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Is anyone really surprised?
After weeks of bias intimidation by Hamas supporters aimed at Jewish students and faculty, including Khymani James, an encampment leader who had talked to Columbia University officials about killing Jews, the Biden administration’s Department of Education, with the inevitability of a rigged slot machine in Reno, is launching a “civil rights investigation” into the university for “extreme anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and Islamophobic harassment”.
The complaint comes from ‘Palestine Legal’, the same group providing advice to the encampment protesters.
It complains that “Columbia has reinforced the hostile anti-Palestinian environment, including by suspending Students for Justice in Palestine — a student organization that advocates for Palestinian human rights — for engaging in speech activity supporting Palestinian rights”
What sort of “speech activity” did Columbia University’s SJP chapter engage in?
After Oct 7, Students for Justice in Palestine hailed the Hamas rape of girls, murder of babies and kidnapping of children as a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance”.
The national organization which has 200 chapters on campuses across North America put out a ‘toolkit’ which explained that the Jewish victims were “not civilians” and could be freely targeted.
Its poster for a ‘Day of Resistance’ featured an image of the paraglider that Hamas terrorists had used to massacre and rape young Israelis at a music festival.
Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine celebrated the “unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza” and asserted their “full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance”. It was also a signatory to the “victory or martyrdom” statement signed by the national organization.
According to the Department of Education, celebrating the mass murder of Jews and issuing a call for “full solidarity” with a terrorist organization is “speech activity”.
The Department of Education refuses to protect Jewish students from Hamas supporters, but rushes to protect Hamas supporters from Jewish students.
Well … brilliant post as usual.
And … we’ve reached convergence.
At this point, I would think about my bug out bag … if I had anywhere to go.
I don’t. And that’s why I’m hiding out in east Texas with my head down like a good little serf.
East Texas? I hope you live near the Pineywoods. That place is great. You could sit back against a tree and fall asleep in five minutes there. They remind me of the redwood forests here in California that way, although the forests are as different as can be otherwise.
The department of education has been compromised.
The clean up must start from top to bottom.
Just imagine if the so called students were celebrating the genocide of and chanting death to any other group of people other than Jews. Will they say the same thing about it?
The department of education needs to be abolished. Even benign, productive and constructive one would be superfluous and unnecessary.
Clean up on aisle America!
In 1977, ACLU helped the National Socialist Party of America win a free speech case where they were allowed to wear Nazi uniforms and bear swastikas. I.e. repugnant speech is allowed under free speech.
That being said…
1) Columbia is a private university. It is not public grounds or buildings. Imagine a Safeway store being investigated because it did not allow a political rally.
2) The police were sent in after the terrorist supporters took over Hamilton Hall and took hostages. That goes beyond free speech.
i don’t quite get your point. City College for example, is not private. Some behaviors and words – such as incitement and targeting one group for severe harm- are beyond the pale. It may be legal technically but it is immoral.
Actually, incitement to violence is a crime. Multiple crimes.
Columbia U administration finally asked NYPD to remove the protesters (rioters).
Only because of the bad publicity.
How about a Invstigation into those who are Financing them Can we day Georges Soros?
Among the major financiers of depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent Islam are the Saudi and Qatari “Royal” families and the lunatic depraved psychopathic Wahhabi cult
From infancy to death they finance and provide all the nutcake hate-filled depraved murderous ideological educational propaganda that Hamas and Palestinians and other brain dead Moo–Slums are brainwashed on.
The Saudi and Qatari and most other “Royal” Islamic families as well as the Iranian Ayatollahs are the enemies of America and US citizens,.
Wake up America and US citizens … fight and crush the depraved murderous Islamic enemies.
Need to ban Islam. Otherwise they will try to get revenge against American citizens.
The TOP. MEN. over at the Fan Belt Inspection agency will get right on that after they solve the mystery of who financed the purchased of the many pallets of bricks that were conveniently delivered to the organized George Floyd riots for BLM, antifa and other anarchist groups to use cor their 1 1/2 years of wonton violence and mayhem.
This is just more proof that the Dirtbagocrat party is the ONLY reason this campus intifada (not “uprising” but “death to Jews”) is taking place. It only happens in blue cities because only D-Bags support it. The D-bags are the the police Chiefs, Mayors, District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, Governors, and even Congress and the presidential administration. They support it and make it possible. It couldn’t be perpetrated otherwise.
