A new review of “Britain’s efforts to stop people becoming terrorists will identify Islamist violence and not Right-wing extremism as the country’s biggest terror threat.” Its author, William Shawcross, reviews “Britain’s efforts to stop people becoming terrorists” and his report identifies jihad violence “and not Right-wing extremism as the country’s biggest terror threat.” In 2021, Shawcross was appointed independent reviewer of the UK’s deradicalization program, Prevent, which not only catastrophically failed, but was discovered last month to have used taxpayer money to fund jihad organizations and Taliban supporters. The new review carries a measure of hope, but it will be certainly met with furious resistance.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman “is expected to support the review’s call for a back to basics approach which will see renewed efforts to counter the core ideology behind Islamist terrorism.” Unfortunately, there was never a “back to basics” approach to begin with, since authorities viewed normative Islam as a religion of peace. Try testing how peaceful it is regarding insults.
However many Muslims and non-Muslims proclaim Islam to be a religion of peace, there are abundant passages in the Qur’an and Hadith that prove otherwise. Indeed, there are Qur’anic verses that instruct peace, but its chronologically later verses call for war against disbelievers and bloody conquest. Islam’s principle of abrogation dictates that where there is a contradiction, the later verses override the earlier verses.
As the Western world focuses on whatever the mainstream media tells them to focus on, the threat of jihad (stealth and violent) has not abated. It is being virtually ignored. While the West beats itself up over “white supremacy,” leaders have made it easy for Muslim Brotherhood operatives and Islamic supremacists to infiltrate to the highest levels, and for violent jihadists to enter Western countries, thanks to open-door immigration policies. Western leaders tend to be naive and egotistical; many Muslims who have approached Western leaders with a friendly handshake and promises to ‘help’ fight ‘racism’ and radicalization are welcomed and embraced in a spirit of “diversity” and “inclusion.” The Telegraph revealed that “groups funded by Prevent were led by people who allegedly supported the Taliban, defended banned militant Islamist groups and hosted hate preachers.” And these individuals certainly did not ‘look’ the part.
Nonetheless, the apparent willingness of Britain to confront jihad ideology now is a significant shift. It can potentially serve as an example to the entire West, which for years has been brushing aside the driving ideology behind stealth and violent jihad. It is the ideology that makes its adherents particularly resistant to any deradicalization program. To date, such programs resemble routine Western programs to reduce recidivism, which are completely inapt when dealing with the deeply ingrained belief among jihadists that they are doing the work of Allah and earning rewards in the afterlife.
“Shawcross’s review of the Prevent anti-terrorism programme is expected to argue Islamist terror poses the greatest threat to life and the most casework for MI5.” It looks good theoretically, but any program that any infidel country may attempt to implement to highlight the ideology that drives jihad will be met with swift and vociferous accusations of “Islamophobia.” The Islamophobia suberfuge is a proven, sure-fire way to deflect all attention away from the jihad, and instead to stir up victimology with allegations of breaches of human rights, etc. The mainstream Left-leaning media laps it all up with glee. So it remains to be determined whether the UK is capable of withstanding the onslaught of “Islamophobia” recriminations.
When ‘accepted’ leaders of a religious ideology encourage and promote human shields and jihad summer camp for kids, as seen among the Palestinian Authority where its leaders execute the Palestinian “resistance,“ and reward Shahids, that should alert the West of the reality and power of jihad ideology. Instead, the Palestinian “resistance” has gained worldwide acceptance via sophisticated propaganda campaigns.
Some of the people actually doing the work in the ‘Prevent’ programme knew where the threat came from, the problem is with the stupid leadership which is very political and, this is vital to understand, the British political organisations are being infiltrated and at times overwhelmed with muslim radicals. This is particularly true in the cities where they have selfishly grabbed power whilst pretending to be altruistic and charitable.
You must be talking about Canada! Here the Islamophile prime minister is enabling their infiltration.
UK before this was allowing al-Qaeda to write its national security policy https://archive.ph/SJpsr#327942
Source of this policy was US-Muslim Engagement Project (post in 328191 that thread)
It is partnered with al-Qaeda fronts https://files.catbox.moe/7xf8x3.png
The goal was to allow corporations partnered with the “intelligence” community to take bribes from the Muslims and Russia to run Russian and Islamic State psyops, then they get government “consulting” contracts while the government freezes out their competitors. It’s that simple, it’s all about money.
The same team ran Common Core, censorship of Gamergate, the vaccines, probably other programs we could recognize but haven’t proven yet.
The names that keep popping up are Branson, Bronfman, Clinton, Ronald Cohen, Bill Gates, Frank Giustra, Vartan Gregorian, Stephen Heintz, Walter Isaacson, Malloch Brown, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros. All partnered with Leonard Blavatnik, Herman Gref, Igor Ivanov, Turki al-Faisal, Wadah Khanfar, and the al-Thani family.
Between this column and “Sliding Toward the Abyss in Scandinavia,” above, it is readily apparent that Islam is slowly taking over Europe, or at least trying to. The wilful ignorance of European leaders and people to Islamic doctrine, which preaches that it is the duty of Moslems to bring all of Dar al Harb (the abode of war – i.e., lands not ruled by sharia) into Dar al Islam (the abode of Islam – i.e., lands ruled by sharia) by conquest or conversion, until the entire world is ruled by sharia, is a disgrace. Do any of them know that, in Islam, one is guaranteed eternal life in paradise if he or she is killed in jihad against unbelievers? The ignorance and cowardice of Western leaders and their endorsement of the lunatic kumbayah multiculturalism philosophy in the face of absolute proof that not all cultures are the same and share the same values is a disgrace and is killing the West.
What? And here I thought it was Christians who were the problem. Huh.