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Biden has tried to ban gas cars and stoves,and has banned incandescent light bulbs, air conditioners, large mesh fishing nets, menthol cigarettes, charter schools, women in sports, conversion therapy, roads in Alaska, and mining in Minnesota among many other things.
Now he’s running for a second term on a platform of freedom.
“Freedom – personal freedom – is fundamental to who we are as Americans,” Biden, who had fought to force millions of people to wear masks, recited in a campaign video.
The last time he was this eloquent, Washington D.C. was all but under martial law and he rode to the inauguration of his stolen election past rows of National Guardsmen in a locked down city.
The Biden video then went on to warn that, “the question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer.”
And if you doubt that, Biden’s infrastructure bill included a pilot program to remotely track drivers. His newly revitalized IRS is cracking down on moms who sell used clothes on eBay and his administration created a disinformation office to track political dissent on the internet.
Endorsing Biden’s exciting new freedom agenda was a politician antonymous with freedom.
“Our democracy is under attack. Our freedom is being stripped away,” Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, whose one-party party rule has banned singing in churches and synagogues, disposable utensils, fur coats, purchasing puppies, flavored tobacco, gas furnaces, salmon fishing, shark fins, rat poison, Indian mascots, leaf blowers and travel to half of America.
“It’s time to step up—and there’s no one better to lead that fight than President Biden,” Newsom urged in his campaign tweet. “Looking forward to another 4 years of his leadership.”
If there’s anyone who knows about stripping away freedom, it’s Gov. Newsom whose system forcibly shut down churches and synagogues, and banned protests on government property.
“Every generation has a moment,” Biden, who was born during WWII, claimed, “To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. That’s why I’m running for reelection.”
After dodging the draft in Vietnam, Biden’s reporting for duty at the age of 80 to fight for freedom.
On a word association test, Americans listed “dementia” and “old” as being among the words that they associated with Biden. “Freedom” did not make the list. That was back in 2020, but it’s hard to believe that in the years of misery since, “freedom” has beaten out “dementia” in either the minds of the voters or in the mind of the man who has to remember how to walk down stairs.
But since Biden can’t run on a platform of promising to take his medication long enough to steal the rest of the money out of your wallet, he’s running on the same platform as Patrick Henry.
Sort of.
“Around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take those bedrock freedoms away,” Biden claimed, in front of pictures of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
What sort of “bedrock freedoms” is he running to protect?
According to Biden, he’s going to fight for our freedoms against Republicans “dictating what health care decisions women can make”, a euphemism for killing babies in the womb, and “banning books”, a euphemism for keeping graphic pornographic books out of schools.
When the Framers met in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, they neglected to add killing babies and grooming kids to the Constitution as our bedrock freedoms. They did however bar the government from suppressing political speech and the right to bear arms. Those are actual bedrock freedoms that Biden has repeatedly violated and intends to go on violating.
While his supporters went on an arson spree attacking pro-life centers around the country for the crime of encouraging women to keep their babies, the Biden DOJ and FBI spent all of its time raiding pro-life activists who were engaged in non-violent civil disobedience.
Unlike arson and killing babies, the right to protest actually is one of our “bedrock freedoms”.
“Let’s stand with teachers and parents against politicians try to score political points by banning books,” Biden had previously pleaded at a White House event. When actual parents had protested these ‘books’, including those featuring graphic sex with children, by speaking out at school board meetings, the Biden administration tried to investigate them as terrorists.
The right to assembly isn’t one of our bedrock freedoms, but pushing sex on 8-year-olds is.
Last year, the Biden administration sent in the feds to go after a school district in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for daring to remove books from its school library that included ‘This Book Is Gay’, which teaches students to use ‘sex apps’ to hook up and then “meet the trick in a public place”.
Biden’s idea of freedom is using the power of the state to crush local parents for refusing to let their kids be groomed to secretly prostitute themselves through their smartphones.
The freedom to suppress parents who want to protect their kids is “fundamental to who we are as Americans”. Almost as much as banning light bulbs, cars and women winning at sports.
Running for a second term on a platform of killing and sexually abusing children is unique.
But it’s also a cunning strategy. As long as voters are debating the merits of Biden’s proposal to kill and sexually abuse children, they’re being distracted from their economic misery. All the talk of whether parents should face domestic terrorism investigations for opposing books that promote graphic sex to 8-year-olds may make them forget that they can’t afford to buy food.
“I pledge to make sure your kids can be safely raped or murdered,” may not be the best campaign slogan, but it is memorable. Especially if you wrap up Justice Department investigations of concerned parents and peaceful protesters in a drag act of freedom.
