the states full time is a better option for her since she has a family.
Suddenly, America is not the worst place around for the daughter of an immigrant from Sierra Leone. Collier, who is half-white and is marrying a white guy, has spent a lot of time calling America racist only to belatedly admit that she’s only safe here.
It’s not the thoughts that pass through your head that impact your life; it’s the ones you take possession of and think about all day long. – Michael Neill
Racism is a myth. Prejudice and bigotry are treatable.
it’s the ones that you build your identity around
What a great quote with great insight, thanks.
On a side-note, Mindfulness Meditation is the practice of gently un-attaching from thoughts and emotions and becoming aware that they are only thoughts and emotions, they don’t necessarily correspond to the facts of reality, they are not necessarily objective, and you don’t have to buy into them and let them overwhelm you. Easier said than done, but that’s the essence of it.
Many if not most of our thoughts and emotions simply think and emerge by themselves, simply emerge from our sub-conscious unbidden by the conscious part of what we call our “self”. If we don’t learn this fact we can simply be swept away by any random thought or emotion. We can become the puppet of our unbidden thoughts and emotions.
A book I highly recommend is “Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment” by Robert Wright. My copy is dog-eared and abundantly highlighted.
By my count this is your gift post on this topic in the last five days. Clearly you think you’ve found a winning topic here. Women athletes! Black ones at that! Lesbians at that! They smoke POT‽‽ What’s not to hate?
It should be unnecessary to point out that it is actually possible to hold two beliefs at the same time – the United States is a country with a racist past and still in many ways a systematically racist society AND that nevertheless a particular individual (even a black, female individual) might be safer in the US than in, say, Russia.
Obviously you know this, and equally as obviously you don’t expect your readers to see that or to care. This is one of the reasons you are such an interesting writer. You are clearly very smart, and yet you write as if you think your readers are stupid. I guess that’s what pays the bills.
Yes, America has been systematically, and ever more blatant;y, racist towards whites.
You’ve earned a Captain Obvious hat and a participation medal for conspicuously avoiding the obvious. When centimillionaire athletes complain the NFL owners are acting like slave owners—thanks for that gem Lebron–we get a clear picture of the silliness. Can you name so much as one slave who got paid millions to play a game? Just one.
The female athletes so often protesting in the U.S. fail to recognize the reason American women are so dominant, even in sports such as soccer, is because of the superiority of the western culture that explains so much. (That’d be the same western culture–not African culture–that did so much to end slavery.)
Trigger warning: I’m about to allude to evidence. The evidence as to whom Collier needs to fear most in the U.S. is readily available. It isn’t white supremacists. How much has the Truthophobia metastasized? The news media now mention the color of the car and the color of a perp’s shirt but not the color of their skin.
Systemic racism has nothing to do with the breakdown of the black family where a majority of children grow up without the positive impact of a loving father.
I’d write more but want to read more about what an amazing athlete Brittney Griner is because she can dunk a basketball. (Maybe she needs to check that 6′ 9″ height privilege!) Maybe, for the sake of achieving equity, the WNBA can make it illegal to dunk. Here’s my favorite video of a monster dunk in a WNBA game–>
Perhaps they could stop “Dunking” by raising the height of the baskets to 12 or 13 feet. The game should be about shooting the ball into the basket, not just letting some way over 6 foot or 7 foot tall giant “Dunk” the ball. Dunking requires no skill,…just player height.
I have argued for many years since the advent of these elongated freaks of nature have become proficient in playing basket ball the court should be extended and widen 10 feet and the hoop raised 5 feet.
Here’s some skill for you:
Since you brought up the term “systemically racist” please inform us how the system is still racist to people in our present day. Please offer specifics on how the “system” is racist, but please refrain from offering examples of individual racist events as they are not systemic.
how lazy of you to google some abstract and post it.
Explain your own ideas and beliefs and what you declare as evidence. A quick perusal of the contents of that abstract would be open to much criticism, and the foundations of your “systemic” racism arguments would be shoddy at best.
Every one of the examples with any validity in that article were prior to 1940. The rest wrongly attributed the results of individual lifestyle choices to racism.
