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News from 1993, but thirty years later we insist on recreating the old joke about Mohammed and the mountain by continuing to bring the Jihad to us. And then we’re surprised when this stuff keeps happening and then happening some more.
A New Jersey man who prosecutors say was “devoted … to waging violent jihad against America” and galvanized by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel, was busted in Kenya earlier this month while en route to join Somalia-based Islamist terror group al-Shabaab, authorities said Friday.
Karrem Nasr, 23, of Lawrenceville, faces up to 20 years in prison after Manhattan federal prosecutors charged him with a single count of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.
“Nasr, a citizen of this country, traveled from Egypt to Kenya bent on joining and training with al Shabab [sic] so that he could execute his jihadist mission of death and destruction,” US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said Friday.
“Nasr was prepared to kill and be killed to support the jihadist cause, and in his own words, he described America as ‘evil’ and the ‘head of the snake,’” he added.
Okay. So why did we feel the need to export him back to America?
Karrem left America and joined a Jihadist group while pledging to attack us. Was there a reason we couldn’t denaturalize and then drone him? (Except that it would make Ron Paul and Jimmy Carter cry?) Instead, we’re going to spend a million dollars getting him back, trying him, and then housing and feeding him for another 15 years or so, only to release him when he’s pushing forty so he can give it another go. Maybe along the way he’ll decide he wants a doctorate, a hunger strike and a poetry collection. A law firm will represent him pro bono and spend 15 years filing challenges and then at the end of it he’ll be a hero.
It would make more sense to offer ISIS and Al Qaeda supporters and their affiliates a plane ticket anywhere in the world as long as they’re willing to give up their citizenship.
And then make a nice drone target.
We could easily get rid of a few thousand Nasrs and the folks screaming about how much they love the Houthis on New Year’s Eve in Times Square. New Jersey and Michigan might lose a legislative district and we would save a lot of American lives.
According to the federal complaint, Nasr “warned that ‘Jihad’ was ‘coming soon to a US location near you,’ posting airplane, bomb, and fire emojis. In further communications with the CS, NASR expressed his intent to join al Shabaab to receive military training and engage in jihad; that he was prepared to kill and be killed; and that he specifically aspired to be a martyr for the jihadi cause.”
And we could have given him what he wanted as long as he gave us what he wanted, an exit strategy from having to cope with him.
“I think this is going to be an opportunity to join al Shabaab mujahideen movement would be appropriate for me to gain experience and learn. After the October 7th events, I felt that something has changed. To the better I mean. I felt that pride and dignity came back to the Muslims. I do not know if you follow the news in the West, but there are a lot of people now in America, not Muslims, just reading the letter from Sheikh Usama binLaden, letter to America, or letter to the American people, he explains why AQ is doing what they are doing. And there are a lot of people, because of this letter, have completely changed their opinion on him, and they finally understand how evil America is.”
Nasr stated that, “I used to be an 3ammi [meaning blind or ignorant] but then I became religious and I saw how Islam solves the problems of the world and I learned about establishing sharia and khilafa is something we need to strive for.”
Solve the problems of the world? Islam is the problem of the world.
What percentage of the Islamic settlers in this country will come to the same calculation?
Always hiding their faces just like they do with Muhamed just why do they hide their faces all the Time? just like the Democrats own KKK
The presence of Islam is solved by one method only, and that is by the absence of Islam.
Their incompatibility is as complete as is possible intentionally and mandates expulsion of their practitioners to preclude their inevitable homicides and rapes.
The civilized world has been under attack for fourteen centuries. We can expect nothing else from them.
I’m so tired of reading about these Depraved Feral Forms of Humans.
There is still something worse than Islam
FILTHY LIBERALS are even worse than Islam, for they Fetishize it, and appease their goatfuckers Muzrat Oppressors like the Coward Bitches they are.
Rid the Planet of these Koranderthals and FILTHY LIBERALS
Hahahaha Koranderthal! Maybe you’re insulting Neanderthals too harshly. I read we have some of the Neanderthal dna.
Yeah, I notice the lefties have contrived the fake term “islamophobia” for a fictional persecution of islamopithecines in the West that doesn’t exist, but they refuse to use the terms “Christianophobia” or “Judaismophobia” for persecution which is very real.
They regularly refer to the unholy koran as the “holy” koran but they never refer to the Bible or Torah as holy.
They excuse Hamas and Koranderthals (good one!) regularly while they demonize America, Christians, Israel and Jews every chance they get.
They promote the enforcement of islamic expression in all public spaces and oppose any Christian or Judaic expression.
They ignore islamopithecine genocide against Christians in countries such as Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia and Kenya, as well as Jews in Israel, but scream bloody murder when Christians and Jews dare to fight back and falsely accuse THEM of genocide.
They serve “halal” food in schools but not Catholic or Kosher food.
They demand islamic decorations be put up alongside Christmas and Chanukah holiday ones even though islamic holidays don’t coincide with them, but they prevent Christian and Judaic decorations from being put up on islamic holidays.
And on and on. Leftists are truly the scum of the Earth. Koranimals are commanded by their unholy books and upbringing to embrace and practice their subhumanity, but lefties are subhuman by choice and are so oikophobic they hate their own cultures and countries more than anything else, and they’re so filled with hatred it spews from their mouths most every time they open them.
You’re right, Is-lame is the problem of the world. But the bigger picture is not pretty either.
If my memory is correct, which I believe it is, our president George W. Bush, said that
“… Islam is the religion of peace.” He made that claim within a week of the 9/11 attack and atrocity on the
USA. With leaders like Bush and Obama and Biden and the Clintons,
what could possibly go wrong in America ?
Well, the Alzheimer Joe administration could fork out untold trillions of dollars and permission to build nuclear missiles to the mullahs in Iran.
The Justice department could cover up all islamic hate crimes and jihad terrorism.
His handlers could open our southern border to every jihadi, criminal, lowlife and reject on the planet at a rate of 12,000 per day for a total of at least 15 million so far and counting, and give them $5000 debit cards, cell phones with permanent service, first class flights without having to go through TSA checkpoints, stays in luxury hotels most Americans can’t afford and put them all on welfare.
Oh, wait………
There’s a “theory” about the % of muslims in a Country before there’s REAL trouble! I do believe the number should be adjust to ZERO! Islam is incompatible with civilized Nations so it’s best to not allow them in! I do pity the people where the mullahs have taken over and set them back into the 7th century – maybe we need to RETURN them to the 7th!!
Yes, and percentages matter most regionally, usually city to city, not nationally.