Freedom means different things to different people. To the Founding Fathers it meant that Americans would be left alone by the government. To Biden and his party, it means that the people should never be left alone by the government for one solitary single second.
That generic totalitarianism has been infused with a perverse ideological insanity.
The price of a government that never leaves you alone is economically enormous. Biden has proposed a $6.8 trillion federal budget and his corrupt inflationary spending is destroying the finances of the nation and the future of generations. But it’s also catastrophic morally. An intrusive state always needs crises to serve as a pretext for its crackdowns. And the warped morals of totalitarians tend to revolve around cruelty and debauchery. Especially to children.
Freedom to totalitarians looks like the right to kill and rape children. And the authority to force parents and all decent people to keep quiet while they do it.
Clearly “equity” is the new word for communism. Climate hysteria is the excuse to take over the economy.
Abortion is just a marginal issue to keep old liberals motivated and distracted while a complete takeover is underway. While the vast majority are fine with a 15 week compromise, Republicans insist on a total abolition from conception and a national policy banning the most common type, medical abortions.
Nikki Haley seems to be the only voice for compromise. She’ll be skewered by conservatives and this will drive enough old-style liberals into totalitarian hands ending our chances.
Only a deep recession can give us a win in 2024.
if you listen to President Trump, he is for compromise on abortion. I don’t know that he mentioned a specofic number of weeks, but his statements about this issue have not been the absolutes you reference
Not sure what you mean by “Medical abortions,” but if you meant medically necessary to save a woman’s life, they are certainly not “the most common type” – abortion for mere convenience is. If we give up too much ground on abortion, we lose our moral stature. The Left is insisting on abortion on demand throughout all 9 months, and some of them want “abortion” even after birth. How much of that are you willing to concede to them.?
We didn’t lose in 2022 because of abortion, and we aren’t going to lose in 2024 because of abortion; we’re on track to lose in 2024 because the Democrats will harvest millions of ballots from phantom voters.
I’d wager George Floyd & Donald Duck’s name appear on mail-in ballots in every swing state.
There’s essntially no legal proof of that.
Oh, yes – and Nikki Haley is not MAGA/Conservative, she’s the second choice of the Chamber of Commerce if they can’t get Marco Rubio. No doubt she’ll pick up some of ¡Jeb!’s former supporters, but luckily she has no chance of getting the Republican nomination.
>>Abortion is just a marginal issue to keep old liberals motivated and distracted
A large majority of young women hold abortion to be sacred and many of them cant see any other issue.
It’s odd; what percentage of them will actually get an abortion at some point in her life? 1%? 5? 30%? I’m guessing it’s closer to 1% than the other figures.
Republicans supposedly want a complete ban on infanticide (abortion?) Name one, you fucking liar.
You mean the NikkI Haley that just invited Disney to her state to queer the kids? Leftist want nothing more than someone who will “compromise”. If they can’t get a whole step forward on their agenda they’ll take a half-step now and another later on. It all leads to the same place, total surrender at a slower pace.
And I wouldn’t be so sure about a recession handing us a win in ’24. Thieves don’t care about how much you have or don’t have. It’s that you have anything at all.
Yeah, Lenin said something like that that I was reading recently. One step forward, two steps back, or maybe it was two steps forward, one step back 🙂
In the case of R’s vs D’s it’s always the D’s taking giant steps settling for any portion thereof. Then the R’s pat themselves on the back for only giving in halfway. The R’s have become a dance partner that never leads.
“The right to assemble isn’t one of our bedroom freedoms.” I believe you mean BEDROCK freedoms.
Most everyone including Democrats don’t want Biden the Blunder to run again next year
C’mon man, I’m just gonna do what the global government tells me to do, don’t you know about the United Nations?
Jeez you’re as bad as Trump.
And, never forget that I know lots of dominion machine programmers.
Mr. President.
You gotta love how Murdoch bent over for Dominion, yet back in 2004, when flaming democrats were shouting from the rooftops about DieBold machines cheating Kerry, no law suits happened – not even considered.
(The CEO of DieBold has to be thinking “Damn! We could’ve been rich!”)
There is already widespread civil disobedience, though the people are only dimly aware of what is going on. And the rules can only be enforced selectively.
But I haven’t seen disobedience against election fraud……thats the only issue that has mattered and matters -or all else is moot.
