Canada’s Senate has passed the Trudeau government’s groundbreaking and “Stalinesque” Internet censorship bill along with a dozen useless recommendations. In 2018, the former Ambassador of the Office of Religious Freedom, Dr. Andrew Bennett, stated presciently that “the Trudeau government is displaying ‘totalitarian’ tendencies.” Since then, the Trudeau government has become progressively repressive. Among Trudeau’s actions: his threat about “crushing the Freedom Convoy with tanks,” his gun ban, his historic dealings with China, his appointment of an “Islamophobia” czar, and now this: the passage of Trudeau’s sweeping censorship Bill C-11, which his own appointed Senator David Richards referenced as “Stalinesque” and called “an Orwellian attempt to force individuals to comply with government messaging.”
Bill C-11 was stalled for some time in the Senate due to severe complications about how to apply it. It places Internet content under the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the historic sole broadcast regulator, which has often been criticized for being an unnecessary watchdog over Canada’s airwaves. But now, its powers have expanded to include content on social media and the Internet. Bill C-11 affects platforms such as YouTube, Netflix and Spotify, requiring them to contribute “Canadian content” or face steep penalties. One doesn’t need to look far to immediately see how this will affect American podcasters and Internet contributors with a substantial Canadian audience. The bill will also be “scapegoating all those who do not fit into what our bureaucrats think Canada should be,” according to Senator Richards.
During a previous debate in the Canadian Parliament, a Conservative MP, Dr. Leslyn Lewis, captured the essence of what Bill C-11 means. She stated that it will make the government the arbiter of “what Canadians must view.”
Bill C-11, like its predecessor C-10, shows that the government doesn’t trust Canadians with free speech & to make their own internet choices. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/vi6ecJROky
— Dr. Leslyn Lewis (@LeslynLewis) March 2, 2022
Senator David Richards also rightly stated about Bill C-11:
The government should never in “any way” tell Canadians what “Canadian content should or should not be or who should be allowed to bob their heads up out of the new murkiness we have created.”
But that is precisely what Trudeau wants to do. Most dangerously, Trudeau presents his ruthless ambitions as good for Canada. Senator Richards further explains that Trudeau’s bill is really “censorship passing as national inclusion.” Trudeau has repeatedly used “inclusion” and “diversity” to enforce the most repressive agendas upon Canadians. Few deeds are worse than using a pretense of good for nefarious purposes. In Trudeau’s view, it was good to attempt to crush the Freedom Convoy and present concerned citizens as a “fringe minority” who posed a danger to Canada’s security. To Trudeau, it is a good to ban firearms in order to protect Canadians, when everyone knows (or should know) that the greatest danger comes from illegal firearms. And while he bans handgun sales from law-abiding citizens — which in effect boosts the illegal gun market — he is simultaneously reducing sentences for those who commit violent gun crime, citing “racial equity” as his reason. Some provinces are refusing to comply as Trudeau further dismantles Canada’s unity. To Trudeau, it is also a matter of the public good to fight “Islamophobia,” when antisemitism and anti-black racism are bigger problems statistically. In addition, the hateful attitudes of a woke generation toward Christian views is also nothing less than social persecution, so where is the Christian czar to protect the Constitutional rights of Christians?
Bill C-11 is a violation of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and makes the Liberal Government of Canada the arbiter of what Canadians can watch and what can be expressed. The Senate has proven itself tone deaf, a failure and an utter disappointment to Canadians, to compound its already established uselessness. The Canadian Senate does not have the same function as its American counterpart. Macleans Magazine summed it up nicely a decade ago:
It now seems ludicrous to imagine the Senate should take up even an hour of serious discussion. Rather than a place for sober second thought or regional balance, the upper chamber has become a repository of political cronies, former media personalities and many other depressingly unserious characters.
The recommendations from the Senate are virtually useless. The amendments are to highlight “the promotion of Indigenous languages and Black content creators,” and according to Canada’s Heritage Minister, Pablo Rodriguez (that same Heritage department from which anti-Islamophobia M-103 emerged , which set the groundwork for Bill C-11):
There are amendments that have zero impact on the bill. And others that do, and those, we will not accept them.
Under section 2 of Canada’s Charter, Canadians are guaranteed the fundamental freedoms of conscience, thought, religion, belief, opinion, expression, of the press, communication, and peaceful assembly. It is difficult to accept how a country’s freedoms can be so easily hijacked by its own public servants. Trudeau even managed to find a loophole in Canada’s parliamentary system by signing a pact with the New Democratic Party (which has socialist roots and ideology) to prop him up until 2025.