I was waiting to see if mIckorn would reply and figured he wouldn’t. YOu are correct in your statement. THe problems of inner city and many black people are not brought on by white people but are simply lifestyle choices. Why are inner city schools so bad? Most likely the answers rest in virtually no expectations from black parents who apparently don’t demand a quality education for their kids. The violence is traced back to fatherless homes as well, and the schools refusal to take control of their own buildings. That being said, when schools are ‘graduating’ students who can’t read past the second grade level it is no wonder they can’t find meaningful employment. That’s systemic racism from their own parents. White people don’t have secret meetings planning on how to encourage people to have fatherless homes, lousy schools, and violent behavior; that comes from their own culture.
We could all go on and on about this issue, but this myth that the system is racist is ridiculous
“You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization–including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that clever intelligentsia disdain–without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.” Thomas Sowell
Here are two “beliefs” that aren’t contradictory. Systemic racism has had serious negative consequences for black people in the U.S. The problems in predominantly black communities today are not explained by systemic racism but instead by culture. The very Western culture that did so much to eliminate slavery also emphasizes stable families. The breakdown of the family is an achievement of liberalism and we will continue to pay for it every time people riot and it is described laughably as “protests.”
Maybe I am just not that smart. But what exactly is a “gift post?”
Don’t fret over it. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about either.
Probably “gift” was a typo for “fifth”
“It should be unnecessary to point out that it is actually possible to hold two beliefs at the same time – the United States is a country with a racist past and still in many ways a systematically racist society AND that nevertheless a particular individual (even a black, female individual) might be safer in the US than in, say, Russia.”
It’s possible to hold contradictory beliefs. That’s the essence of the Left.
“Smash capitalism.” “Also buy me that new iPhone.”
But at some point you gotta choose between “America is an evil racist hellhole that oppresses the world” and “I’m afraid to leave America because the rest of the world won’t bend over backward for me the way America does”.
It’s very easy to make quips when you straw man your opponents. Here you are presenting a false dichotomy, so you can pretend your argument as sound when it’s in fact based on nothing.
No, you don’t have to choose between those two options, because they are not the two only options. There can be systemic racism in America (which there clearly is) and yet, no one has to claim “America is a racist hellhole.” Those two things are not the same.
Now, I go by the assumption that you understand that, because your writing suggests a brain behind all the bile and hatred. But maybe I’m wrong, and you don’t understand that. In which case you are much less interesting.
There is systemic racism in America. It’s called affirmative action.
I’m going to condense those two sentences for a custom t-shirt into “Affirmative Action IS systemic racism.” Thank you..
Indeed. It would seem that she had a varied range of experiences that places her in this odd place where the reality vs. the theory ‘does not compute’. There is that vast difference between ‘G*d bless America’ and that ‘I hate America’. Who knows? Maybe this can be an learning experience for her, and that may take time. The regular leftist rarely has an life experience that forces them to question the high-holy assumptions that are the true bed-rock of the leftist mind.
An Russian prison can’t be a ‘fun’ experience.
^^^^ this is what it looks like when a limey wanker goes full retard ^^^^
You are clearly and irrefutably implying (without a scintilla of evidence) that Mr. Greenfield would not have any criticism for a white heterosexual male who thumbs his nose (or worse) at the United States, while having nothing good to say about it even relative to a totalitarian hole such as Russia. You are clearly obsessed with race and sex and sexuality–which objectively makes you a racist and sexist. You are correct about one thing though—one of Mr. Greenfield’s readers might be stupid. Know thyself.
Just because you think you can shine a turd doesn’t mean you can, jerk
Clearly, you are strongly attracted to Mister Greenfield.
I confess I have become very fond of you. Do possess a dowry?
I am most interested in meeting your family.
Please email me at
Big boy.
Mickorn loves the world except America. The world is such a loving place. So why does this clown stay in America rather than live in Yemen, South Africa, Burma, Iraq or Libya. Well he may be an idiot but he’s not crazy. Just completely programed into the hive and a complete bigot and racist.
Your race and sexual orientation cards have been declined. This is the 70s. Oh wait, we’re half a century past that.
Holding two contradictory beliefs at the same time is cognitive dissonance. It’s required for the left, but to the rest of us it’s insanity.
Her reason to fear travel is because she might get punished for breaking the law. It’s not like she’s not worried about being raped, robbed, or murdered in, say, Russia.
