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Americans can’t afford to buy food, so Biden decided that they also shouldn’t be able to heat their homes during the winter. After an “environmental” measure that would prevent a majority of the country from being able to afford new cars, Biden is now going after their power bills.
The latest EPA proposal would mandate ‘carbon capture’ at power plants. A study by MIT showed that carbon capture raises the cost of electricity from 30% to 50% depending on the type of plant. Another study by Australia’s Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis however showed that prices could actually climb as high as 95% to 175%.
Imagine your power bills doubling? That will be the final blow for millions of Americans.
Biden’s corrupt inflationary spending broke the economy and sent prices soaring. State environmental regulations in California, New York and other leftist areas increased the cost of electricity. Last year, 1 in 6 homes had fallen behind on their utility bills. A survey found that a third of households were cutting back on food and medicine to be able to heat their homes.
With more than 20 million households struggling, Biden decided to deliver the killing blow.
His administration’s illegal carbon capture mandates would hike electricity costs 30% to 175% and utilities will be forced to pass the cost of this expensive ‘green’ tech to their customers just as they are already being crushed under the burden of expensive and unreliable solar and wind systems. How many Americans can afford to pay twice as much for their utilities?
Not only would Americans pay more for the privilege of ‘carbon capture’ power, but the power plants would produce less power. Louisiana’s Cleco utility warned that its carbon capture experiment would cut power production by 30%. Pay more, get less: that’s carbon capture.
But that’s also all ‘green energy’.
Like most ‘green’ technologies, carbon capture is a scam. That’s not just a conservative position. Even the most fervent environmentalists, including Greenpeace, which calls it the “Great Carbon Capture Scam”, and the Sierra Club, have said it doesn’t work.
A Stanford study found that carbon capture actually increases air pollution.
A UC Berkeley study found that carbon capture would double water use which would be environmentally catastrophic in Southern California and other water-poor areas.
If carbon capture is unpopular with both conservatives and environmentalists, why is Biden so determined to impoverish Americans using a plan that both sides agree is a bad idea?
While carbon capture is a hypothetical technology that, like most green tech, doesn’t work, it does fulfill its primary purpose of making it too expensive for consumers to use power. Carbon capture technology doesn’t actually change anything about the environment, but it makes conventional gas and coal plants too expensive to operate.
And that is the whole point.
After being shut down by the Supreme Court which struck down the EPA’s power grab of regulating ‘carbon emissions’ , which is not a pollutant, the new move is meant to force power plants out of business so that they can be replaced with even more expensive and unreliable wind and solar. As expensive and inefficient as carbon capture is, wind and solar are monumentally more expensive and inefficient. A carbon capture mandate for power plants might hike power bills by 30% to 175%, but would in the long run be far more expensive than that when those plants are shut down and everyone is forced to depend on wind and solar.
While carbon capture is unpopular with environmentalists, some top Democrat donors have heavily invested in it including Bill Gates and George Soros. Carbon capture startups scored $882 million in capital last year so there’s a lot of Democrat donor money riding on it.
Millions of Americans will get poorer and freeze in the winter so Biden’s donors can get richer.
In the UK, which has even more fanatical environmental regulations than America, 50,000 people die every year because of “fuel poverty”. In December 2022, an estimated 1,000 people died because they couldn’t afford to heat their homes. Most of them were senior citizens.
This is the nightmare that Biden and his advisers want to bring to America.
France suffered its deadliest summer in a decade with thousands of deaths last year because of a lack of air conditioning. (The Biden administration has also been working to make air conditioners too expensive for working class Americans to afford.)
The EPA has tracked a growing increase in heat and cold-related deaths in America while falsely blaming them on its invented bogeyman of ‘climate change’ rather than environmental regulations that have made it too expensive for people to heat and cool their homes.
With a third of Americans struggling to pay their power bills, how many will die if Biden succeeds in illegally forcing carbon capture through and doubling power bills? With a population that is five times that of the UK and areas even colder, we could see as many as 250,000 deaths.
That is an outcome which environmentalists, who want a drastic reduction in the human population to ‘save the planet’, have enabled in the UK and which they are implementing here.
The Biden administration has destroyed our standard of living, is taking away our cars, our gas stoves and now wants us to freeze in the winter and suffer heat stroke in the summer. This brutal purge will enrich his donors and eliminate many of the elderly more likely to vote GOP.
The only thing carbon capture really ‘captures’ are our lives.
C’mon man I’m only doing this for your own good,
When we get communism throughout our world you will be ready for shortages.
So get yourself a job in government now before it’s too late man.
Now you know what the old boy means when his campaign slogan is “to finish the job”. He wants to finish off America. I guess this is his payback to China for all the Biden Crime Family payments?
Communism = Soviet Power plus electrification. -V. Lenin
The key point here that all us peasants must understand is that the powerful, wealthy and elite will not be affected in the slightest by the policies and misery they force on us.
