At a summit held by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in November, FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke about “the tragic reality that the Jewish community uniquely ends up on the receiving end of hate-fueled attacks from all sides.” He referenced the white supremacist attacks in recent years in Poway and Pittsburgh, and the 2022 attack at the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, motivated by “violent Jihad”. But it’s not just white supremacists and radical Muslims.
There are myriad of groups espousing Jews-hatred – the far-right, the far-left, radical Muslims, and black supremacists, such as Louis Farrakhan, to name a few. The reality is that these groups and their individual members and supporters pose a danger not only to the Jewish community, but to all Americans. Antisemites target Jews first, as they see the Jewish people as easy prey, but what they are really after is changing America beyond recognition, according to their distorted and extreme ideologies.
The tragic reality is that America as a whole is on the receiving end of hate-fueled attacks from all the radical elements of society. The fabric of America is disintegrating in front of our eyes at the hands of the sworn enemies of the American and the Jewish people.
The Mounting Threat for Jewish Americans
In recent years, the threat against American Jews, and consequently the American people, has been mounting. Per FBI Director Wray, “A full 63% of religious hate crimes are motivated by antisemitism—targeting a group that makes up just 2.4% of our population.”
Interestingly, this hate is one of the sole common threads between far-right, far-left, radical Muslim, and black supremacist ideologies. These groups are united by familiar antisemitic tropes of a nefarious and powerful Jewish or “Zionist” cabal that allegedly seeks to dominate and subjugate individuals, societies, and nations through behind-the-scenes scheming.
More and more, these hate groups, who at their core are enemies to each other, are coalescing and cooperating in their hatred of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.
How did we arrive to this point, and is Antisemism just a Jewish problem?
The Threat from the Far Right
Jew hatred from the far-right has grown in recent years with the popularization of the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, in which Jews are commonly held responsible for a plot to subjugate if not eliminate the white race through promotion of non-white mass immigration, feminism, transgenderism, and other supposedly devious schemes.
Hence, at the notorious white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, marchers feverishly chanted, “Jews will not replace us”.
Within the year, this unfolded into real world violence against Jews. In March 2018, 46-year-old white supremacist Robert Gregory Bowers killed 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during Shabbat services, the deadliest attack on Jews in America’s history. Blaming the Jews for mass migration to the U.S., Bowers posted on social media before the attack, “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
A little over a year later in April 2019, 19-year-old John Timothy Earnest burst into the Chabad of Poway synagogue outside San Diego, killing one congregant in a burst of gunfire, again during Sabbath services. In his manifesto, Earnest wrote, “Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously.”
As I’ve warned, the Jews were just the first, most attractive target. Soon these attacks spread to the rest of America. In August 2019, a far-right shooter targeted Latinos in an El Paso, Texas Walmart, killing 23. In May 2022, a far-right shooter targeted black Americans at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 10. Both cited the “Great Replacement” theory as motivations for their attacks.
The Threat from Black Nationalists
Jew hatred doesn’t only come from white nationalists, but also from black nationalists, who since the 1960’s have been advocating for a major national influence through the Nation of Islam (NOI) and their co-hordes through race pride for African Americans and black separatism.
Hatred of Jews has long been brewing in the black community. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the antisemitic Nation of Islam (NOI), has been a prominent voice in the community for decades.
Farrakhan spews hateful venom at Jews, alleging that the Jewish people were responsible for the slave trade and that they conspire to control the government, the media and Hollywood, as well as various black individuals and organizations. He frequently denies the legitimacy of Judaism – or the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel – arguing that “Judaism is nothing more than a ‘deceptive lie’ and a ‘theological error’ promoted by Jews to further their ‘control’ over America’s government and economy.”
The severity of this problem burst onto the national scene in December 2019, with a spate of attacks against the Jewish community in the New York metropolitan area. On December 10, two heavily armed individuals connected to the Black Hebrew Israelite (BHI) movement murdered three people at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, New Jersey. Weeks later, on December 28, a BHI-inspired individual attacked a Hanukkah gathering in Monsey, New York with a large knife, killing 72-year-old Rabbi Josef Neumann.
