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Last January, the People’s Republic of China sent a massive spy balloon over the United States, including strategic military bases. When the intrusion could not be hidden from Congress and the public, Biden officials claimed they couldn’t shoot down the balloon for fear of damage on the ground. They did not explain why they failed to shoot it down when it passed over water between Alaska and the lower 48. By now the reason should be apparent.
As Biden said in 2019, the Chinese are “not bad folks,” and the Delaware Democrat, basically on their payroll through son Hunter, lets them do pretty much anything they want. China’s spies are strip-mining the USA but Biden’s DOJ opts to leave them alone, and in some cases even drops espionage charges already in the court system.
The Biden Junta gives China’s Communist regime more latitude than any previous adversary. Woke leadership effectively cancels the power of America’s military. In 2023, other threats were surging on the home front.
On March 27, in the run-up to “Trans Day of Vengeance,” Audrey Hale shot her way into the Covenant School in Nashville and gunned down nine-year-olds Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, and Hallie Scruggs, and murdered adults Mike Hill, Katherine Koonce and Cynthia Peak.
The Trans Resistance Network proclaimed that Audrey Hale “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others.” Joe Biden failed to identify or condemn the shooter, failed to name a single murder victim, and did not attend any of the funerals. Days after the massacre, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
The government-sponsored trans movement is a construct, increasingly prone to violence. Hale had written a massive manifesto but Biden’s FBI blocked release to the public. The bureau also marked an escalation in 2023.
On August 9, the FBI shot and killed Craig Robertson, a 75-year-old woodworker who had allegedly made online threats against Joe Biden. Threats to the president of the United States are normally handled by the Secret Service but the action against Robertson was handled by the FBI, which has a history of deadly violence against civilians.
In the Ruby Ridge siege of 1992, brought on by a government entrapment scheme, the FBI deployed some 400 heavily armed agents, helicopters, and armored personnel carriers against Randy Weaver and his family. On August 21, 1992 federal marshals deploying 9mm submachineguns shot dead Weaver’s son Samuel, only 14 years old and not wanted for any crime.
On August 22, 1992, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot dead Randy’s wife Vicki Weaver as she held her infant daughter. Vicki Weaver was unarmed, not under arrest, and not wanted for any crime. Snipers are trained carefully “to acquire” the target, so there is little chance the shooting was accidental. That action prompted Senate hearings but so far nothing for the FBI killing of Craig Robertson.
In December, Congress gave the FBI an early Christmas present by renewing Section 702 of FISA, which authorizes warrantless searches on “U.S. persons,” also known as American citizens, with rights under the Constitution. How many of the millions of illegals Biden has let into the country will be subjected to FBI surveillance under FISA? A ballpark figure could be zero.
As the people might recall, the FBI failed to prevent 9/11 and Islamic terrorist attacks at Fort Hood in 2009 (14 dead) Boston in 2013 (three dead) San Bernardino in 2015 (14 dead) and Orlando in 2016 with 49 dead. For the FBI, anybody less than worshipful of Joe Biden, and anyone who wants the nation to be great, is a terrorist and violent extremist. Actual terrorists were also on the march in 2023.
On October 7, Hamas death squads committed the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, with victims including women, children, the elderly and the unborn. In the wake of this attack, demonstrations broke out at Ivy League campuses such as Harvard where officials tried to see calls for the killing of Jews “in context.” With Hamas still holding American hostages, Biden continued to appease Iran, the major funder of Hamas.
In 1979, Iran’s Islamic regime took 52 Americans hostage and held them for 444 days. The regime still leads chants of “Death to Israel! Death to America!” In the battle of memory against forgetting, Joe Biden is a deserter. The Delaware Democrat, 81, is willfully blind about what is going on in 2023.
Surging hatred of Jews, a trans movement justifying mass murder, the FBI increasingly weaponized against the people, and China deploying a spy balloon with impunity. That sets up yet another year of living dangerously. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens. Democrats are doing their best to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024.
An election year? 2024 will definitely be even bloodier and more dysfunctional than the last three that had Alzheimer Joe propped up as a meat puppet by his handlers. The Dirtbagocrats and all the identity politics factions are sure to go ape shit.
