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Islamic pro-terror groups reacted to the Hamas terror attacks of Oct 7 not only with riots and public pressure campaigns aimed at politicians, but also by privately meeting with top federal and state law enforcement officials to demand that they lock up Jewish political opponents.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm exclusively reported last month that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamist group whose leader had celebrated Oct 7, had been meeting with attorney generals around the country trying to convince them to arrest journalists and activists who had been investigating and exposing Hamas supporters.
Based on our past history with CAIR, the Freedom Center could be one of their targets.
Now, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), has been caught meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland and senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and Associate Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to also discuss targeting Jews.
The meeting, originally reported by Militant Islam Monitor, represents another part of what appears to be a larger effort by Islamist groups to weaponize prosecutors against their critics.
On May 22nd, top Department of Justice officials and the FBI Director met with Arab American Institute boss James Zogby and MPAC founder Salam al-Marayati. Both men had been accused of supporting terrorism , including Hamas, in accusations going back decades.
Zogby, a Lebanese Arab activist, had described Hezbollah, which was responsible for the murder of hundreds of Americans, as “the Lebanese armed resistance”.
“By criminalizing attempts to send money to Hezbollah or to support it, the FBI is confusing and alienating people here who could be allies in the war on terrorism,” he had warned the FBI.
Hezbollah’s crimes included the torture and murder of Colonel William R. Higgins, whose castrated body was found near a mosque with the”skin on his face partially removed.”
When Hezbollah terrorists hijacked TWA Flight 847, they tortured Robert Stethem, a Navy diver, by “jumping in the air and landing full force on his body. He must have had all his ribs broken.”
“They put the mic up to his face so his screams could be heard by the outside world,” a stewardess described.
But rather than expelling or arresting terrorist supporters, the FBI was meeting with them.
Salam al-Marayati had defended Hamas, blamed Israel for 9/11 and claimed that Hezbollah was not engaged in terrorism, but “ legitimate resistance… that could be called liberation movement.” When Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killing 241 military personnel, he argued that “tt was a military operation, producing no civilian casualties.”
(Al-Marayati was not telling the truth. The attack also killed Lebanese employees in the area.)
“Yesterday’s terrorists in the Middle East are today’s leaders,” he had argued and “Hamas in terms of its social and educational operations is doing exactly what the PLO was doing 35 years ago, as well as its quote unquote military operations.”
MPAC, the organization Al-Marayati had co-founded, had issued policy papers calling for the removal of Hamas and Hezbollah from the list of terror groups. At a meeting of the Palestine Committee’ of Hamas supporters in America, MPAC had been described as a “sympathetic” group that could be used as “an entry point to use them to pressure Congress and the decision-makers in America.” Was that what MPAC was doing here?
Normally, the FBI should have been interrogating MPAC, but instead MPAC was interrogating it.
Salam al-Marayati filmed a video outside the Attorney General’s office in which he falsely claimed that the Hamas campus encampments had been “peaceful” and that the violence had come from the police, and urged an investigation to “hold law enforcement accountable”.
But at the meeting arranged by Zogby, Al-Marayati, based on MPAC’s account of events, went even further off the rails and claimed that Muslims were under attack by Jewish “terrorists” allied with the “Proud Boys” and demanded that the FBI do something about them.
This bizarre screed should have ended the meeting, but instead the DOJ and the FBI took it seriously. And that is every bit as troubling as meeting with terrorist apologists in the first place.
Al-Marayati’s only example of Jews fighting back against Hamas supporters occurred at UCLA when after a Jewish female student had been knocked unconscious and multiple Jewish community members had been assaulted, with no response from the university, campus police or the LAPD, some young Jewish men showed up and took on the terrorist encampment.
Nevertheless, according to the MPAC account, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that he would pass on the case to the FBI Los Angeles field office. This is troubling because a previous exclusive Freedom Center investigation found that the FBI LA office had treated assaults against Muslims and by Muslims against Jews very differently. Any FBI investigation of UCLA prompted by Islamists to focus not on Muslim antisemitic violence, but only on the response to that violence by a small handful of young Jewish men, would be a civil rights violation.