Once again, this hate then reared its head from Jews to the rest of society. In November 2021, Darrell Brooks, a black nationalist drove his SUV into a crowd of Christmas parade attendees in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding dozens. In April 2022, another black nationalist Frank Robert James perpetrated a mass shooting on the New York City subway during rush hour, injuring 29. James’s online incitement and bigotry included antisemitic diatribes.
Farrakhan’s views are echoed in the recent antisemitic outbursts of famed rapper Kanye West, who now goes by “Ye”. Kanye is now claiming, “Somehow our country has been taken over by, you know, maybe about 300 Zionists.” Farrakhan and Kanye have actually been publicly connected for years, with West referring to him as “sensei” in one of his songs.
When Kanye talks about blacks being the real Jews, he mimics the beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI). While white supremacists say “Jews will not replace us”, BHI followers say they are us. Just this past month, a group of BHI marchers in Brooklyn ominously chanted, “we are the real Jews”.
And now Kanye has united with the far right, bringing white supremacist Nick Fuentes along with him when dining with former President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago on November 22.
The “Red-Green” Alliance: The Threat from the Radical Left & Radical Muslims
Not to be outdone, the radical left has been ramping up its Jew hatred for decades, disguising it using hatred for the homeland of the Jewish people, the State of Israel. This radical group new kind of new antisemitism initially gained intellectual currency in universities and other leftist intellectual circles. Today, modern anti-Semitism can be found among members of the radical Left, who are inherently anti-American and see Israel as a symbol of American and Western imperialism, aggressive military rule and the violation of human rights.
Similarly, radical Muslims have long sought Israel’s destruction and promulgated conspiracies of Jewish Zionist global domination. Despite the fact that radical Muslims and leftists are naturally completely misaligned in their belief systems and ideologies, they have joined forces and as the Reut Group warns, “The strategic partnership between the radical left and political Islam, known as the red-green or Islamo-Left alliance, emerged in Europe, but it has migrated to the US in recent years.” Despite their hatred and intolerance to each other they have a shared agenda that is anti-Western, anti-American, and anti-Zionist.
The New Antisemites Report by and Zachor Legal Institute in which anti-Zionism or hatred of Israel is utilized as an acceptable stand-in for the classical hatred of Jews documents how this contemporary hate, as disseminated by the Islamo-Left so-called “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) Movement, is negatively influencing large segments of the United States’ population and creating a dangerous environment that normalizes vilification of Jews, as well as inciting violence against Jews, something that history has shown to have deadly consequences.
The radical left have also been promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs on universities and high schools contributing to antisemitism in the American education system. However, antisemitism is not just a Jewish problem – it is an American problem and while CRT and DEI policies may disproportionately target and harm Jewish students, their agenda ultimately seeks to undermine and replace fundamental American values and replace it with its own radical vision.
The trend of intersectionality has accelerated the Islamo-Left collaboration.
The strange alliance between the radical Left and radical Muslims – two groups that, despite their seemingly incompatible worldviews, happily collaborate against Israel and the Jews, can be explained by the theory of intersectionality adopted by many in the far Left. According to this theory, groups that consider themselves neglected and discriminated against must come together to fight against each of those groups’ supposed enemies.
This new partnership was on full display during the last major conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in May 2021, when terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched more than 4,000 rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians. Back in America, we witnessed stunning and unprecedented scenes in New York, Los Angeles, and other major progressive urban centers of Jews being assaulted by mobs of anti-Israel activists. This surge of anti-Jewish hate also included harassment, vandalism and online abuse.
Few could have imagined that such a wave of violence against Jews in major American cities would be possible within living memory of the Holocaust. Jews in America often fear walking the streets wearing Jewish symbols, congregating outside Jewish community buildings, or even speaking Hebrew or Yiddish in public. This is a growing threat to American society. Street violence and hate speech is replacing the American principles of reasoned discourse and debate.
Through intersectionality, the Red-Green alliance seeks to replace the universal virtues of tolerance, pluralism, freedom of speech, and rule of law with racialized “anti-racism”, hierarchical critical race theory, discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, intolerant “cancel culture”, and the censorship of “de-platforming”.
Danger at Our Doorstep
As I’ve repeatedly warned, defining antisemitism as a Jewish problem is a lose-lose proposition. Antisemitism is a threat to America, as it is a harbinger of rising violent extremism that will soon consume us all.
