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After Hamas supporters were caught screaming “shame on you” at children receiving cancer treatment at a Manhattan hospital (“make sure they hear you, they’re in the windows”) some people wondered what they were trying to accomplish.
Questions like that only reveal the vast gap between the pro-Hamas mob and everyone else.
The pro-Hamas protests, allegedly in pursuit of a ceasefire, but in reality celebrating Hamas and now Houthi terrorism, have picked random fights with Starbucks, Christmas Tree lightings and Alec Baldwin to name a few. They are not so much for anything as they are against things.
Reasonable people, usually old school liberals, still don’t understand the Left. And so they also don’t understand what happened to their movement, their party and their country.
Normal people think that protests are about spreading awareness and winning over others, and they don’t grasp why the rioters are spewing hate at them instead of trying to win them over.
The mobs aren’t there to persuade them but to express their hatred for them. The common denominator of all of these riots is a burning desire to destroy everything around them. They’re not shutting down airports or smashing store windows to bring attention to a cause.
Smashing windows and shutting down airports is their cause.
Before Hamas, they were smashing windows for abortion, BLM and Occupy Wall Street, and against the Iraq War and to protest the World Trade Organization. Some of the same men in black who are smashing Starbucks windows now for Gaza were smashing them back in Seattle in the WTO protests of 1999. Before too long they’ll need to retire and collect Social Security.
A quarter century of smashing Starbucks windows clearly has nothing to do with Gaza.
They don’t care about black lives, the lives in Gaza or Iraq, or the lives of the poor: these are just the pretexts that provide them with moral superiority so they feel justified smashing things.
The pro-Hamas riots are a carbon copy of the BLM riots. Like the eco-terrorists, who have taken to vandalizing classical art in museums, their goal isn’t persuasion through awareness, it’s terrorism. They block traffic, airport holiday travel and holiday events for whatever cause happens to be trending at any given time. Few of these leftists have any real sense of what Hamas is, fewer still know who the Houthis are, but they’ll still scream about an ‘Intifada.”
What they actually want has less to do with Gaza than with right here at home.
“When we finally deal that final blow to destroy Israel. When the state of Israel is finally destroyed and erased from history, that will be the single most important blow we can give to destroying capitalism,” Manolo De Los Santos of The People’s Forum, which receives funds out of Communist China and has been linked to many of the pro-Hamas protests, promised.
As David Horowitz frequently reminded us, sixties radicals preached that, “the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
Individual causes, environmentalism, LGBTQ rights, Gaza, Iraq, income inequality, unions, Wall Street, abortion or criminals, are just gateway drugs to radicalize a base for the leftist revolution.
Protests aren’t really “protests” in the sense that liberals think of them as being vehicles to rally for change. They’re the equivalent of Al Qaeda terrorist attacks whose goal is to recruit, radicalize and empower the storm troopers who are going to wage war against the world.
Blocking traffic or airports isn’t really about ending Israeli attacks on Hamas, but about inflicting misery on Americans and making the leftist perpetrators feel powerful and self-righteous by expressing their malice. Don’t think of these as protests: think of them as initiation sessions like those of gangs and cults in which new members prove themselves by hurting someone.
Protest theater rewards leftist activists by making them into the focus of attention. Cameras are on them as they berate anyone in sight, from kids with cancer to Alec Baldwin, for their lack of empathy, and then, justified by the conviction that everyone else is bad, they make them suffer.
Blocking school buses, ambulances and people coming home from working, or shouting, “shame on you” at kids with cancer is just part of the radicalization process. Its purpose is to make the activists cause pain while being so emotionally detached from their victims that they not only feel nothing when inflicting pain, but that doing so makes them morally superior.
The process produces people capable of not only blocking traffic, but planting bombs.
That is exactly how this worked in the sixties. Protest rallies were deliberately turned into violent confrontations with police and guardsmen to radicalize a generation of leftist students. Only a small number of those actually formed organizations like the Weathermen, but millions more romanticized them and defended their cause. When the terrorists went into academia, entertainment and politics, those supporters swiftly put them into positions of power.
The same cycle has been repeating itself since the relaunch of the anti-war movement after 9/11. Those protests were followed by wholly manufactured causes like Occupy Wall Street and BLM that existed purely to radicalize and recruit a generation to fight a war against America.