Americans need to wake the fuck up. The D-Bags approve of 10-7 and the Paleosimian destruction of Israel and genocide of Jews 100%. Assign blame where blame is due. The anti-American islamopithecines, professional rioters and student rioters are just foot soldiers, and their sponsors and funders are just planners. The Dirtbagocrat party is the patron.
How hard is it to see who’s ultimately responsible? It’s right there in front of you.
David Horowitz wrote about the Red/Green alliance in his book “Unholy Alliance.”. It was published twenty years ago. As usual, he was entirely correct but few listened. And here we are.
What they say is free speech activity, what they do, even if it’s just impeding someone, is force. Personally, I want them to be free to say what they think, so I need no further confirmation.
There seems to be no ethical bottom-level to this administration and the democrat party in general. Just when you think they have sunk to their lowest depth of depravity, they outdo themselves yet again. What’s coming up next? Concentration camps for Jews and Trump supporters? This kind of talk once seemed crazy to me. Not any more.
“Biden Launches Investigation of Columbia U for Discriminating Against… Hamas Supporters”
I know that Biden is now aged and unquestionably demented to some extent. How much so is open to debate. But every Administration is a reflection of the Boss’ views to some extent. So it is here. It is as if everything about Biden’s thinking process is flawed and faulty. As some would say, ‘bassackwards’. People who know him say that Biden’s thinking process has been this way for decades, even since the beginning of his appearance on the Federal scene. IMO Biden is just a ‘blowhard’ who wants to have his way because he holds some high titled position in our national government, but usually (always, according to some such as Robert Gates) he is foolishly wrong. However, it is undeniable that Biden has caused great damage to our country. And this view is being charitable. This view assumes that Biden is just mistaken and misguided. But it is also undeniable that Biden is a politically very liberal man. Biden’s actions may be intentional and purposeful and designed to make our country into a Socialist or a near communist State. The likelihood of this increases when one considers that very probably BHO is an active partner with Biden in the decisions of the Biden Administration. This is all very frightening to me for obvious reasons.
How much so? His level of dementia is stage six on a scale that goes to seven, and the Reisberg scale is the one with the most stages of all. Stage seven is not so slowly dying.
Biden has no principles. He is guided purely by what he believes is politically expedient and beneficial to him (not to mention financially beneficial). Also, as a (now retired) forty year federal government employee in D.C. I can assure you that the bureaucracy doesn’t need our mashed potato-brained President to tell it what to do. My agency was probably 90+% Democrat.
FJB!!!!! & FJB!!!!! and did I tell everyone: FJB!!!!!
Investigate all they want..they WILL come up with a lot of stuff…but will they do anything about it???????
My strong in unwavering answer is NO…Nothing will be done.
This is how the left works…..yap and talk, yadda, yadda, yadda, and they will find a HUMANITARIAN REASON for allowing this prick to exist.
The US Department of Education is doing all it possibly can do to stab US citizen children and their parents in the back.
They are following the Biden democrat DEI racist policies agenda to destroy America and working and middle class US citizens.
Any idiot can see that.
This is just insane! We need strong leadership to rid us of politicians and bureaucrats that would approve responses like this. The DOE’s Bracerra should be removed and jailed immediately.
Free speech is being held as a shield and used like a battering ram against the common sense of all Americans. Powerful and very evil people are hiding behind this shield and they need to be exposed, but that’s a difficult thing to do when the POTUS and many in government including whole agencies are shielding the truth from the American people.
Not to mention our garbage “news media.”
Have I missed your article in defence of freedom of speech, and from others on this website, concerning H.R.6090… ?
Why? It is f-cking upsetting.
The guy being reposted is really good..
Will post what I know of the campus stuff Monday on an appropriate thread. I want to be first. reason being is to show how long they have been at it.
david D.
the US is being run out of africa… the 100 million dollar base in niger is being handed over to the russian army. not wagner…. the russian army.
they have troops on the base right now, and the US is doing a hasty evacuation…. leaving everything usable and in good shape.
The same thing is happening in Chad, thanks to Alzheimer Joe’s handlers.
Of course those poor folks being “discriminated against” are supporting Hamas which is a terrorist organization. They should not only be expelled from school, but prosecuted for doing that.
Twerps like this guy are running this country. What’s with the do-rage on his head?
That stupid dyke is probably ashamed of her nappy hair and can’t afford hair straightener.
Well, haven’t we all seen the signs saying “Arabs back to Arabia”, “Hamas into the sea – Gaza will be free” and such at 50 college campuses in the past several weeks and Jews occupying their buildings and creating non-Muslim encampments? Oh, wait. So where is this “Islamophobia” of which they speak?
This guy is ferry sweet.