Everyone was all hot and bothered posting social media vaccine scare stories (some true, some rumors) and that applied to very highly paid media personalities who did that almost exclusively for a while. Has anyone asked themselves why this topic was not completely censored?
Because meanwhile……..back at the vote fraud ranch, the midterms were stolen.
What seeded topic will take our eyes off the prize for 24?
We just d0n’t want to face reality.
If ya can’t vote them out, how else can ya get them out?
Good point Cat, thanks.
You know what the alternative to voting them out is, and you and I are too sensible to say it out loud. It is a truly appalling thought and G0d forbid it come to that.
I’ll take “extreme Maga Republican crimes” for $1M, Alex.
He’s a sociopath and a particularly dumb, dishonest, corrupt, and mentally impaired one, at that. Still tens of millions people will vote for him. A country this stupid and propagandized cannot long endure.
” A country this stupid and propagandized cannot long endure.”
There is that.
Another country with a dumb, dishonest, corrupt sociopath “leader” is directly north of the US. Canada is most definitely a country that is equally stupid and propagandized and will not long endure.
England doesn’t want to take either of us back.
Words don’t mean anything, any more. or they mean their opposite. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Sometimes, I think I am going mad.
As Stalin would say: “Whatever they say, you must believe the opposite.”
Hang on there, friend. You’re not going mad, the world is. Just keep to your values and sail a steady course. Never deviate from what you know is right.
(The world is upside down on every issue.). those with wisdom see the light, If we are friends of the world, we are at enmity with God. This is predicted in the last days by Jesus on the Mount of Olives in Matthew Chapter 24, the signs of the End of the age. Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, “who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! We need to recognize the times and make sure we stand on a solid foundation, even if the rest of the world is crumbling around us,
Democrats singing from the same playbook, attacking “maga republicans” and claiming they are defenders of democracy (when, in fact, they work relentlessly to dismantle “democracy”) is unutterably stupid.
Apparently, their regard for the voting public is so low, they believe their bullschitt will fly.
Joe Biden is astonishingly arrogant and fundamentally dismissive of all the “lying dog faced pony soldiers” he allegedly serves.
The mental deficits run large throughout the democrat cabal. Many millions of words will be written between now and November, 2024, but none of them will alter America’s decline one iota.
Man in the street interview of young adults: Q – Name three countries outside of the United States? A- Mississippi, Ohio, Connecticut. If that doesn’t give you hope for the future nothing will. UGH!
Daniel as always you hit the nail on the head.
I have been screaming for several years now about the demonic, perverse evil directed at our children.
Men without balls. (Please write and article about this)
Women who have lost their minds. (Please write an article about this)
Elected officials…. milquetoast (this story we know all to well)
It’s all been there, plain to see as the nose on your face.
Even with all that is going on we are such a blessed nation.
Every day I read of an economic collapse coming.
Until it does…. total devastation of our pocketbook….. nothing of any consequence will happen.
Look around…. with every right being infringed upon does the world look any different to you? Everyone carrying on as normal. We are living in Stepford world.
I truly wonder is it all a dream? How can so much evil go unpunished? So many lies, lies, lies and more lies left unchallenged.
As I have said before…. what WE have allowed to happen to our children in this moment in history…. there will not be enough millstones available when this bill comes due.
Globull warming will not cause the seas to rise… stacks and stacks of bodies thrown into the sea wearing millstones…. that is what will cause the seas to rise.
My Mother had a phrase she used often…. “You, child are old enough to know better!”
Oh for simple truths like that today.
Rush Limbaugh used to illustrate absurdity by being absurd. For instance, he might say, in a mocking tone, something like: “If only Joe Bite-me were president.” Who, pray tell, is pining for that reality? Not even the people who vote for Joe Bite-Me. Ergo, illustrating absurdity by being absurd: “If only Joe Bite-Me were president.”
A Democrat talking point is that Republicans are banning books – just like the Nazis at Nuremburg.
Republicans have to challenge Democrats since it is Democrats that are banning books, and have been for 60+ years. Democrats banned the Bible from Public school, they banned Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, they banned Shakespeare- the list is endless on books they have driven from the public. They’ve also torn down iconic statues, renamed schools and products, but when it comes to sexually graphic literature/photos they demand it be mandatory reading and probably by drag queens.
The Democrat party is sick and so are the “Americans” that blindly vote Democrat, donate to them, or commit fraud for them.
You mention some of the more outrageous things (book banning, history/statue destroying etc.) that have happened in recent years. There is of course much more, some of it reaching deep down into reality itself, pronoun BS, destroying childrens’ bodies etc.