The pro-Hamas protests are the work of most of the same coalition and the same mission.
There are some members of the coalition, especially Islamists, who are deeply invested in the idea of a Hamas victory and the destruction of Israel, but most, like The People’s Forum, see destroying Israel as part of the larger leftist mission of destroying America and the West.
The pretext for the destruction matters much less than the overriding revolutionary goal.
Communist revolutionaries have exploited wars and food shortages to seize power, only to then inflict even worse wars and food shortages. Obama promised peace in the Middle East, an end to income inequality and the salvation of the planet. And all of these things only grew worse.
But following the Cloward-Piven model, leftists only make things worse. The purpose of leftist governments is to destroy countries by exacerbating every social, economic, geopolitical and cultural problem until they have brought societies to their knees and can seize total power.
Leftist protests, like the terrorists they support, are also not about fixing anything, but staging ugly hostile confrontations with police and the public to recruit the malicious and the disaffected (while playing the victim) and then escalating the violence and using it to take over a country.
It works. Consider who was in the White House before the BLM riots and who’s there now.
Revolutions need causes, but the only real cause of a revolution is its own power. Or as George Orwell wrote in 1984, “One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”
A revolution requires people willing to kill. And so they need to be given reasons to kill. The ‘cause’ is the process of finding those willing to kill and giving them the reasons to do it.
The same processes of training and recruitment that climaxed in the Oct 7 attacks in Israel are underway in this country. DEI educational activists may not be as blatant about it as Hamas, but they share a similar goal of radicalizing a base until it is willing to commit any atrocity and still consider itself morally superior. The processes that produced men willing to rape and kill for Islam in Israel are also producing men and women in the West who are willing to cheer that and to wage war against their own societies in order to protect those rapists and killers.
The domestic terrorists of tomorrow are blocking traffic in the streets of our cities today.
Thanks Daniel, excellent analysis.
yes …
you and yours have a great week, AA!
Thanks Dan!!!!!
I had occasion years ago to attend a ‘tactical driving’ demonstration. Rule number 1, when confronted by street thugs trying to block the road, use the car as a weapon! Staying within the speed limit, blowing the horn, drive a straight line through the crowd not stopping regardless of their responses.. Hitting and going over assailants can be accepted as self defense in “”just court”
Or, you can stop and be pulled from the vehicle at the mercy of morons and Democrats..
That will not be accepted as self defense in the areas where such “demonstrations” are tolerated.
Stopping traffic for their own foolish selfish reasons = the real reason for paintball equipment. PB gets the point across…
Calmly driving over-through the fools is acceptable self defense. People stuck in a crowd generated traffic jam are targets for evil.
Not in the blue polities where the terrorists are given free reign, if you drive on there, you will be put in prison for the rest of your life.
At least these self-indulgent fools weren’t trying to blow up a bridge like a group of OWS idiots were a decade ago.
The idiots were clumsy & stupid in their vain attempt; but at least they were secure in the knowledge that the MSM & democrats in power would cover for them . . . which they did, as expected. (Hence, you probably weren’t aware of it.)
Their attempt was so incompetent that the bridge was never in danger.
As for islamic terrorist enablers blocking a road in front of me . . . I have a mid sized truck & I don’t break for America-hating scumbags; not now, not ever.
Oklahoma. April 22, 2021
Because of HB 1674, a driver “who unintentionally causes injury or death” while exercising “due care” will not be criminally or civilly liable if they reasonably believe they’re “fleeing from a riot” where they will be harmed.
Obstruction of a public street, highway or road will now constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in a county jail and fees as high as $5,000. Anyone who commits the offense will be liable for damages.
Critics of the bill say it is intended to limit demonstrations and puts the people involved in them at risk.
If they want to see Genocide wait until Islamic Radicals get over here Theil be doing more then throwing Gays of the tops of tall Buildings they will do the same with Christians of they will do worse
They are here already. But we forget about so many of them since the media covers it up time and time again.
At this point in time The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization of America, is in charge.
Once all TRUE Americans realize that these RABID ANIMALS, are destroying our country the occupation will end.
The Worse the Better; V Lenin. ‘those supporters swiftly put them into positions of power’ You mean like Lurch aka John Kerry? You rang? Whose statues grace the hills & shores of Easter Island.