Attorney General Garland and the DOJ leadership should be fighting Islamic terrorism. Instead they’re meeting with groups like MPAC that have a history of defending Islamic terrorism. And not only are they meeting with them, they’re taking cues about investigations from them.
The DOJ and the FBI have gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.
CAIR’s efforts to influence state attorney generals and MPAC’s attempt to manipulate the United States Attorney General and the FBI to target political and religious opponents, especially Jews, is in line with Islamist supremacist groups who, in their own home countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, routinely lock up opponents and repress non-Muslims. But that should have no place in America. The Biden administration has opened the doors of the federal government to the worst possible extremists in the hopes of winning another term in office.
Had Al-Marayati not filmed his video, we might never have known what the Biden administration was doing. Instead, a private meeting has gone public and the investigative arm of the David Horowitz Freedom Center will continue monitoring the secret alliance between Islamists and government officials, exposing their events and holding them accountable.
Even as the Biden administration promises that it is fighting antisemitism, it’s holding covert meetings with antisemites who demand that the FBI go after the Jews.
The militant muslim infiltration of the Democraps is probably even more extensive than the communist infiltration either side of WWII, and far, far more blatant.
The Democraps didn’t elect open genocidists to Congress or appoint openly anti American communists to senior positions in the Administration, Defence, State, etc., like is happening now.
Currently they are multiple Iranian/Hezbollah/Muslim Brotherhood operatives working in those areas. Biden recently appointed a Students for Justice in Palestine (a known MB front group) as one of his security advisors.
A civil war in America is here. I’ve had premonitions in dreams since 2008.
Amen to that. This confirms my two suspicians that a) Biden is only a puppet/figurehead, and b) our administrative state is seriously engineering a social chaos that will result in severe civil unrest and the declaration of martial law. Just in time for the election!
US patriots have the 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, the criminals running the Federal Government including the Department of Defense also have guns, as well as tanks and planes. And the criminals would love an excuse to order the DOD to use their weapons against the patriots. That would make the injustices against the J6 patriots seem trivial.
Proof that the 2024 election was stolen would be if Biden wins.
Bro, the moo slims are litterally running the White House. I’m not exagerating/.
Hussein is running the WH.
The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization of America, must be DESTROYED.
Attorneys General, not Attorney Generals
What ever. Are you the grammar police?
Follow the rules. The decay of language leads to the perversion of language.
Just read this article and realize we have bigger trouble than language at this time in our history.
BO was the 1st post-modernist POTUS.
When Obummer got elected, that was the beginning of the decline of the U.S.. U.S. Jews need to wake up and realize that The DemoRats could care less about Jews.
Barack Hussein Osama’s presidency represented a turning point, but this really started more than 30 years earlier with the election of Peanut Dhimmi Carter in 1976 (who thankfully was a one term catastrophe) and something else- the Left’s “Long March” through institutions in government, media and academia. It took the Left more than five decades to become firmly ensconced in institutions. It will take at least as long to dislodge it.
Reeclecting Donald Trump is merely the first step. It will have no meaning unless the “Deep State” is dismantled.
Yes … The entire woke leftist anti-American democrat elite privileged corrupt government bureaucracy must be dismantled.
All illegal aliens must be deported, including anchor babies.
Phony Anchor baby citizenship must be stopped.
Mexico must be declared an enemy of America and US citizens.
The Mexican INVASION of America must be stopped cold..
Mexico is murdering more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured drugs that the Mexican government pushes into America.
Islam must be declared an illegal subversive depraved murderous cult,
and all Moo–Slum immigration to America banned.
These requirements would at least be a modest start to getting the USA back on the right track.