Together, those who foremost target Jews – white and black nationalists as well as the Red-Green alliance of the left and Islamists – are a fundamental threat to America and its values. These radical groups are spearheading efforts to erode the core principles that make our country exceptional, replacing America’s commitment to individual rights and equality, meritocracy, rule of law, tolerance, pluralism, due process, freedom of speech, and free-market capitalism with a racialized and violent world steeped in conspiracy theories and political polarization.
The Jewish people have long been portrayed as the sacrificial “canary in the coal mine”, a powerless creature that will warn others of danger through its demise. But here we are, not a canary, but as an eagle, warning Americans of the looming threats on the horizon. Heed our warnings.
Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Impact Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook
Complex and difficult subject, with no patent resolution…
Implicit all around seems to be that Jews are a special case… I wholeheartedly believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people, and that He will fulfill all His promises toward them–which is wonderful!…
But that does not change the apparent reality that a disproportionate number of Jews are perceived as being at the active forefront of international socialism, for one example among others that may reasonably attract attention…
The Irish, for example, can protest being perceived as hard drinkers with a tendency toward brawling all they want, but if they as a group tend to attempt to ban the consideration of this possibility, they will only compound the problem quite seriously…
Deal with the stereotypes openly–as to stereotypes wherever they may be found, there is almost always a kind of ‘grain of thruth’ in there somewhere sustaining the thing, address it openly… Why expect to be able to avoid this?…
‘Conspiracy theories’, such as the Covid lab-leak conspiracy theory, now conspiratorally admitted by the conspiratorial FBI come in an endless array of sizes, shapes, and colors, and always will–it is exceedingly counter-productive to attempt to categorically ban all these from possible consideration…
Well Well Well, maybe if all the powers that be in Globalism, US govt. agencies, banking, media….long long long list of control agents were not all Jewish….it would be another story. BUT it is not another story. Why don’t the Good Jew stand up in united front, label and define the bad Jewish opposition and then tell the world what the Good Jews stand for. Do they stand for Liberty and defined in the American founding documents or do they stand for Israel first. What. The Jewish folks do this to themselves. They are their own worst enemy. How much of what Ya said is true, just like so many others have. I love David Horowitz and Dennis Prager for what they have done for American Liberty and the souls of individuals. But until there is a clear united front of Good Jews fighting the Bad Jew and they call them out, name names, things will not change and the public will see what they already see….Bad Jews that seem to represent all Jews. Don’t insult the readers.
The old divided loyalties trope- well done. Do you question whether black people are more loyal to Africa than the US or reserve this slur for Jews?
They’re not all Jewish. See my comments below. They’re cheerleaders and impressarios of the WASP elite which has betrayed America in a very fundamental way. Every Jewish frontman has WASP deep state sponsorship and permission to act. All professional criminals look for fig leaves, Genco Olive Oil. Americas founding stock is bored with republicanism and wants a global empire.
Orthodox Jews are as revolted by the lies of Nadler, Schiff etc. as you are and strongly support Donald Trump. We do speak out against them and the other Demorats but they cannot hear, just as your leftist co-religionists or what ever, cannot hear. There are far more non-Jews in those groups than there are Jews. Its just that sometimes these foul Jewish voices are louder and more loudly dispersed by the sick media. Here you are posting on a David Horowitz site. Certainly Breitbart has a widespread Jewish voice of the sort you want to hear- but apparently refuse to acknowledge.
SFTU and keep your unsupported ad hominem to yourself.
Great Replacement conspiracy theory,
Its no more a “conspiracy theory” than its a theory that Israel is ruled by a Galician Mafia that does all it can to perpetuate itself. Americas deep state–which is nominally Protestant–is trying to demographically swamp patriots–just as Israels Arabs want to swamp Israeli Jews. More importantly, Adam, Americas deep state has expert impresarios: Americas deeply self-hating and alienated (from Judaism, America–and Americans who care about America), Jewish establishment, including the ADL that you cite.
Sorry, Adam, but this “canary in a coal mine” theory is what its always been: misdirection, a Dizengoff Street game of three card monty.