The “malicious and disaffected” are a small minority of Americans. This was not the case in 1917 Russia where a downtrodden majority was ripe for revolution.
Therefor, the revolting antics of the left will only energize most Americans to reject the Marxist ideology as shown by the growing strength of the MAGA movement.
I think our appropriate strategy would be to actively ignore them. If they desperately escalate their behavior to gain attention firm law and order steps should be taken.
Fred Glass
I don’t think the people doing this care a bit about what the majority want or fear them being energized. They know how an organized minority can overcome a supine and disengaged majority. And I don’t see any evidence for the majority being energized. I wish I did but I don’t. It accepted losing their freedom over Covid. It’s tolerating the opening of our borders, the debasement of our currency through excessive spending, the politicization of our law enforcement, and so on without complaint or protest. The forces of destruction (i.e., the Left) can turn out hundreds of thousands people in support of a career criminal who died of a drug overdose and coronary artery disease while in police custody while the rest of us passively accept the foregoing. I just don’t see the reason for optimism.
I don’t see much reason for optimism either.
America has gone berserk … woke, depraved, leftist DEI CRT lunacy from the top down.
Have you noticed since the internet, has brained drained the masses. People of all ages are addicted to its numbing effects. The games and other diversions control them to ignoring work and home and family responsibilities.
They are not interested in knowing what the governments are doing. They do not care about anything, in fact resent, what distracts them from their internet links.
In many ways the Internet and social media and Hollywood and Madison Ave. have done far
more harm to the minds and bodies
and character of American citizens than can be imagined.
Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and many other hi tech and media and Hollywood billionaires
should be incarcerated with long prison sentences.
Well, here I am online yet I agree with you. Aren’t we meaner, more shallower, and less moral by any measure than we were?
On the other hand, the Internet is largely where I find the information necessary to fight these trends. The real fault is the gullibility and incuriosity of enormous swaths of our population which uses the Internet and social media to post photos of their lunch rather than to obtain information on what is going on all around them. They somehow must believe it doesn’t affect them. They are wrong.
Hi Fred,
I think ignoring them is what got us here. In a way I agree with you, because when we argue with them, we make it seem like they have a point which we need to defeat.
We do not. They have no point, as he said in the article.
We need to take away their pride, not build it up by arguing with them.
Memes are helpful, but don’t quite hit the mark. What we need to do is call them stupid to their face WITHOUT arguing their point. There are tons of things we can point out about WHY they are stupid, but we should argue as little as possible.
They can’t defeat us with reason, and this needs to be make clear to both them and onlookers.
My favorite method is the double edged question:
“What’s your favorite thing about hurting people?”
Regarding “white privilege”:
“What does the slang term ‘oreo’ mean…? Oh, you’re your telling me that blacks don’t let other blacks get ahead?” and carry on from there
The mockery has to be to their faces.
It has to cut the skin about their meaningless lives.
No death cult has a right to speak in a healthy society. The radicals are a death cult, as he pointed out in the article.
Thanks for your time.
Conservatives have been ignoring leftists for too long. Leftists have taken over education, media and many of the most powerful positions in government.
There are a lot more disaffected people than you realize. Democrat/Socialists are actively creating more disaffected people every year.
57% of people in 2021 and 61% in 2020 paid no federal income taxes at all.
The people that pay not federal income taxes usually depend on government payments to survive. Forcing people to depend on government is a way to control them and gain power over them.
When the left complains the “rich” are not paying their share of taxes, they are not targeting billionaires. They are targeting the ~40% of working people that pay taxes.
Raising the minimum wage reduces the number of people in the workforce.
Increasing H1-B and other work visas puts Americans out of work in high paying jobs. This pushes colleges to shift focus to jobs that their students can get – which are usually government employees, contractors or government funded NGOs. None of these jobs produces any goods and only a tiny % are necessary services.
Increasing illegal immigration puts lower income Americans out of work. It also effectively enslaves the illegal immigrants because they are threatened with deportation if they complain about pay or work conditions.
Yes, another great article from Greenfield.
