On Monday November 14 in Bali, Indonesia, Joe Biden met with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). According to the White House press release, “the two leaders spoke candidly about their respective priorities and intentions across a range of issues,” including “transnational challenges such as climate change, global macroeconomic stability including debt relief, health security, and global food security” and so forth.
As Charlie Spierling noted, in their opening remarks, Biden and Xi failed to mention “the coronavirus pandemic that came from China.” This lapse comes in the wake of mounting evidence that the pandemic originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That lab was funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci to conduct dangerous gain of function research that makes viruses more lethal and transmissible.
“Everyone had to agree to the narrative” enforced by Fauci, former CDC director Dr. Redfield recently revealed. In early 2020, CDC official Dr. Nancy Messonnier even complimented China on its handling of the pandemic. On Monday, former State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus called out Biden for failing to bring it up.
“Why are we not talking about fentanyl — the chemical precursors that go from China to Mexico — the number one killer of young people? Why aren’t we talking about the origins of COVID-19?” Ortagus asked. “Are we just going to let them get away with this?”
The White House claimed Biden “raised concerns about PRC practices in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, and human rights more broadly.” But as Andrew Thornebrooke noted at The Epoch Times, “the Chinese Communist Party’s readout of the meeting did not mention any discussion of human rights.”
Biden wants to define the U.S. relationship with China in purely economic terms, rather than a strategic competition for control of the future. As Brandon Weichet notes, “In Biden, Beijing has a president who has spent his entire career championing closer U.S. ties with the CCP.” As the record shows, that is hardly a stretch.
In November 1989, less than six months after the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sen. Biden voted against strong sanctions on Communist China. In 1998, with the United States again poised to enact sanctions, Biden was part of a group of 10 senators opposed to the measures. “We are all for human rights,” the senators’ letter read, but human rights were to be achieved “through engagement.”
In May 2011, Biden said he believed that “protecting fundamental rights and freedoms such as those enshrined in China’s international commitments as well as in China’s own constitution is the best way to promote long term stability and prosperity—of any society.” The vice president didn’t specify the “fundamental rights and freedoms” in China’s constitution, and his statement offered no criticism of the Communist regime.
According to The Black Book of Communism, published in 1997, China’s Communist regime is responsible for more than 60 million deaths. Biden shows no familiarity with the book, and in 2000 the Delaware Democrat, then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, supported China’s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The man most responsible for helping vice president Biden “get China” was Tom Donilon, a veteran of the Carter White House and advisor to Biden his first presidential run in 1988. In a June, 2013, speech to the Asia Society, Donilon avoided the human rights issue and contended that “a deeper U.S.-China military-to-military dialogue is central to addressing many of the sources of insecurity and potential competition between us.” (emphasis added)
Donilon, who served as National Security advisor during the Obama administration, is the likely source for Joe Biden’s claim that the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks,” and “not competition for us.” By all indications, China has now “got Biden,” who is also compromised through the business dealings of son Hunter.
Xi Jinping now controls the Chinese Communist Party “without serious challenge,” Mark Lewis explains, and is now unquestionably “the most dangerous man on earth,” a veritable reincarnation of Chairman Mao. In Joe Biden, Xi Jinping sees weakness incarnate.
On Saturday, at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Phnom Penh, Biden referred to Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen as the “prime minister of Colombia.” During a press conference, Biden admitted his handlers had limited the number of questions to four.
Ben Owen called the Indonesia meeting Biden’s “statement of support of – and complicity with – the cultural revolution and the mass murder of 70 million Chinese people.” Owen’s tweet linked to footage of Biden wearing what looks like CCP garb.
As Weichert sees it, Xi Jinping “will view Biden’s actions for what they truly are: bootlicking intended to stave off the inevitable Chinese assault. Rather than being deterred from future hostilities, Xi will likely be more aggressive, since American weakness is provocative.”
That weakness has Mark Lewis wondering if the most dangerous man in the world could be Joe Biden, who is often uncertain of his location and unable to identify the current century. As the Delaware Democrat repeatedly confirms, “stupidity in power is absolutely horrifying.”
The only word that needs to be spoken is compliance. If there were words to be spoken they would be about non-compliance but there aren’t any.
“Why are we not talking about fentanyl — the chemical precursors that go from China to Mexico — the number one killer of young people? Why aren’t we talking about the origins of COVID-19?” Ortagus asked. “Are we just going to let them get away with this?”
The U.N. Agenda 21 culminated in convid and the lockdown hysteria. The leftist elites are promoting this and encouraging China, when I see some evidence to the contrary I will revise my opinion but not until.
This is appeasement on a grand scale
Vlad and Xi are planning on a “spit roast” for the American false president, JoJo Cabbage Brain Biden. DOCTOR Jill is prepping Joey for the event, as she has MUCH experience. For those who don’t know what a spit roast is, check Urban Dictionary, or do a search on PornHub.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln
Marxism is Judeo-Christianity SECULARIZED. Marx jettisoned God and the supernatural out of the MYSTICAL equation but kept the mystical, otherworldly, supernatural, religious moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice intact.