“You are clearly very smart…” – Yes, but it’s Daniel’s sense of humor and irony that really point and bring out the absurdities of the left. Piques you, doesn’t it?
I hate you. I will never leave you.
they and America are the essence of a toxic relationship
we need a divorce from the professional victims
That triggered a realization. Why is it so easy to convince people they are victims? Well, the animal brain projects the negative outwards, rather than inward, as blaming others has more survival value, at the animal level, than introspection and realizing ones own faults.
victimhood is a popular narrative
think about how often wronged heroes show up in myths
people like to think of themselves as wronged, it excuses their failures and justifies their selfish actions
I disagree. Victimhood rationalizes, not justifies, but rationalizes, self-sacrifice, selflessness, the betrayal of your rational self, which means your rationally chosen values.
“Something is deeply wrong in the thinking of millions of people for victimhood to have become such a dominant theme — and implicit virtue — in our culture.
I suspect it all stems from the false belief that sacrifice is virtue. The degree to which you sacrifice, the thinking goes, you’re supposedly a good person. Victimization is the currency or proof of your sacrifice.
But sacrifice is NOT a virtue. Suffering is not a virtue. Yes, suffering is sometimes the price you pay for virtue or achievement. But actual virtue — integrity, honesty, competence — is the REAL thing to shoot for. At most, misery is an unfortunate side-effect that it’s admirable to overcome.” – Objectivist psychologist Michael J. Hurd
“Everybody Wants to Be a Victim” – Michael J. Hurd
I realize that for you the entire moral universe comes down to defeating ‘altruism’, but today’s professional victims never sacrifice or even pretend to
But not you. You don’t like to think of yourself as wronged, right Greenfield?
Here’s a recent example (out of literally hundreds in your posts): “the Biden administration is racist, and does everything for people who fit its identity politics criteria while doing nothing for those who don’t.”
not having been a prisoner in a Russian jail, I don’t feel wronged by Biden’s decision to prioritize imprisoned Americans based on race, sexual orientation and celebrity status
some of the white men left behind may feel differently
If victimhood pays, you’ll have more victims. There’s so much UNEARNED wealth, power, and status, that blacks have received through the sainthood of victimhood and martyrdom that it has become ingrained in their way of life.
How many people of any race, religion, ethnicity, gender, at any time, in any country, are willing to give up UNEARNED wealth, power, and status? King George wasn’t willing, the Southern slave owners weren’t willing. The Swamp isn’t willing.
The enshrined Holy Victim eventually become the enshrined Holy Tyrant.
We need a divorce from half the country. I’m not sure that it can be achieved as easily as the divorce from Great Britain was in 1776.
Her and Kaepernick can both go live in one of those traditional tiny little Island with the one pam tree
Hey. One Pam tree provides enough cooking oil to par boil all the meaty bits of protoplasm found around small islands. Including the occasional random tourist and anthropologist.
Well, I guess she’s learning that different jurisdictions have different rules.
I don’t even like to go from one local jurisdiction to another local jurisdiction because the rules are different and are enforced differently. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what the rules locally are and how they are enforced, then even within the same county I have to be on my toes when I am in another jurisdiction.
There are several terms that stand out in my mind as systemically vague. They are more ideological than scientific and can be stretched and narrowed to fit every situation, so they can never be disproved. One is social construction. Whatever that means. Another is systemic bias, racism or discrimination. Jim Crow was systemic racism, but that has been eliminated by civil rights laws. So, how is America still systemically racist? Redefine terms. Integrated dormitories, equal opportunity, correct grammar and many seemingly neutral practices consistent with civil rights are now the new aspects of systemic racism. Many rules of sharia seem on the face to be systemic discrimination against women. But leftists rush to defend them.
Thomas Sowell calls the leftist ideology the vision of the anointed. They are morally superior and can redefine reality as they like. If you will, socially reconstruct it. So Lia Thomas is really a woman and entitled to race against biological females who are shorter, weaker, smaller, have less biological strength. But he feels he is a girl, so he is the equal of persons with so-called female bodies. Again, redefine what is a woman. Even candidates for the Supreme Court profess ignorance of what is a woman. Everyone has to get on the leftist semantic bandwagon in order to be politically correct.