In Peter Schweizer’s explosive, shocking, and fully documented new book, “Blood Money”, it was revealed that China is backing the Mexican drug cartels. China owns a port in Mexico where fentanyl precursors are shipped from China into Mexico. Then the fentanyl precursors are transported up to a Mexican town on the California border called Mexicali. There are 2,000 Chinese nationals living in Mexicali! The Chinese nationals then convert the fentanyl precursors into fentanyl pills and give it to the Mexican drug cartels to bring over the open US border. California governor Newsom hired Chinese gang members into his state government to assist the Mexican drug cartels in smuggling in the fentanyl and in helping the cartels in laundering the drug money to China,
BTW, Secretary of State Blinken when asked about China shipping fentanyl precursors into to China said, “maybe it was a Chinese shipping error”.
As you may know, it is also documented that China gave the Biden Crime Family over $31 million. What a coincidence.
You are Correct….. and …..
Mexican president Obrador is a complicit mass murderer of more than 100,000 US citizens
every year with Mexican manufactured drugs pushed into America effectively by the
Mexican government. Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
Don’t forget the Clintons….open corruption and little or nothing from the media.
USA surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
could not care less
Clintons were the Commies before Obama.
J. Edgar Hoover is a spinning in his Grave the FBI now going to do what Hitler tried to do. We need to kick these Hamas scum clean out of America and to the Middle East
And the dems hated Hoover….he knew where the skeletons were.
LBJ blackmailed Hoover into covering up the JFK assassination.
Congress needs to investigate this – and bring it out in the open for all to see the treachery and treason.
Yeah! Let Como and Jordan do this. They both know how to wave their arms and write lots of letters.
The Republicans are all excellent letter writers.
What would you suggest they do?
Rather than meeting with these people, the FBI should have been throwing them out of the building. But there are voters in Dearborn so that’s off the table under this administration. The FBI just continues to disgrace itself.
This nonsense preceded the Dearborn election concern. Obama/Biden led a stream of Muslim agitators into key parts of the government, including the military and the intelligence agencies.
It started in early 2009.
Congress wont do a damned thjing about it. You think Mike Johnson , Bitch MacConnel, or Checuk Schumer give 1 fk?
The islamic dictators have infiltrated the United Nations and the rest all makes sense.
This truly is the inmates running the asylum
Incestuous pedophile Joe Biden has a problem. He needs to figure out how to earn back the terror votes in swing states that he seems to be losing. The best way to accomplish it is with dead Jews. Lots and lots of dead Jews. He likens himself to FDR, who is BEST KNOWN for putting Americans into concentration camps and for sending Jews to Europe to be murdered.
The premise of “Islamophobia” is that it exists and that it’s a phobia. In truth, people are reacting rationally to the genuine crimes of radical Muslims against humanity.
Depraved psychopathic violent murderous berserk hate-filled Freedom suppressing Islam
has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Of course. By now everyone with a brain knows the Blue Cheka (fka FBI) is rotten to the core, plus it and the Hamas supporting filth have the common goal of destroying America.
Everyone who’s paying attention. Most people don’t pay attention.
Time to re-read Army Major Stephen Coughlin’s book “Catastrophic Failure – Blindfolding America in the face of jihad.”
Coughlin describes how immediately following 9/11 there was some effort by the Pentagon to bring on board some experts on Isam. That little exercise was short-lived and soon all the experts were shown the door. So here we are 23 years later, and the blindfold has been tied on a little tighter.
So who assassinated Philip Haney? A Muslim hit squad, or the Deep State?
my guess … hired guns … like Seth Rich – they hired two of the usual suspects to do the deed … bet Haney got the same treatment.
Seems there’s little difference.
Whoever brought Wray to PRESIDENT TRUMP needs to be TRIED FOR TREASON! Any time I watch wray or the border bungling liar I am so disgusted! Now Buttgigger is a little peckerhead do nothing but the other two are the dangerous ones AND the most ARROGANT!
I do hope that PRESIDENT TRUMP sees fit to FIRE wray on DAY ONE, confiscates his phones and computers, and SEALS his office with a MILITARY POLICE GUARD 24/7 until someone he TRUSTS can begin the investigation! They should also RAID his HOME and any offices he may have stashed evidence!