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal…. From its start, this country was a threat to the ancient rule of mystics. In the brilliant rocket-explosion of its youth, this country displayed to an incredulous world what greatness was possible to man, what happiness was possible on earth. It was one or the other: America or mystics. The mystics knew it; you didn’t. You let them infect you with the worship of NEED…. ” – Ayn Rand
Allow me to correct myself. Marx jettisoned the supernatural after-life out of the mystical equation but he replaced a supernatural Almighty God with the idea of a supernatural organism called Almighty Society.
The supernatural, religious, mysticism is all there in Marxism but it is cloaked in pseudo-science gibberish.
“You are probably wondering here: “What about Communism? Isn’t it a logical, scientific, atheistic philosophy, and yet doesn’t it lead straight to totalitarianism?” The short answer to this is: Communism is not an expression of logic or science, but the exact opposite. Despite all its anti-religious posturings, Communism is nothing but a modern derivative of religion: it agrees with the essence of religion on every key issue, then merely gives that essence a new outward veneer or cover-up….
The Communists reject Aristotelian logic and Western science in favor of a “dialectic” process; reality, they claim, is a stream of contradictions which is beyond the power of “bourgeois” reason to understand. They deny the very existence of man’s mind, claiming that human words and actions reflect nothing but the alogical predetermined churnings of blind matter. They do reject God, but they replace him with a secular stand-in, Society or the State, which they treat not as an aggregate of individuals, but as an unperceivable, omnipotent, supernatural organism, a “higher unseen power” transcending and dwarfing all individuals. Man, they say, is a mere social cog or atom, whose duty is to revere this power and to sacrifice every thing in its behalf. Above all, they say, no such cog has the right to think for himself; every man must accept the decrees of Society’s leaders, he must because this is the voice of Society, whether he understands it or not. Fully as much as Tertullian, Communism demands faith from its followers and subjects, “faith” in the literal, religious sense of the term. On every account, the conclusion is the same: Communism is not a new, rational philosophy; it is a tired, slavishly imitative heir of religion.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
“Religion versus America”
For God’s sake, will you just shut up about Ayn Rand? Winston Churchill defined a fanatic as one who can’t change their mind and won’t change the subject. You, sir, are a fanatic. And you are a fanatic that derails nearly every conversation on every subject on a daily basis on FPM. If you want to talk endlessly about Ayn Rand, go start your own website and talk about her all you want. But stop trying to re-purpose this one.
I’m not trying to re-purpose this website. I’m voicing my viewpoint. Why is that wrong? If you don’t like my comments don’t read them.
You try and turn every comment thread here, no matter what the subject of the column is, into a discussion of Ayn Rand and her philosophy. It’s repetitive, boring, not responsive to the issue under discussion and results in people commenting on Rand rather than the issue at hand. Like I said, if you want to have a website to only discuss the subject of your fanaticism, go for it. Just not this one which is trying to do important work and feature discussions of important issues.
When JFK got cold feet and pulled the rug out from under the ones he sent to depose Castro, Khrushchev saw it, and took it as confirmation that JFK was weak and could be rolled.
The Cuban missle crises followed as a result.
In 2021, Xi saw a doddering fool abandon Afghanistan in a mad rush to surrender.
The doddering fool saw more value in giving a speech on the 20th anniversary of 911, than the 1000s of lives it cost to give it.
Xi sees the obvious – an insecure, demented idiot who is incredibly easy to manipulate (and more easily purchased).
And now that *Biden confirmed his weakness & stupidity in person, Taiwan now braces themselves for what is sure to come.
Could it be, from an understanable perspective, America seems a carcus, and Bide a circling fly?
This picture of those two standing together and smiling is of XI Jinping ,who is a brilliant and clever scheming evil man with his useful idiot Joe Biden who is feeble-minded but still evil’
Xi Jinping must have it made with his stooge ,Biden, sitting in the White House masquerading as a real US President .
Now that Jinping has Biden to use as his tool to fulfill his goals , the United States will growing weaker and Communist China will be growing stronger.
This awful and tragic situation is the outcome of that unconscionable rigged Presidential national election fraud of November 2020.
This photograph of those two evil man , Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, standing there and joining their hands together is a blatant reminder that in the Bible it is written “Though hand join in hand , the wicked shall not be unpunished.”
Proverbs 11:21. [K.J.V.]
Biden the Bender will soon be able to kiss his own backside as long as he bends over to appease China
Instead of going to any military base or even Arlington Cemetary (as most President’s do), Biden went, for some unkown reason, to Cambodia for Veteran’s Day. There he proceeded to give a billiant speech where he said he was in Columbia, South America instead of Cambodia.
From there he went to see his boss, Xi Jinping, the President of China. In their expansive talks, Brandon said nothing about the Chinese made virus called COVID, nothing about the genocide and imprisionment of the Uyghurs in China that has been going on for years, and nothing about the Chinese made fentanyl that kills a hundred thousand Americans every year. Just nonsense about Climate change that ignores the fact that China is the biggest polluter on the planet. They are building coal fired energy plants as fast as they can (1110 so far) and are laughing about the fact that Biden has declared a “war on coal” here and will be making them rich by buying all the Chinese made solar panels. And they are laughing because they “own” Joe with the tens of millions they paid him and his son Hunter before the 2020 election. And I think he forgot to mention Taiwan (where 90% of the world computer chips come from), that the Chinese will be occupying in the next year or two.