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.
Thomas Sowell
Excellent citation!
Yet people will still vote for him
Or so they say…
Will we have a head stone? Or is our passing unworthy of monumentation?
There are no head stones in the gulag.
Burials will be too damaging.
You will be lucky not to be in a mass grave if the death count it to high.
There is whats is called a “Composition” funeral.
I expect the (Rich) environmentalist will decide tat is a good use for the commoners.
The old style buildings with ten foot ceilings, large windows and transoms over the doors were pretty comfortable in hot weather. But green buildings, such as those, won’t solve the problem because most people have asthma and allergies, and need air conditioning. The other problem is you can’t leave your windows open because of thieves.
You can’t open the windows or close them because of prog policies.
The perfect policy Catch 22.
We actually had a case of that in my former SF Bay city. The city manager wanted to be able to open the windows in his new office which was being designed (he was a good guy, excellent in fact). The Progs on the City Council wouldn’t allow it. He eventually quit, the last good city manager the city had.
It’s all part of the slow drip drip demise of the U.S. Most Americans won’t realize it until it’s too late.
Sadly they may not. As Solzhenitsyn pointed out in the gulags, the only amusing thing to be had were all the camp victims who had confident faith that Stalin would free them once he learned about the terrible camps. They refused to believe the truth that it was he and his policies that put them there. THAT is tomorrow’s Democrat.
It’s already more than doubled since last year where I live. About 130% more.
And it’ll get worse.
Hopefully, this will be something that pushes states to begin secession. States need to declare some of these federal rules as null and void, ignore them, and begin preparing to resist any implementation. I expect that is how the next Civil War will begin.
I knew we’d eventually need all these damned candles
Biden should be moved back to his Basement without any electricity for the rest of his life
First they take away gas and oil. Only then do they tell us that the price of electricity will be doubled.
That’s how the game is played.
You have to pass the regs to find out how much it’ll cost to live under them.
Double the price of electricity and ram EVs down people’s throats – yup. That makes a lot of sense, for a total moron with their head so far up their you-know-what.
It does when you understand their true goal. The true goal of all climate policy is to prevent movement. To prevent people from moving away from he city and driving to work, prevent people from leaving Blue states and moving to less expensive, freer Blue states.
It like to Lefts love of High Speed trains. Do you think that shiny new train will go to that safe, Republican run suburb with the good schools 50 miles outside of the city!
That EV won’t make it there because there’s not enough power or it’s too expensive to charge it!
There is also the war on housing. They want you to have to give up your single family house with the nice yard to live in soviet style tenement apartments along side the dregs of society!
Understand, THEY will not do without! They will have power,they will have food, they will travel by air powered by fossil fuel, because when YOU cannot live without THEIR subsidies, your only choice is to keep THEM in power!
I hope this also leads to a big time Backlash against the Eco-Freaks who oppose Fossil Fuels and drilling in the ANWR SCREW GREENPEACE/FRIENDS OF THE EARTH and the China backed NRDC
“What are the thermostats set on in the WH, Capitol, EPA buildings, and other federal buildings?” – An expose you’ll never see on 60 Minutes.
They should all have 1 setting, 80, for AC, and one, 65, for heat. Let ’em practice what they preach.
Come on man! Just part of the plan to destroy America! I told you I would do it, didn’t I?
When the turd was elected in 2008 this is exactly what he promised.
Great article again ! Thank you Daniel …
The CCP Chinese ordered and paid for the energy chaos in Europe and North America. It is clearly military sabotage carried out by implemented but domestic mercenaries. The domestic mercenaries believe they belong to a sect, but in the eyes of the CCP they are just useful idiots.
High treason is what the useful idiots do anyway.
80% of the private climate studies performed over the last few decades were funded by either the CCP or the Russians. The rest are funded by complicit US non-profits or corporations.
You won’t be able to afford to drive the electric car that’s been forced on you to get to the grocery store where you can’t afford to buy the groceries transported to the store at higher transportation costs.
That’s the plan, when the people can no longer afford to live, the only answer is communism!
You are wrong. Communism is the way to prosperity! The great Canadian intellectual, Justin Trudeau, proclaimed back in 2013:
“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.”
But it takes time. So far, after 8 years, Justin has just about succeeded in turning Canada into a 3rd World backwater. Quite a feat given that Canada could ostensibly be the richest country in the world given it has the world’s 2nd largest land mass, untold riches in minerals, water, trees, hydro and fossil fuel energy etc., etc. and a population of only 38 million. So I guess it takes time and Canada must go through a transition stage before it’s economy turns around on a dime!
“turn their economy around on a dime”
That’s a good one. Shaking my head.
Granholm is as dangerous, maybe even more so as she doesn’t appear to have dementia, than her boss.