Subversives and idiots attempting to impose their agenda is, of course, not a new phenomenon.
What is amazing in the U.S. (and a true indication of weakness and decline) is how much of it has been allowed to happen.
It’s revealing how “1984” and “Animal Farm” have also gotten the axe.
Can’t have books exposing what socialist DNC tyranny looks like.
No need to go to the cinema to Watch a scary movie.
Reality exceeds fiction.
Isn’t that always the way? All communist governments talk about freedom, even calling themselves “republics” or even “people’s democratic republic”. Their very names are lies. Just so with the “American” Democratic Party which is really the Party of Death; the death of freedom, the death (and mutilation) of children, families, education and civilization itself.
The only freedom they want is the freedom to kill.
That narcissistic Joe Biden has the gall to run for a seconded term of Office in spite of all the harm that he has inflicted on America
Furthermore, the only reason that Biden finally allowed the US military to do its job and shoot down that Communist China spy balloon isn’t because he cares about American or her people. It’s because Biden still has the conceited fantasy that he will run for reelection in 2024 and if he permits the American forces to take action and destroy that Communist spy balloon , Biden feels that will impress the American voting public that he is “strong President” and “deserves” to be reelected.
The heading of a article is right on the mark that it informs it’s readers that “Joe Biden kicks off his 2024 campaign by doing what he does best : lying”
For “Big Brother Biden “ chronic liar and a villain , for he is a traitor to America and the American people. So much so, let us not be naïve about him, that if possible he would inflect upon American and Americans a socialist /Marxist tyranny if he could.
As the type of tyrannical government as in, the classic novel 1984 by George Orwell that was later made into a movie. In which , is headed by “Big Brother,” who issued a new speak dictionary with taught “Peace is war” and “Love is hate” and “Freedom is slavery” as well as “Ignorance is strength” and that the State headed by Big Brother declared that if it say “2+2 = 5 then it is 5.”
Likewise, lying Big Brother Biden calls the American patriots of January 6,2021 “Insurrectionists.”
Further, that liar, Big Brother Biden, slanderously calls Concerned Conservative parents at school board meetings “Domestic terrorists.”
Also, Big Brother Biden, first declared,” Inflation is strength.”
Now Big Bother Biden proclaims the Economic failure is “Economic success.”
That pathological liar, Biden ,who is always speaking lies is an abomination to the Office of the Presidency of the United States.
Like a dark clout evil covers America and is destroying our present while creating
a future void of sanity, moral ethics and the chance of any good life for our posterity.
Biden is evil and all Democrats are evil and promote a Satanic agenda, Divine
intervention must take place, pray for peace but prepare for the worst.
in Bidenspeak, the “our” in the phrase “our democracy” does not include anyone who voted for Trump. The self-righteous tone is unbearable.
That narcissistic Joe Biden has the gall to run for a seconded term of Office in spite of all the harm that he has inflicted on America.
Furthermore, the only reason that Biden finally allowed the US military to do its job and shoot down that Communist China spy balloon isn’t because he cares about American or her people. It’s because Biden still has the conceited fantasy that he will run for reelection in 2024 and if he permits the American forces to take action and destroy that Communist spy balloon , Biden feels that will impress the American voting public that he is “strong President” and “deserves” to be reelected.
Later on, the dumbass shot down $15 hobby balloon with a $5 figure missile.
Liberal dumbshits don’t care; it’s not their money they’re squandering.
Biden is the “Renfield” to ( fill in the blank’s ) Dracula…
How about the right to assassinate? Criminally corrupt illegitimate PED0 Joe scumbag P0S Biden is H0M0BAMA’s third term and both should be executed or assassinated immediately for starting ww3 by blowing up Russia’s Nordstrream pipeline and more. All in this world are at risk from these fools
END them now!
age limits along with term limits to actually be decided by the masses not the 535.
We reached the point of every other communist nation, the elections are fraudulent, and the voice of the people is not what matters any more. The rise to prominence of a globalist outfit…The World Economic Forum…is paving the way for a one-world-government. THE WORLD LACKS A LEADER. China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, America’s feeble Joe, and France’s Emmanuel Macron don’t even come close, as these above named fools embarrass their respective countries with lack of leadership and common sense.
Who new that grooming of kids and abortion are bedrock freedoms. Perhaps in a communist country.
What else would you expect from a man who showered with his daughter. Makes you wonder what abuse the boys went through.
Why would we expect anything else from an old man who still believes that our government is a democracy.
What’s the point of the Second Amendment if you’re too gutless to use it