Mandating Canadian content won’t really hurt Americans. The censorship is the big issue here, but also Trudeau now gets to decide who is Canadian enough to promote. Singers that are right wing probably will need not apply.
Ah, but mandating Canadian contest means the the available content will be made by people not protected by freedom of speech. So the content that is posted will only reflect views tolerable to the regime.
but thats what the people wanted, they voted him into office, and a recall failed, so, thats what the people wanted, and thats what they got, I do not feel sorry for them. keep putting him back in office. soon you will have to ask for the right to breath.
Still not aware that elections are not honest?!
Well said, Arthur. Canadians did keep returning the utterly shallow Trudeau to office no matter how disgraceful, corrupt and bad for the country he proved, but I do fell sorry for those who did not vote for such a rotten leader. Already a shabby excuse for a democracy, by 2025 this country will be so transformed that it won’t be recognizable. Little wonder that Jordan Peterson says the scathing things he does.
Justin has definitely gone off the Progressive deep end. Interesting how he is resembling his father Fidel more and more, replete with scroungy beard. When will he don his military uniform?
Trudeau is a weasel and a coward (He ran into hiding from semi-truck horn blasts)
His theft of trucks & freezing bank accounts of patriots was pure bullshit evil.
The principled Canadians had held the most peaceful protest ever on the planet; even cleaning up thoroughly afterwards. Their law abiding tactics got rewarded with something normally done in 3rd world shitholes.
Trudeau needs a heavy dose of whoop-ass & his vehicles doused with gasoline. (The bltch Trudeau respects the BLM way protesting, so maybe he needs a taste.)
“Trudeau is a weasel and a coward (He ran into hiding from semi-truck horn blasts)”. You are right, David. He proved an utter coward and then compounded his cowardice when failing to go out and talk with the truckers.
With a little ‘guts’ and humility on Trudeau’s behalf the truckers protest could have ended in few days. He shamed the country, then tried to lie about it in the EU parliament and got thoroughly ridiculed and told that he wasn’t welcome. Canada’s propaganda network, CBC, then made out that he got a standing ovation.
And yet around the world the fools keep pulling the lever for idiots such as these.
We really do get the government we deserve.
Over and over and over and…..
You really cannot fix stupid.
Yes some do but with rampant multilevel and factor vote fraud and financial shenanigans both legal, quasi legal and illegal, we don’t know who was elected and who was selected.
you have two choices Canada man. The gun or the stocks. Even if your prison will become your own homes.
A good and factual article, thank you.
As stated by someone more qualified than I am, Trudeau is a narcissistic psychopath.
His anger towards Canadians who don’t share his Nazi’esque ideas fuels his need for brutality
He hates Christians and the persecution of pastors and their churches took full force during his draconian mandates. Some pastors and Trucker protest organisers are still in jail.
The reality in Marxist Canada is that all, bar one, provincial governments and bureaucracies are in lockstep with Trudeau, as are many Canadian citizens.
The devil obviously looks after his own.
Well said, Tershia. Thanks to Canada’s mostly disgraceful media, I wonder how many Canadians know that trucker protest organizers and pastors are still in prison.
Today leadership at all levels in Canada is utterly pitiful.
And we left South Africa for this? Never did we imagine that the once good Canada would decline at such a pace
Time for “Radio fee Canada’
Free (of course)
Tragically, The Canadian people have a psychological need (hunger) to be controlled (governed) by a person with totalitarian urges, and they have exactly what they want. To change what you have you first must change what you want. Why do you want this Canada ?
Nobody is actually sure of how he made it into office a second time. The first election, he went after the young’ns, promising legal pot and cheap cell phone bills. He is unweaving our once-beautiful nation one thread at a time and 99% of the people I know, desperately want him GONE. Almost every word out of his mouth is a lie and he should be in jail for his white collar crime and treason. He’s a stain on society and one day, our history books…
That is an arrogant statement. You can’t speak for all Canadians.
It’s truly terrifying what is happening to Canada. It is under the spell of international terrorist group the WEF.
This ‘self-Instilled bureaucratic autocracy not only is anti-freedom of thought and expression , it will hide and thus allow these political ‘pigs’ (elected ) to get away with even ‘conflicts of interest’.. SELF-SERVING @#$%^&
yourideology tells it all you dont have a clue! you people think with a very narrow mind ! you were controlled in your childhood and now wanting more control lash out to have some good grief!