Evidently you’re unaware that satanic worshiping muslims are the world’s leading drug dealers… as per Soft Kill…
Whereas America protected the Poppy Fields of Afghanistan… literally with American Troops…
WTF are you even talking about? How is that even relevant? But since YOU brought up drugs, ever hear of the opiate crises and the Sackler family–whos name is emblazoned down the side of the medical school at my alma mater, Tel Aviv University? How about Teva Pharmaceuticals? Sackler (through its Purdue Pharma) and Teva manufactured and distributed OVER 90% of the synthetic opiates which poisoned millions of Americans in the first decade of the 21st century and were fined $9 BILLION and $4.5 BILLION, respectively? If you’re going to say something, first, keep it relevant and then dont say something you dont know anything about because it might–as it just did–make those of us who are criminals and America haters look even worse. But there you have it, ordinary Jews running interference on behalf of their criminal elite. Adam likes you.
Maybe you should do a bit of research on the so called “Galician Mafia”… and their European drug dealing… aye?
Remember 2+2 still equals 4… Ding Donk…
Israel is more of a Democracy than most who call themselves Democracies. Israel is ruled by people doing their best to survive in a very hostile neighborhood. Of course, Israel wants to “perpetuate itself” just as you and every other healthy human being and society want to survive and perpetuate themselves. The rest of your post is confused and pointless.
Its neither confused nor pointless. Israel is ruled by a deeply corrupt, anti-democratic and anti-republican elite of current and former kibbutnikim, monopolistic oligarchs and government hacks. THIS is what “judicial reform” in Israel is all about and why the Ashkenazi left is freaking out: on the other side of reform is the real reform–Israels mafia-like elite is going to lose all of its stolen privileges, but it will fight hard, first. You clearly dont know shit about Israel–where I lived, and served, for ten years. Israel is a progressive-socilaist state with all of the clientelism and corruption that anyone with maturity and experience expects to find. Israel for people like you is simply a source of personal identity, so you concoct a halo around it; it is not a place for Jews to exercise liberty and thats why 1.2M Israelis (including Adam and Daniel) have left Israel. It is horrifically corrupt.
Oh, I see, we’re supposed to like the fact that Jews are 3% of the population yet hold 25% of all our wealth. Well I for one, DON’T.
You are ridiculous. and embarrassing,
You need to do better than ad hominem. Facts are necessary; marshal them. What people are complaining about when they complain about Jews is the FACT that we–yeah, we–are vastly overrepresented in the ranks of the supporting cast of characters which upholds and promotes America’s (formerly Protestant) deep state, just as our ancestors were the totality of the Polish nobility’s Arendors (you do know about the Arenda system and how it was foisted on the Polish AND UKRAINIAN peasantry, right, Sarah?) and baronial estate managers–not to mention capos who kept the rest of Jewry in line. The few remaining Jewish Jews are tarred as subversives because most of us won’t stand up and be counted amongst those who do not like being ruled by a self-appointed, corrupt elite and, instead, run interference for those “Jews” who are deeply anti-America (which is what you are, willy-nilly, doing right now). As for Adam, he’s Israeli: energetic but rather…simple…,, apt to thinking in obvious slogans and truly believing that everyone else is simple, as well. The canaries ought to fly the coop l’eretz yisrael and try tikkuning the corrupt deep state that creates the kind of country that impels guys like…Adam…to leave in the first place.
You mean… like the United Kingdom?
The 5 largest Land holders in the world…
1) The Royal Family of England
The rest are satanic worshiping muslims…
Yes, the English elite is playing Greece to a corrupt and declining American Rome. Their landholdings aren’t relevant.
Yes… very relevant… especially when your talking about the so called “Rich Jews”… who aren’t anything compared to the very rich of this world…
Which includes satanic worshiping muslims…
If that is true, which I doubt, it is because of merit. You should work harder, educate yourself and you too can become wealthy in our great and still free nation.
The former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech that “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America.”
The violent vicious malice-filled Marxists hooligans of Black Lives Matter with their Red/Green all alliance, for example the comrades of the jihadist terrorist organization ,Hamas
If and that is “if” BLM would actually able, with the help of the jihadists to overthrow the Capitalist system build on a Republic that makes up the United States as America’s founding Fathers established. The BLM members are far too ignorant to know it , but then the Muslim terrorists who aided them, as their “useful idiots, tools and stooges for the overthrow of the Republic of the US Constitutional government those same jihadist would then gather up the BLM members as eliminate them. As in kill them all.
