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The Leftist cabal is brilliant when it comes to manipulation, propaganda and confusing and muddling the discourse. Leftist propaganda in the war on Gaza continues to minimize the brutal atrocities of October 7, ignore Hamas’ cruel use of human shields to rack up the tally of dead Palestinians, and likewise ignore the rejection of Palestinian refugees by neighboring Islamic countries. Add in the mainstream media’s constant barrage of details from the hell of war. Every war ever fought has devastating collateral damage. But not every war has the media parading the details of this damage without adequate context before the public for propaganda purposes. World War II saw 40 million civilian deaths, including children. When a war is justified, moral people do not display its disturbing details far and wide. In the backdrop of Gaza comes more anti-Israel news from Time Magazine about the Biden Democrats:
The U.S. Department of State is set to implement travel bans on any Israeli settlers who are implicated in attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
The move was announced by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday, as part of efforts to establish stability in the Palestinian territory where extremist settler violence is rampant, and has worsened as a consequence of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
“We have underscored to the Israeli government the need to do more to hold accountable extremist settlers who have committed violent attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank,” Blinken said in a statement. He also reiterated President Joe Biden’s stance that settler attacks are unacceptable.
Note the usage of the term “Israeli settlers” and the presentation of the Palestinians as victims in an allegedly “occupied” territory. No facts of history are recognized; nor is the truth about the Islamic jihad against the Jews that was being waged long before the state of Israel was even born. According to Time:
Blinken called on both Israel’s leadership and the Palestinian Authority to share responsibility for upholding stability in the West Bank and curbing attacks on both sides. The statement did not outline the details of any individual visa bans or how many would be implemented, but bans were implemented as of Tuesday.
More deception. Blinken compares the Palestinian Authority (PA) to Israel in an obscene moral equivalence that has become all too familiar. The PA, which works day and night to indoctrinate its citizens, from toddlers on up, that murdering Jews to achieve “martyrdom” is good and righteous, cannot be compared to Israel. The PA’s pay-for-slay program (or Martyrs Fund) pays jihad terrorists a stipend for life intended as “generous rewards to Palestinians, and/or their families, who carry out bombings, stabbings and other attacks against innocents in Israel.” The jihad is perpetually active in Judea and Samaria (that is, the West Bank).
More about the visa ban from Time:
The exact details of the visa ban policy are not yet publicly known, but the first bans were valid from Tuesday. As per State Department privacy rules, the affected settlers will not be named or identified.
The visa ban would prohibit travel to the U.S. while active, and such bans could extend to an individual’s immediate family members. Israeli citizens who currently hold visas for entry to the U.S. will be notified of their nullification, while those who don’t hold current visas and seek one will have their applications rejected, according to the New York Times.
The move will also affect the deal the Biden administration made with Israel in September to allow its citizens to travel to the U.S. without a visa using Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) under the visa waiver programme. ESTAs will no longer be granted to blacklisted settlers.
The ambiguity of the visa ban is telling. It is likely intentional, because there is no justice behind it. It will cause more division in America, as well as more confusion and chaos, and it will further embolden anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment, while appeasing pro-Palestinian Muslims, and especially the powerful Muslim Brotherhood linked lobbies that made a pact with Biden which helped put him in office. The Biden administration now has full power to slap a visa ban on any Israeli it chooses to label “extremist.”
As it stands, the Biden administration will not state openly that it does not support Israel in its war against Hamas, so it now appears to be using Judea and Samaria as a distraction and a means by which it can appease the Muslim lobby.
“When asked about the visa ban on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the press the term ‘settler violence’ is derogatory and inaccurate as it can only be attributed to a small group.” Netanyahu is absolutely correct. It is expedient for manipulators to make a mountain out of a molehill. The real issue is that Israelis are constantly attacked by Palestinian jihadists in Judea and Samaria and anywhere else that an attack can be mounted. This “small group” to which Netanyahu referred decided to take matters into its own hands and fight back against constant jihad attacks in their community, but this group cannot be compared to jihadists. As for the insinuation that Jews living in Judea and Samaria are “occupiers,” such terms are intended to further beat down Israel, the Jewish homeland. The Palestinians are the real occupiers. They are Ottoman South Syrians with no claim historically to the Holy Land. Islam conquered the Middle East and jihadists are still on a mission to complete the conquest and destroy Israel. This is the heart of the “resistance” from the River to the Sea.
