The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Better Candidates
Daniel Greenfield
Call it a blue wave or a purple puddle. There are certain tides in politics. But good candidates can ride or resist them much better than others. The GOP House field reflected a disoriented and disorganized House at war with itself and incapable of fastening its own pants. Meanwhile the GOP Senate field, not entirely,…
Beto O’Rourke Can’t Lose
Daniel Greenfield
Robert Francis O’Rourke, the most Kennedyesque fake Hispanic with his own cult of personality, didn’t lose to Ted Cruz. Not if you believe the media. The same lefty media which convinced gullible lefty idiots to throw away some $70 million on a Texas version of Jon Ossoff (another Kennedyesque hipster) is trying to convince its…
You Won’t Have Jim Acosta to Kick Around Anymore
Daniel Greenfield
CNN made the perfect foil for President Trump because it’s so ideologically vacuous. And the most vacuous figure is Jim Acosta. Now Jimmy got suspended from being able to posture in front of the camera by shouting at President Trump. It’s a win, win. CNN will be able to posture as a leading member of…
Texas Election Workers: We’ve Got a Lot of Illegal Aliens Voting
Daniel Greenfield
EXPOSED: Non-Citizens Voting in Texas? “We got TONS of them” Says Election Official on Undercover Video pic.twitter.com/SU4ZKtj9CL — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) November 6, 2018 Remember that this is all a myth. Unlike the media’s claims that the Russians hacked the election using Facebook. Voter fraud doesn’t exist. No matter how many times it happens, how…
Conservative Philly Jews Get Guns, Lefties Grouse About Trump
Daniel Greenfield
I recently mentioned the great work that Jews Can Shoot has been doing in encouraging Jews to learn to shoot. And here’s a microscopic portrait contrasting sane and insane reactions to a catastrophe. On Friday afternoon, with just a few hours before sundown and the start of the Sabbath, David Parvey hurried to a South…
2 More Anti-Semitic Assaults in France
Daniel Greenfield
I am getting tired of writing about, “The anti-Semitism we’re not supposed to discuss” and “These are not the anti-Semites you’re looking for”. But here’s another typical sample of life for Jews in France. It’s why so many French Jews are headed for the exit. Squirrel Hill was a horrible crime. But this is what…
Nancy Pelosi: “I’m Really Good At What I Do”
Daniel Greenfield
Wait, what? “I know the territory,” Pelosi said in a recent interview, between bites of a chocolate gelato waffle cone in a suburban Maryland cafe. “And I’m really good at what I do.” The territory of chocolate gelato waffle cones? The territory of suburban Maryland cafes? She’s really good at eating waffles cones in cafes?…
Everyday Anti-Semitism in Newton, MA (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
Dr. Charles Jacobs and Americans for Peace and Tolerance have been fighting the ugly anti-Semitic textbooks in Newton, MA for quite some time. It’s a noble example of perseverance. Of taking an issue in your own backyard and pounding away at it. It’s a trait that conservatives sometimes lack, but lefties have in abundance. While…
4 Black Teens Hurl Pole Through Synagogue Window at Sabbath Prayers, Media Silent (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
James Polite, a Democrat African-American lefty activist, was arrested for writing threatening graffiti and starting a fire at one Jewish institution. Two other black men are sought for writing anti-Semitic graffiti. And there is this blatant violent attack on a synagogue during Sabbath prayers. A group of teens launched a metal pole through a glass…
NBC, CNN, FOX News, and Facebook Refuse to Air Trump Illegal Alien Ad
Daniel Greenfield
It is outrageous what the Democrats are doing to our Country. Vote Republican now! https://t.co/0pWiwCHGbh pic.twitter.com/2crea9HF7G — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2018 The media hated Trump’s ad about an illegal alien cop killer and the migrant caravan invasion. CNN wouldn’t air it. NBC aired it and then refused to do it again. FOX…