If we are to return to a SANE, JUST Nation there needs to be MANY TRIALS for TREASON and INSURRECTION and if the defendants are too senile/insane to go to prison then confinement in the GIMTO NURSING HOME!!
It could be worse, remember Comey ?
Sure. He and BO stole CIA software in 02-09.
Wray was recommended to Trump by Christie (Chris, not Lou).
Attorney General Garland conspired with the FBI to assassinate President Trump. Our only hope out of the demonic morass we are in! The diaspora caused Jews to lose our identity because so many, even after all the events since the stolen 2020 election and the resulting intentional destruction of USA to be a superpower in all areas of finance to military and invention and even after 10-7-2023 still support the DemoncRats and Joker Dementia Crooked Pedo Joe Briben. We have one last chance to save the USA and Israel and that is on 11-05-2024 by voting for President Donald J. Trump in numbers to overwhelm any rigging and cheating!!!!
Are you speaking of Joey (The Chin) Bidino ?
That’s assuming there will be an election.
“The DOJ and the FBI have gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them.”
A depressing aspect about this is that it is no surprise under the Biden regime.
It’s been going on long before 9/11 thanks to the Bushes. When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait Kuwait had no fear because their ‘white slaves’ aka American soldiers were sent in to repel Saddam. The Bushes were Islam’s best buddies long before the Kenyan and his traitors entered the White House.
His father was an American communist, Frank Marshall Davis. Yes, it’s important.
Davis was Bolshevik Barack, The Mad Marxist Mulatto Clown’s appointed mentor by his communist white maternal grandparents. Not his father.
Yes, the truth is important. Including the difference between “father” and “mentor”.
And Bush 43 popularized the absurd phrase “Religion of Peace” in reference to Islam.
Guess I’ll have to go elsewhere Frontpage wants to moderate free speech under the guise of ‘spam’. due to one not commenting much on the website. Makes one think twice about supporting this site via buying their books and donations, which I have done .Plus it isn’t PM here so the comment section has gone real sideways. Tit for tat maybe and classify Frontpage as spam in my email. I can view the website freely still.
Patience is a virtue.
Just read Discover the Networks segment on BO….every single thing “biden” is given “credit” for doing was done by BO, way back in 2008, 2010, etc. Never before had Israel been held to certain standards of holding back– never had it been deliberately slighted before the world by the U.S. — all of that comes directly before FJB and was done by O and his group of globalist advisors.
Followed it closely at the time and was still astonished at how much I read was just like reading out of today’s stories and headlines.
Read it about BO and his father, Frank Marshall Davis.
Israel has been held back in nearly of its wars, by the US. The only US Presidents that didn’t hold Israel back were Nixon, whose actions during the Yom Kippur War saved Israel, and “W.”
The most pro-Israel President was Trump. Sadly most non-Orthodox Jews, being loyal Democrats first, instead of Jews and Americans, hate all three of them.
The most anti-Israel Presidents, Carter and Obama, however, are loved by the non-Orthodox Jews.
This article makes me sad. We have lost this once great Country to these terrorists. We are weak and unprincipled.
America’s elite political and corporate leaders are now thoroughly morally corrupted.
Throwing Israel and Jews under the bus is being looked at as a good business decision now.
They do not want to get on the wrong side of the Saudi and Qatar and other
depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islamic ” Royal ” families.
They all have a lot more money to spend and blackmail with than Israel.
Trump has been illustrating what’s going on in America with his sneak and the lady poem.. He has been reading this poem almost in every rally. For people get get an understanding the result of uncontrollable. unaccountable open border policies.
The first thing DJT should do when he gets into the WH is get rid of Wray and the entire corrupt rotten FBI — ALL of them are complicit.
That’s a very funny little mustache you have there, lolcow.
It is folly to expect Biden’s Gestapo to change its stripes at this late hour.
Impressive that you took time from being at the front of the New Hitler Youth/Woke Soviet Democrat marches and demonstrations going on since October 7th to post here, lolcow.
Seig Heil, lolcow, you genocidal Muslim Useful Idiot.