The recent visit of the Communist Chinese leader Xi Jinping to Moscow for meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin was partly intended to be a big poke in the eye to America, and a message to the West in general that China is on the move and fully intends to replace the United States as the world’s only superpower. A quote that is often attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte might seem appropriate at this point in time, “Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” China is definitely awake.
The Moscow meetings were full of pomp and ceremony, but truthfully, Russian President Vladimir Putin is really just along for the ride, a junior partner and temporary ally of China during this period of transition as a result of China asserting itself internationally. China really doesn’t need Russia, but Russia and Vladimir Putin definitely needs China.
Vladimir Putin’s ill-conceived invasion of Ukraine, with the Ukrainians proving to be a tenacious enemy exacting huge costs in Russian lives and materiel, has made Putin’s grip on power in Russia somewhat tenuous. Xi Jinping knows this. Putin needs China’s support to keep him from possibly having an unanticipated ‘accident’ or ‘health emergency,’ as has sometimes been the case when a Russian leader falls out of favor with the ruling elite in the Kremlin.
Xi Jinping has provided that support, for the moment. But Xi Jinping has no intention of allowing Putin to drag China down with Russia should the Ukrainian invasion continue to go badly for Putin. China will cut Putin loose in a heartbeat if this new relationship threatens China’s long term goals in any way. China has embarked on what can only be described as something akin to a ‘marriage of convenience’ with Russia, and will only maintain that relationship as long as it benefits China’s agenda.
The diplomatic full court press that China’s been pursuing in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and in our own hemisphere is a direct result of the weakness of the Biden Administration. Joe Biden simply isn’t physically or mentally capable of meeting the rigors of the job as president. He can barely make it to Delaware every weekend to rest and recover from his demanding 20-hour work week.
And he has surrounded himself with many Obama administration retreads who were scoffed at and ridiculed by our adversaries during Obama’s eight years in office. Our friends and enemies in the world have never had any professional respect for the Obamunists, either during Barack Obama’s administration, or now again under Joe Biden.
Whomever is president following Joe Biden’s disastrous four years in office will have a huge, deep hole to dig America out of. Whether it’s Trump, DeSantis, or anyone else, the failures of the Biden administration will resonate long after Joe Biden leaves office.
The damage that’s been done may be insurmountable. At the very least it will certainly take more than one presidential term to fix what Biden and his Obamunists have caused to our international position, and to our relations with friend and foe alike.
Not to mention the domestic problems that will also need to be addressed. Both will have to be worked on at the same time, a monumental task requiring someone with the stamina to meet those challenges head-on. Obviously Joe Biden hasn’t been up to the job from the very start.
Xi and Vlad, along with the Ayatollah and Kim Jung Un, have created a new “Axis of Evil,” and they have every intention of trying to exploit this renewed American weakness every chance they get.
America better wake up, because China certainly has, and Xi intends to make the world tremble.
Xi for sure. Vlad? Eh, not so much.
It really is more like the Beijing-Brussels-Davos . . . and Kalorama Axis.
This is a latter day version of the Treaty of Rapallo from 1922 ; moreover it is a truly ominous sign for the West after China has taken the side of Russia
The West needs to slink away from its debacle in Ukraine before they mindlessly trigger WW3 and provoke the Russians into nuking us
The writing is on the wall for any sensible person to see ; with the rise of china and resurgent Russia we are entering a new world with the West in serious decline
I can no longer believe that the numerous failures of both the Obama and Biden administrations were the result of massive incompetence, although, to be sure) they both are. Instead, I have to believe they both want the U.S. to be in irreversible decline on the world stage as they believe the country is evil and oppressive and want it taken down many, many, pegs. Isn’t there a Bible verse about knowing the tree from its fruits? Seems applicable here.
The country, like many cities, is being run by angry children who hate their own country. They really do despise it. What could possibly go wrong?
Goya etched it: “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters.”.
The West continues to slumber into oblivion.
Quand la Chine s’éveillera, le monde tremblera,” (or something like that) was a book title in France during the 7o’s. It’s taken 50 years for the West to pay attention. Is it too late?
Ask ChatGPT what “omni-directional warfare” is…
It’s essential to the PLA handbook. Few Americans can fathom the idea that every minute of the day, or “woken” moment, is warfare or training for warfare.
Whereas most Americans are too busy being offended by words to study warfare… “the father of us all”
D.W. Wilber,
You suggest that ‘Xi and Vlad, along with the Ayatollah and Kim Jung Un, have created a new “Axis of Evil,”’ Are we to understand that the U.S.A., Britain and Europe are the old ‘axis of evil’? It certainly seems that way.
These Western nations generally permit widespread promotion of sodomy, the so-called LGBTAI+ agenda – in America children are encouraged to be trans, and in some places can be ‘transitioned’ (genitals mutilated, etc.), without parental consent. People in these countries now claim to be of various ‘genders’ – using all kinds of weird pronouns – resulting in some being prosecuted for failing to address a person by the ‘correct’ pronoun. In Britain, some have been arrested for praying silently in certain areas.
If the U.S.A., Britain, Europe, etc., are supposed to be beacons of light to the world, then the world is in serious trouble.
That is a very thoughtful response. Whenever I hear that nonsense “Axis of Evil,” my mind races to the ubiquitous LGBTQ+ communities chasing down Christian bakers and photographers. And that is the poisoned chalice that America is trying to force the world to drink from. The radicalization of the Trans group, as seen in recent mass shootings, and the general depravity that the government wants to dumb down the people with. Are these the constituents of the “Axis of Good,” or should I say it in their word, “The Rules-Based order”? No one is deceived. I accept China is not a haven, but the USA should not pretend that they are any better after all, they sold their souls to China, driving all their manufacturing there and the judgment would be harsher on the USA because they claim their system to be based on the Judeo-Christian world view.
Britain passed a law that makes it illegal to pray within 150 yards of an abortion clinic.
But I do wonder how the police would react if muslims were the ones praying.
Perhaps this could be the issue that joins religion together?
When Communism fell, the only hardcore Communists left in the World… WERE OURS! They doubled down instead in a complete takeover of every university with those graduates taking over companies they worked for and when one of them gets into a hiring position, THEY ONLY HIRE THEIR OWN!
ONE CPUSA/KGB RECRUIT became President Barack Obama who then appointed the same recruits to head every department in a complete takeover, again, in a hiring position to only hire their own which was then used to attack ALL OPPONENTS and to even conspire in a coup attempt against a Sitting President.
In the meantime, they’re still going after Trump and letting the Biden’s get away with obvious crimes!
NOW REMEMBER THE OUTRAGE FOR TRUMP’S “CHINA VIRUS!” The Com-Left Democrats were nuts. That alone should prove where their loyalties lie even when it has been proven that the Chinese infected the world to aid in their takeover with the help of our BLUE DEMOCRATS who closed down their cities and States while leaving the Made in China Walmarts, open!
First Xi will take over Taiwan…then it will be Tibet…and finally Russia. Vlad will be put out to pasture then.