Every supporter of Israel hopes that America will prove to be a true ally to the Jewish state all the way to the end of this war on Hamas, but the Democrats are showing signs of wishing to abandon Israel, especially with this announcement about imposing visa bans upon “Israeli settlers.” Aside from appeasing Islamic lobbies, the Biden administration now appears to be provoking Israel in order to get an adverse reaction it can use as an excuse to walk back its support for Israel openly. The Democrats also appear to be orchestrating the fall of Netanyahu, as much as they continue to plot against Donald Trump. Recall that during the judicial reform protests, the U.S. State Department was discovered to be funding an Israeli Leftist group that was behind the protests against Netanyahu.
“ Every supporter of Israel hopes that America will prove to be a true ally to the Jewish state”
Hopefully this is true for the vast majority of Americans but it is a pipe dream to expect the unelected biden administration to support anything that doesn’t line their pockets.
So self defense could become extremist violence. Those democrats sure do have a way with words.
Of course. Genocide is OK to them “depending on the context”.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken (pictured) is perhaps the worst State Sec. in our history. A true Obama flak now continuing his Jew Hatred and Israel Hatred under Biden. He would like nothing better than for Israel to call a halt to operations so Hamas can retool, import more rockets from Iran and attack Israel once again at a later date.
Thank God the IDF and Netanyahu are having none of his B.S. or Biden’s.
They are continuing what FDR started in the 1930’s. He refused to allow Jews to leave Germany.
I wish the US Jews knew this part of the US history.
Blinker elsewhere in the news is commenting on how the sexual violence of Hamas Palestinians is like nothing he has ever imagined. His response is to go after the ISrael occupation.
The only way to rise to the top of leftist politics is to become hollow., to possess the soul of a sociopath.
The law of God is written on our hearts. People with souls, the people of Israel, have been fully awakened to the evil that rages against them, and fully indifferent to th£e plight of a people who want us all dead and humiliated into total submission.
Israel will follow the Queensbury rules of war, because that is what civilization means.
But nobody that has not already been hollowed of their souls by Marxist ideology has any feelings whatsoever for Palestine and is genocidal Nazi culture that has complete control over the hearts and minds of a culture of Death.
Blinker with the rest of the Biden WH works for Iran.
The rape and sexual torture of Israeli girls is fully funded by the American taxpayer.
This is how Blinken celebrates sexual violence the like of which he has never thought possible.
Yet the Democrats clutch pearls and turn blue at Pres. Trump’s TRAVEL ban.
Violent Israeli settlers are in such short supply that the Obamidens feel the need to manufacture them wholesale. Complaining about Jews in Israel (historically nothing is more Israel than Judea and Samaria) is like calling parents at school board meetings terrorist, or patriot protestors insurrectionists. Obscene? This is more like a fetid open sewer overflowing into the street polluting everything it touches.
More and more the lefty progressive disguise performs its wardrobe malfunction revealing the hideous thing underneath.
Take a good look America.
Caroline Glick (carolineglick.com) recenly noted that what has happened recently is that pro-Pal activists go to fenced border areas in Judea and Samaria and play provocateur re anything related to borders and jewish-arab tension.
they then relay their doctored photos and slanted, hypedup news directly to fellow anti-Israel activists who are in abundance in D.C., working as staff assistants in the federal bureauracy, especially Congress and sundry departments, including the D of State.
these young woke staffers then create a storm and write urgent memos to their bosses about settler violence– and before you can say jack robinson, Biden and Blinken are on stage blasting so-called settler violence.
condemning settler violence also is meant to show how even-handed B and B are, so Dems and pro-arab voters will not think B and B are totally in the pro-israel camp.
Just another confirmation of what we already knew
Biden must go
Proof positive that DC is run by and full of damn, non-thinking fools.
Were i in control in DC, these fools would be condemned to Yemen for life.
It’s interesting the instant protest with pre-prepared flags and banners and signs on October 8 and how some made a fortune by shorting Israeli stocks, obviously had pre-knowledge of this planned attack. However, don’t think the evil ones were prepared for the worldwide revulsion at their actions when they were ready for a worldwide revolt, supporting their actions and now we can all see who the Nazis are.
Maybe instead of keeping Jewish settlers from coming to the U.S. we should be removing Hamas supporters from the U.S.. It’s only a matter of time before they repeat the atrocities of October 7 here.
And to be even-handed, visa cancellations have to include “their immediate families”.
Hello there isn’t “ settler violence” and the word “settler is loaded. There is provocation in that area and IDF has responded and then were called as “settlers.”
This administration is as close to Nazi Germany as it can be.
Go ahead moderate my comment.
the current admin. are imbeciles blinken in particular followed closely by cackleoharris and dementia in chief feckless joe . that they are asking israel to lose is treason of the highest order and tells you whose side they are on . israel needs to turn gaza into ash which is what hamas did to their victims . ignoring the u.s. is the first step because it is a moral cesspit as are hamas .