Thanks Jeff! They must be plotting what they are going to do in 2024 now.
Yeah, their idea of a New Year’s resolution. Those sickos won’t even throw some toilet paper on America as it swirls down. The Dirty Hands Dirtbagocrats.
Depravity and psychopathology and lies will definitely be on the White House agenda for 2024.
I think Alzheimer Joe signed those into Executive Orders on day one. I guess we can look for new ones in 2024.
An excellent piece, Lloyd; and thank you for it.
I never feared our own Government, and certainly not the DoJ and FBI, until I started to, with Ruby Ridge and Waco, years ago.
Now I do, all the time.
Our Bill of Rights–especially the First Amendment (free speech, press, peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances) for a certainty; the Second; the right to a speedy trial (January 6, anybody?); the right to legal defense; the prohibition of excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments; the right to be secure in our homes, papers, and persons without a warrant issued for the search upon oath or affirmation, confirmed by a grand jury specifically naming what was to be sought in the search and seized…
The list of the Biden Junta’s violations goes on and on.
For a refresher, re-read Jefferson’s charges against George III and his “agents” here in the Declaration of Independence, and compare those with what we are suffering now, under the Biden Regime and its “agents.”
If this were the summer of 1776, I might have been a Tory, and told my neighbors, “Hey, so what if there’s a tax on tea (or a tax stamp on newspapers) that we didn’t vote for since we don’t have a seat in Parliament? Relax, and let’s just pay another sixpence for a pound of it!”
But what Biden’s been doing to us–in every way, making our lives poorer, less safe, our country less secure, more tightly “surveilled,” and harder in every way–dwarfs, in every aspect of our daily lives, anything that George III or his appointed governors and revenue agents did to the colonists of Boston and Virginia.
P.S. Instead of wearing an American Flag lapel pin on his suit jacket (as every President and politician does), he ought more properly and honestly to wear one with the red field and yellow stars and hammer-and-sickle of the self-styled, but badly misnamed, “People’s Republic of China,” since, as you point out, he’s “their man,” and takes his orders directly from Xi–in exchange for tens of millions of dollars in bribes paid to him and his Family, as the Comer Committee has discovered and verified.
Very well said. A president may be removed from office due to treason or bribery, among other things. Well, the treason and bribery are in our faces. Is anyone doing anything? Outside of the keyboard warriors on Frontpage and other sites, there is deafening silence. Trump was impeached twice on paper-thin evidence, to the cheers of the MSM. His home was raided by the FBI, his son was investigated, yet the Bidens, with stacks of evidence of influence peddling and mishandling of classified material, skate. Sorry, but I become more and more convinced that we are a ruled people whose republic is a canard and whose elections are a mere farce. What did Frank Zappa call our government, the entertainment wing of the military industrial complex?
Something could be done maybe if there were a REAL DOJ. Sadly, there is no justice to be found in DC or our government. Maybe once we get decent people in office but the rinos in the House are a majority.
The DOJ is part of the Presidential cabinet. Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are in complete control and Merrick Gaylord is glad to follow their orders.
There seems to be no limit to how long we’ll remain bent over holding our ankles.
Thanks Lloyd! Funny, I was just wondering (before I saw your article) what MSM and the Democrats have in store for us in 2024.
More of the same, without any lube.
Cheer yourselves up and watch Ricky Gervais Armageddon on Netflix.
That guy is funny as Hell. Even my girlfriend thinks so, and she’s one of those chicks who has an apartment full of psuedo African decorations.
Like many pundits we all feel something is coming and nobody knows what . The next 300 days in the USA will be pivotal and looking for historical parallels is a waste of time.
The Black Death comes to mind.
2024 is gonna make 2023 look like the Boy Scout Jamboree.
I’m thinking more like it’s going to make 2020 look like the Boy Scout Jamboree.
There’s going to be a big circle jerk?