The reason this is so is because those Muslim who are also jihadists, well understand that the dangerous Marxist of BLM can’t be trusted no to, in time turn on them. So those jihadists would not tolerate or trust the BLM members. What fools those BLM ruffians, truly, are
That Black Live Matter SUV truck mass murderer, Darrel Brooks, has revealed the malicious, vicious, bloody murderous fruits of that criminal racist hate organization. This is not the first time a BLM terrorist murdered an innocent non-aggressive person that deadly affront was obviously a racially motivated hate crime. Therefore, “hate crime charges in addition to a murder and assault charges should be filed against the domestic terrorist, Darrel Brooks.
As for the riots and other forms of violence, malice-filled are the fruits of BLM the Wisdom of Jesus does very much apply for Jesus taught “ By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [N.K.J.V.]
No wonder the BLM hooligans burn Bible’s , they don’t like that the teachings of Jesus reveals about them and their violent and murderous Marxist organization
Such heinous murderous thugs as Darrel Brooks and other MLB criminals in the Bible in Proverbs 4:16,17 Which reads “For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; and their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.”
Likewise, in the New Testament such vicious lawless hooligans are found described in Romans 3::15 ,16. “Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known.”
Every time someone says Jews hold disproportionate money or power, I cringe. So what? If Jewish money and power are derived from honest work, intelligence and industry, good for them! Good for the people they employ and the opportunity they create.
If a Jew is a progressive globalist, he is just as despicable as any other person with those same views.
Christians suffer more at this point, and secular Jews often lead the charge (Soros, MIkey Weinstein, the ACLU, People for the American Way……). And these same Jews tend to support the Democrats that actually hate them and enable and excuse those who hate them.
We need to talk more about anti-Christian bigotry and hate, and call out those who seek to undermine us at every turn.
Both need to be called out.
Yes. Once we start competing about who is MORE victimized and persecuted we begin to create injustice. That’s what leftists do.
No, we just stop pretending that Jews are helpless victims. They generally and overwhelmingly support their oppressors, while often leading the charge to oppress Christians. Even about half of Israeli Jews support their oppressors, witness the prior elections when Bibi got thrown out.
Kerry, Gore, Fonda, Biden … see how easy it is to string together names that are not Jewish. Your selection reflects you, not reality.
You’re uninformed and so will always be ineffective in the fight against GloboHomo.
I have found that people like you who attack Jews, Judaism and/or the Talmud know little or nothing about it except what ignorant
fellow bigots put forth.
One of the first things Hitler did with the Jews was to Disarm them
Threat from the “far right”? are you insane? Just another leftist Jew whining for special privileges. The “far-right” supports freedom for Jews and all. That is more than can be said for the 80-ish% of Jews who support Democrats and socialists and communists. I wonder, do the majority of Jews also support drag queen shows for little kids, sexual mutilation of pre-pubescent kids? The APA and AMA are pretty much led by Jews, they signed on to that.
Seriously, if blacks need to start policing the violent among themselves, we need more Jews policing the anti-American, anti-Christian evil bigots among them.
So just how many terrorists are in the United Nations? Please tell me
Anti-Semitism/ Jew-hatred is just the visible-part of a deeper evil-human-hating destruction ‘rotten-root’, which becomes more evident over time. Yes, there are evil Jewish people, just as there are evil gentiles (non-jews).
So what? SIN and flawed/broken HUMAN NATURE HAS NO ETHNICITY.
God shows us this clearly in the Bible–given to us by God through the Jewish Prophets and Apostles of our jewish (according to the flesh) SAVIOR of ALL human beings!
Also,… WHY does the writer of this essay, and so many refer to White-Supremist’,. or ‘Black-Supremist groups as extreme ‘Right’??? If LEFT-WING means MORE government—Centralized government control,…. then RIGHT-WING means LESS government powerr & control over the Individual,.. then it should hold that EXTREME-RIGHT would naturally lead to ANARCHY, not racial-control groups!
Words are important to understand clearly what the meaning of a notion or action is.