Last Wednesday, emergency room doctor Michael Mammone, 58, was cycling down California’s Pacific Coast Highway when a Lexus ran a red light and struck him down from behind. As the Daily Mail reported, driver Vanroy Evan Smith, screamed “racial slurs about ‘white privilege’” as he approached Dr. Mammone, then “stabbed the cyclist multiple times in the back, with brave bystanders tackling him to the ground.”
Smith, “who is described as a black man on his arrest records, can then be seen walking over to Dr Mammone and attacking him again before witnesses drag him away.” When deputies arrived at the scene, they found Dr. Mammone “lying in the intersection suffering from severe injuries.’” The father of two later died in hospital. Smith, 39, was charged with one count of murder, with an enhancement for the use of a deadly weapon, a knife, in the commission of the crime.
On Friday, Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer decried an “unspeakable act of violence. . . the murder of a complete stranger in broad daylight for what appears to be absolutely no reason.” The DA, a Republican who bills himself as “a champion for public safety,” ignored the possibility of a racist hate crime.
Perpetrator Vanroy Evan Smith was black, victim Michael Mammone was white, and the two men did not know each other. According to witnesses, after striking Dr. Mammone with his car, Smith yelled racial slurs as he stabbed the wounded doctor in the back. If anybody thought that was a racist hate crime it would be hard to blame them. California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued no official statement on the attack, which recalls a similar case from September, 2020.
On a Saturday night, two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies stationed their patrol car near the Willowbrook Metro station in Compton. At approximately 7 p.m., a masked gunman appeared to walk past the vehicle then turned and fired multiple shots, hitting both deputies.
The victims were a 24-year-old male and a mother of 31, both recent additions to the department. “I want everyone to have a prayer for them for their recovery at this time,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva told reporters. “This was a cowardly act,” and “words have consequences,” a reference to anti-police rhetoric raging in Los Angeles and across the country.
As Villanueva wrapped up, a mob confronted sheriff’s deputies, with one member shouting “It’s a celebration! It’s a celebration!” Others taunted deputies and took videos with their phones. As this played out, the ambush victims encountered more conflict at St. Francis Hospital in Lynwood.
A Black Lives Matter mob assembled outside the hospital chanting “Death to police!” The mob blocked entrance to the hospital emergency room, where family members of the wounded officers were present. “I hope they fucking die,” one man yelled, with another adding “Y’all gonna die one by one. This ain’t gonna stop.”
President Trump tweeted that if the deputies die, “fast trial death penalty for the killer. Only way to stop this!” Joe Biden tweeted “This cold-blooded shooting is unconscionable and the perpetrator must be brought to justice.” Kamala Harris, formerly attorney general of California, told reporters “the perpetrator must be brought to justice.”
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti wrote, “we strongly condemn this cowardly ambush & stand prepared to offer aid.” Governor Gavin Newsom denounced the “cowardly, horrific act” and called for the perpetrator to be “quickly brought to justice.” NBC News reported that both deputies were still alive and out of surgery.
Police arrested Devonte Lee Murray, 36, a convicted felon with an extensive criminal history that including narcotics sales, firearm possession by a felon, burglary and terrorist threats. He pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted murder. Records of his trial are proving hard to find but the cause of the ambush shooting is clear beyond reasonable doubt.
Hatred of the police is what motivates ambush shootings like those in LA and the murder of David Dorn in 2020. Hatred of people who look like Dr. Michael Mammone is what motivates someone to run them a man the street then stab the helpless victim in the back. For the woke ruling class, this caustic brand of racism is now acceptable.
Films produced by California “First Partner” Jennifer Siebel Newsom, shown in California public schools, considers the “privileged” to be “a cisgendered man,” “white,” “born in the United States,” “straight,” and speaking English as a first language. Whatever selfless, charitable acts such a person might have performed, and despite any views he might hold, people who look like Michael Mammone are automatically considered “privileged.” That means they are part of an oppressor class and deserving of punishment.
Smith is being held in Orange County Jail in Santa Ana, with bail is set at $1 million. He has pleaded not guilty and a pretrial hearing is set for February 14. At this writing, no statements on the case have appeared from Joe Biden, Gov. Gavin Newsom, or California Attorney General Rob Bonta.
Meanwhile, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux has announced two arrests in the mass murder of six, including Elyssa Parraz, 16, and her child Nycholas, only 10 months old. The mother and child were executed by gunshots to the head. One gang member was wounded in an exchange with the federal ATF. At this writing, Joe Biden, Gov. Newsom and Attorney General Bonta have issued no statements on the case.
Thanks Lloyd!!! Tragic loss of a good doctor.
I don’t feel as bad about the loss of a health professional as I did 3 1/2 years ago when I still thought they cared about people.
Please don’t place all health professionals in the same bad category. That is not truth, fact or honest. These people are not like our politicians, only a small percentage of health professionals have behaved very badly, though one is too many.
Interracial crime in this country is 90% black on white. The corrupt media hides black on white crime such as the above incident.
Can you imagine if a white motorist ran down a black man riding his bike, screamed out racial slurs, and then stabbed him to death? That story would be blasted 24/7 for months by the media. White on black crime is so rare that these leftist’s have to resort to racial hoax crimes. Yet, here is a clear and undeniable case of a race crime (black on white) and the media and government officials can’t figure out the motive.
Reminds me of the radical Islamist who slits the throat of a non Muslim, while screaming “.Allahu Akbar.” Law enforcement is lost to the motive and assign it to “mental illness”, despite the Islamist’s social media where there is countless statements about killing infidels for Allah.
White liberals are cowards.
Well, you know, they wouldn’t want to be judgmental or something.
White Progressives/ Marxists/ Drive by Media are nihilists and totalitarians right down to their DNA
The perp is a psychotic Rastafarian from Jamaica apparently. Not sure if he is an illegal immigrant.
A cheap rope and an ugly tree is the correct answer to the violent racist criminals.
Rabid animals need to be put down.
I’m getting frustrated hearing the phrase “anti-police rhetoric” raging in cities. What’s wrong with some “anti criminal rhetoric” raging in our cities?
OK! I know, “politically incorrect” to utter such profanity. Personally I would be proud to contribute to billboards with that slogan.
RIP Dr. Mammone
shouldn’t this be a Death Penalty offense ?
Depends on state law. Probably not in California.
That is communism 101. It needs to be thoroughly expunged or we will all perish under this deliberate destruction of the west.
He was an excellent emergency room doctor according to reports. When all else fails, a visit to the emergency room may be the only option. In which case one is dependent on those emergency room doctors.
It is scary that the emergency rooms are being overrun by illegal immigrants, who not only don’t pay, but keep legal citizens from getting needed care. The illegal immigrants are bankrupting hospitals in some areas. Imagine going to the ER and having to wait 8 hours until the illegal immigrants in the queue ahead of you are taken care of.