I don’t understand why Newsmax and Real American Voices tv channels don’t have Greenfield on once in a while to comment on current events. Or, could you imagine if Trump used Greenfield in his next administration, maybe as press secretary – Greenfield steps to the microphone at a press conference, then announces: “The domestic terrorists of tomorrow are blocking traffic in the streets of our cities today” – and then watch liberal heads in the room explode – it would be a great payback for all of the bs America has been fed from Jean-Pierre, Biden’s press secretary.
The radicals who are demonstrating all over America already are domestic terrorists
For sure.
Our task, should we choose to do it, will be to gather the places their financiers and organizers sleep, for the day when things turn hot.
There, e.g., are a few around Portland Oregon. They did their thing there. There was a real thug leading the resurrection and block take-over in Seattle. He brought arms to their camp in a Tesla no less. Thugs like that bully and their financiers.
“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” —David Horowitz
What they’re doing, actually, is exploring how far they can go before society puts down its foot, how long it will take before they can turn American cities into Hamastans, and normalize the brutalizing of Jews.
Hitler did just that. He blamed the Jews for the hardships inflicted on Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. WWII was set. Hitler was born to destroy.
Repeat a lie often and long enough and it will become the truth.
How many dictators resulted from WWI? Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mousseline, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, I am sure the is much longer.
You forgot FDR, typically not one until he tried to pack the Supreme Court after his programs were declared unconstitutional.
Repeating a lie does not make it true. Without a good countering argument, it will tend to make people act as if it is true.
Control of most media makes it very hard to counter lies.
Control of education makes people think differing viewpoints are harmful and come from evil intent.
Control of the legal system allows imprisoning political opponents on fake charges.
All these things are part of a “soft revolution”. When enough people are fooled/indoctrinated the revolution will end with violence. First the violence will be against their political opponents. Then it always turns against the “counter revolutionaries” that realize the revolution was really about establishing totalitarian control instead of improving people’s lives.
This is why leftists don’t teach history. If people understood history, they would not be leftists.
When they block traffic, they should be run over. When they smash windows, they should be shot on sight. And yes – as many as necessary.
And for all the “nice, middle class, moderate swing voters”, if you would disagree with such action because you “don’t want to sink to that level” or think “it’s not worth the trouble” YOU are the problem.
This crap will end when three things happen. One, the “protestors” know that they will be crushed without mercy. Two, everyone knows that no jury will convict the crushers because most of their fellow citizens think they deserved to get crushed. Three, when a majority of citizens tells the squeamish Karens of the world to go fck themselves if they have any pity for the protestors.
Add anyone who financially supports the terrorists. Sedition has the same penalty as being labeled a traitor, death!
100% hit the nail on the head. couldn’t have stated this any better
Democrats have lost control of the brownshirt movement they created. And when protests turn to pogroms, they will still feign surprise, just like all phonies “‘shocked” by the intellectual bankruptcy of Claudine Gay, et al, and the “sudden” outburst of antisemitism on college campuses.
Never forget all the billionaires who own the media and the banks, yet finance people and groups howling for their destruction. They can’t be that dumb so what is their reason for doing so?
I reason that the bedrock of a US policy to eliminate rather than foster domestic terrorism would be the necessity of enabling the Iranian people to overthrow the Islamic regime.
It’s logical that the next president of the United States who is loyal to American ideals and sickened by terrorists’ blasphemous excuses for murder and desecration of life, would support 100% the Iranian people to accomplish their very attainable dream to free themselves of religious tyranny. Their freedom means America’s freedom.
When the terror regime dries up, the money for terror will dry up.
It’s reasonable to hope that the next president of the United States, unwilling to condone terrorism, would call for the abolishment of the UN, the global hub of terrorism; and take measures to terminate all its organizations that were only established to funnel funds for terror.
The UN’s pro terror presence on American soil is an abomination. Terrorists in diplomatic garb should be denied entry to the US.
Ideally, the next president of the United States should shut down all universities that allow pro-terror to flourish and hire the likes of traitor Robert Malley, who then can hand pick and train Islamic jihad disciples under the guise of ‘scholarship’.
Americans are being deliberately diverted by explosive and crucial domestic issues to make sure that they don’t care about or aren’t even aware that, because of the current administration’s foreign policy towards Iran’s terror regime, the noose of terror is tightening around all Americans’ necks and will affect their personal lives profoundly.
Universities that support anti-American ideals should have ALL financial payments stopped.
