Did you know that Superman’s son is bisexual? So is Batman’s sidekick, Robin, and lots of other superheroes created by Marvel and DC Comics.
The author of the bisexual Superman story says gay people write to say they “burst into tears” when they saw that the characters had become gay.
While it’s nice to make LGBTIQ+ people feel more welcome in the world, not everyone is happy.
They became bisexual “out of nowhere!” complains comic creator Eric July in my new video. “They make it seem as if the only way that you can relate to a character is because you’re gay and that character’s gay, which is nonsense!”
July, who is Black, says you don’t have to share the same traits as a superhero to enjoy the character. His favorite was Batman. “I ain’t got Bruce Wayne money, and I’m not rich! And I’m certainly not white.”
July points out that there have long been gay comic superheroes, like Northstar. But what’s new and dumb is that DC and Marvel are changing the identity of established characters.
A new Batman is Black. There’s a new Spiderman-like character, except she’s a lesbian who uses a wheelchair. Iron Man is now a Black teenage girl. Really.
Maybe this is progress.
“When I was a kid,” I say to July, “all the characters were white. It’s a good thing more are non-white.”
“But they’ve been just reduced to being an item to pander to certain audiences that aren’t really buying into it,” July responds.
No, they sure aren’t. Marvel and DC had the bestselling graphic novels. Now the best sellers are from Japan. Often, they aren’t even in color, yet they outsell Marvel and DC. The American-made books aren’t even in the top 20.
“They turned off their audience by … hyper emphasizing the social justice element.” says July.
Marvel made its evil character M.O.D.A.A.K. resemble Donald Trump. They hired leftist writer Ta-Nehisi Coates to create a Captain America series. Coates made the villain, Red Skull, a bizarre version of Jordan Peterson.
Instead of just saving lives, today’s comic superheroes lead protests.
The cover of a Superman comic shows Superman’s son leading a school “strike for climate.”
It’s so stupid! Superman, with all his powers, could solve climate change all by himself. But now he holds a protest sign.
“These guys are writing material for their peers,” says July. “So even if the Son of Superman falls completely off the charts like it did, right? It’s still a win in their mind.”
I thought that capitalism would be a break on the silliest of the woke world. But in this case, they’re just sabotaging their own projects. The bisexual Superman series was cancelled after 18 issues.
Marvel came up with two not-so-super heroes named “Snowflake” and “Safespace.” Really.
“Snowflake is nonbinary and goes by they-them,” says the writer in Marvel’s video introducing the characters. Fan reaction to the preview video was pretty bad. Marvel decided not to release Snowflake and Safespace.
I wanted to ask Marvel and DC why they seem fine with losing market share. Aren’t their investors angry?
Neither company would talk to me.
At least their stupidity gives new opportunities to independent creators like Eric July. He’s raised $3.7 million to fund a new superhero comic book, “Isom.”
The market will decide if people want to pay for new characters like him.
But July understands something that Marvel and DC apparently no longer do: Capitalism means giving people what they want.
No one is interested in reading about whining wimen or homosexuals. These industries are failing because the woke are ultimately parasites who only care about their own pleasure and ego not about the customer and certainly not about their corrupt employers either. Most of which are staffed by either gibbering morons or other woke parasites.
So to Hell with them.
On the other hand what IS important is that there now exists an opportunity to replace the old tired broken companies.
The woke cannot compete. They are by nature cowards. And cowards can only parasite off the weak.
Be strong.
“DC and Marvel are changing the identity of established characters”
But why? So they can capture the 7% of the gay population while loosing 60% of the straight community. Stockholders love that, don’t cha know.
BTW Don’t superheroes lost their powers when they flipped the switch.
Hopefully the axiom, Go woke, Go broke will apply here.
DC created their two gay super Heros Appolo and Midnighter
“I thought that capitalism would be a break on the silliest of the woke world.”
There are five major branches to philosophy metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Ethics is determined by metaphysics and epistemology. Politics and aesthetics are determined by the first three branches.
That’s why in a Muslim theocracy where Muslim philosophy determies the culture the content of comic books will be in accordance with Islam. Ditto with a Christian, Jewish, or Hindu theocracy. Ditto with communism.
In a culture becoming progressivley Woke, Wokism will begin to influence the artists and therefore the art of that culture, including comic books.
“But July understands something that Marvel and DC apparently no longer do: Capitalism means giving people what they want.”
That’s wonderful but what if people don’t want capitalism? What if more and more Americans are giving up on capitalism?
What if what people want is for someone else to tell them what they want?
A superhero should have the mental powers to 0vercome the desire for any and all sexual perversions. The clarity of mind and serenity of spirit to accept that his or her human body evolved for and through heterosexual sex.
A superhero does not even question that his or her biological/physical reality is heterosexuality.
If the comic book writers want to reconfigure sexuality for superheroes then they should invent a whole other biology for their superheroes.
Can’t wait to see what they do “The Haunted Tank” and “Sgt. Rock.”
They made the Rawhide kid gay, why not Sgt. Rock?
I hear Popeye is to be gender fluid & Wimpy is coming outta the closet.
Comic books are pulling this bullshit to join the woke crusade to groom children into sexual deviants. (Nerds don’t count.) Queers aren’t born; they’re made.
This demonstrates that woke leftists believe it – in spite of the party line.