2024 is likely to be the year of the apocalypse, the worst since 1914, that triggered WW1 and begat WW2 in 1939
The current war in Gaza is likely to spread like a bushfire to the lebanon and Iran ; nor do I see it ending without Israel having to use Atomic Bombs
The Left is in a de facto alliance with Muslims and feral migrants from the Developing World
Their militias are taking over the streets like they did in Weimar Germany… Both Leftists and Muslims are collectivists ; both are socialists ..atheistic utopian socialism, and Muslim socialists
It was Hemingway who talked about going bankrupt in two ways;” slowly, then suddenly ”.. the West has been in the slowly phase for decades and is now in the suddenly phase, and about to go belly up !
The political crisis in America is merely part of a broader ”crisis of liberalism” that’s worldwide, wherein the West essentially bankrupt themselves and then in a fit of Utopian hysteria invite and embrace a migrant invasion from crap-hole countries that’s instigated by decadent, megalomaniacal Globalist elites.
The situation in Europe is at least as bad as the US ! There were no stolen elections because there was no need to as the so called conservative parties have been seduced by the Globalist ideals, or simply corrupted by Globalist filthy lucre ; they are all the Quisling Uni-Party in varying degrees and all Globalist stooges !
Americans have a default position and an alternative with Trumpism, whereas the EUnuchs have virtually nothing, but if they did they don’t have access to firearms to act as a guarantee for liberty . When truth be told, folks in Europe are too decadent, pacifistic and feminised to ever put up much resistance to tyranny anyhow !
There is no war in Gaza, just an Israeli mission to wipe out a jihadi terrorist organization within its borders, and Iran is incapable of waging a real war, which is why it uses proxies like Hamas.
Who was it who noted that when you see the phrase “people’s republic,” you know that it is neither.
This brilliant article is actually a brief review of the fall of America in modern times, the lasting defeatism of its foreign policies, the failures of the FBI, and the weaponizing it against American citizenry.
The article well demonstrates that America lost its status as a superpower already long before 9/11/2001. Not only did America lose its status as a superpower, but it lost even the status of a nation with a semblance of dignity. See this comparison of the 2020 coup in America vs. the 1991 in Russia: judeochristianamerica dot org
The FBI is today’s Gestapo. The TRN, BLM, Hamas supporters, the Mexican drug cartels, and other assorted criminals coming across the borders are the brownshirts. Together, they’ll do the dirty work for the current Federal regime.
Paranoid fever dream? Not if you use history as your forecast. Totalitarian organizations don’t rise overnight. They move slow and sure, as citizens look the other way. Then one morning those citizens wake up, look around, and wonder, “Wha hoppin?” By that time it’s too late.
Buy more ammo. Then buy some more.
That’s something I wouldn’t publicize on social media, much less anywhere else. Really.
For more perspective on the FBI, read John Paul Mac Isaac’s book (American Injustice) on his experiences with having possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop. His, and his father’s, interactions with the Bureau are genuinely creepy. Total arrogance. Wonder what Efrem Zimbalist would think?
What? Blinken and Mayorkas going to Mexico isn’t a sign that things will be taken seriously in 2024??
Mexico is where they have their second offices.
I saw a good line from “Uncle Billy” (General Sherman of the Civil War). He was against USA taking over Mexico, saying “Mexico is a land of perpetual war.”
We are approaching conservative singularity. Comparable to the Christian theory of convergence.
That is: We are approaching a moment when the Left’s (demonic) hatred of us all …
… will completely, finally, and totally eclipse ALL of our differences, theories, finger-pointing, and suggestions …
… and force us to unite or fail.
G-d help us all.
Thanks Dan! I was thinking about singularities a few days ago. How many people know what a singularity is?
The democrats are modeling their techno-totalitarian government surveillance police state on the Chinese Communist Party.
And their gulags on the Soviet model.
Very good article. It called to mind the movie “The Year of Living Dangerously” which had a pretty decent, sexy vibe soundtrack, imo.
Somehow I don’t think there will be any sexy vibe or romance in the headwinds of 2024.. Think I’ll add that 80s soundtrack to my playlist in the meantime.
They could have shot it down while it was still over the Pacific but waited until in passed over the Pacific to the Atlantic until they did just more of Bidens acts of Treason