Teachers should be fired!
A lot of alumni have stopped their financial contributions. The parents should keep their children out of these institutions.
A few arrests – and long sentences – might dampen the fervor of these western civilization hating phonies who are supported by mom and dad.
Another brilliant and memorable piece from Daniel Greenfield. I keep thinking that, if by some miracle, Trump wins, cities will have to put down the inevitable riots–somewhat harshly, if needed–on the first night. Otherwise, they may become unstoppable. As King Theoden said of the Orcs in The Lord of the Rings, “How does one deal with such reckless hate?”
A dollar to a donut bets there will be riots. Dudes like Kash i believe are ready for the wildings.
I think we can go ahead and call them terrorists in the here and now, Mr. Greenfield.
Great piece. Today’s “protests” have little to do with Gaza, as you say. Look at the placards–ANSWER Coalition groups all. The point is to thoroughly indoctrinate people into an exquisite ultra-sensitivity, until the only choice remaining to end the “injustice” is violence and killing. After the ’60s, this phenomenon led to formation of groups like Baader Meinhoff and the Red Brigades. We are at a point now where we have to push back and isolate the violent before the real violence erupts.
Thank you. That’s an excellent way of putting it.
Don’t worry. The SPLC is going to find all of those domestic terrorist.
Biden admin picks far-left Southern Poverty Law Center to help advise on the ‘domestic terror threat’
Beautifully thought out essay. Thanks.
It’s the dude and his billionaire pals who donated $419million to assist county election workers in vulnerable areas. The super wealthy of the west coast. Those who installed voter registration at the DMVs, etc.
You know, those who know better than us.
Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD is prime example of what happens to those who are ‘mind numb robots’.
Interesting Huxley and Orwell were about the same age when they wrote their books.
David Horowitz said it so succinctly decades ago: “The Left is permanently at war with America.”
It’s become quite clear that there exists an international effort by leftists to weaken and destabilize the US from within. They started by working their way into moviemaking in the 40’s and 50’s until McCarthy, John Wayne, Ward Bond and others put a stop to it. They then worked their way into formal academia, which begot thousands of leftist sympathizers who then became teachers in non-formal academia, so as to be able to expose America’s youth to communism on a wide scale.
There are certainly other dynamics in the timeline, but that’s where we seem to be as a country at the moment. We’re near the generational tipping point where too many generations have been told that communism works and is a desirable way of life. Our government has also been heavily infiltrated by leftists, particularly the FBI and CIA. It is said just about every Presidential election, but this could be the most important election in the history of the country! It’ll be for whether the country goes back to the ways that made it special and unique or it turns into what outside influences want it to be… a weak and unreliable 3rd world mess!
Bullseye, Dan the Man.
I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing “We’re gonna vent our frustration”
If we don’t, we’re gonna blow a 50-amp fuse”
You can’t always get what you want.
In Europe their getting fed up with those idiot Climate Change activists blocking the Highways their dragging them out of the way
And yet, the democrats and the media will look far and wide for the ONE lone conservative that commits violence. Even if they’re with any larger group, they will extrapolate it to mean ALL CONSERVATIVES or supporters of Donald Trump.
Even though leftists commit the vast majority of the violence, it’s never their fault….uts conservatives’ and their mean ways.
At this point, I’m in favor of mass deportation, Internment camps, or remote penal colonies to deal with all the anarchist low-life so the rest of can live in peace, safety, and security.
When I find myself behind the wheel of one of those mid-sized trucks, I am often confused about which is the accelerator and which is the brake. I may need more practice at that.
Agree! Although I hate to see him taking abuse!
2 questions. Am I correct that I am seeing more comments than ever here? I guess thats a good thing if it means readership has increased.
Am I targeted for moderation on every comment? Why? Are others so targeted ? Was it something I said? Who moderates? What are they looking for? Id be happy to rephrase to save them the trouble.
“As David Horowitz frequently reminded us,…”
He’s not dead, ya know!
“We are forces of chaos and anarchy;
Everything they say we are, we are;
And we are very proud of ourselves;
Up against the wall;
Up against the wall, motherf*ckers;
Tear down the walls.”
“We Can be Together,” The Jefferson Airplane, 1969
This has been a long time in the making.