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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Old Joe Biden wants America to elect him president again, even if America didn’t elect him the first time, and in his first campaign ad, he presents himself as the only force standing between us and those who would destroy our nation as a free society and establish a dictatorship. That’s right: this man who has indefatigably and unrepentantly trafficked in deception his whole life is basing his 2024 campaign on a massive lie.
The ad is winning praise from the people you’d expect to hail it. Victor Shi, who holds the dubious distinction of being the youngest Biden delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2020, wrote: “The Biden campaign just released its first ad of 2024 & it directly calls out MAGA Republicans for their continued attacks on democracy & voting rights. Very glad Joe Biden is putting democracy on the ballot. This is so good & how it’s done. Take a minute to watch & share.”
Biden releases first Campaign Ad for 2024.
The J6 fearmongering from Democrats is embarrassing.
It’s all they
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) January 4, 2024
The problem with Shi’s comment is the problem with the ad itself and with the Biden reelection campaign as a whole: the claim that “MAGA Republicans” are engaging in “continued attacks on democracy & voting rights” is false and constitutes a chilling example of how Democrats have opted for the Goebbelsian strategy of repeating a Big Lie until it starts to be taken for granted as true simply by dint of constant repetition.
The MAGA “attacks on democracy & voting rights” consist of questioning the integrity of the 2020 presidential election. Prominent Democrats have questioned the integrity of every presidential election a Republican has won this century, and that’s a necessary and patriotic act, but when the tables are turned, “our democracy,” a phrase leftists use to refer to their own hegemony, is suddenly under attack. Then there is, of course, the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” but that narrative has steadily unraveled under the weight of footage that undercuts the Democrats’ claim that we were on the brink of becoming a dictatorship because some guy with viking horns was walking around in the Capitol.
Nevertheless, Old Joe’s ad is heavy on the ominous music and scary still photos of MAGA-hatted “insurrectionists,” while Biden unwittingly adds to the dark feel of the presentation by racing and slurring through his remarks. As the published version was likely the result of numerous takes and meticulous editing, it’s not a little off-putting that the senescent corruptocrat in the Oval Office sounds like a demented auctioneer as he races through saying: “I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted.”
This presents yet another problem: he doesn’t really believe in democracy at all, if democracy has anything to do with allowing a loyal opposition to operate without persecution and harassment from those in power. The Biden regime has hardly made a secret of its authoritarian bent. It tried to set up a Disinformation Governance Board that would have policed speech that dissented from the leftist establishment’s perspective. It sicced the FBI on angry parents protesting at school board meetings against race-hate agitprop being forced upon their children in primary schools.
Biden regime operatives worked with Twitter and other social media giants to silence and deplatform people with opposing views. The Department of Homeland Security developed a video series encouraging Americans to snitch on their patriotic and pro-life friends and neighbors. The regime even sent spies into Catholic churches.
And now this sinister authoritarian puppet wants us to believe that he is our strong bulwark for freedom, standing against the forces of totalitarian control. In reality, he and his henchmen are the forces of totalitarian control. Trump has been calling out this particular naked emperor for quite some time, saying in December that Biden was “the real threat to democracy.” He added: “Can you believe it? This is their new line, you know. Here we go again — ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ ‘Mueller, Mueller, Mueller,’ ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.’ One hoax after another. But no, I’m not a threat. I will save democracy. The threat is Crooked Joe Biden. And that’s what it is, it’s a hoax. We call it now the threat-to-democracy hoax, because that’s what it is.”
When he’s right, he’s right. Biden’s campaign ad is a cynical effort to deceive the American people, and a tacit admission that he has nothing positive to run on — all he can do is engage in demagogic fearmongering and lies. Expect plenty more.
Biden is a professional criminal specializing in government corruption.
He is a one trick pony, and his one trick has been exposed to corrupt prosecutors, who may be as familiar with Biden corruption as are the foreigners who have accessed and manipulated America’s policies with cash flowing through Biden family membership.
This much information is available to everyone who is literate and begs for attempts at refutation, which are notable in their absence.
What frightens me is that the Biden Phenomenon is a test of the ability to survive subversion exactly as depicted in Our Constitution. And we are failing.
Biden’s refusal to perform his Constitutional duties regarding border integrity have been undeniable for more then two years, meaning he should have been impeached and removed already.
Biden’ obstruction of criminal investigations, and his venal solicitation of payoffs and bribes, should have him heading to a televised hanging.
The Constitution is the original plan and I insist the original plan be followed, hemp rope, trap door and a sixteen foot drop.
I want a day marked by black arm bands that rescues the Republic.
True, but he’s BO’s puppet.
Biden and his accomplishes INFATION UNEMPLOYMENT LIES and a Dictatorship Forced unwanted EV,s upon Americans Bien/Hitler,/Stalin /Mao
I can only imagine the shenanigans they will pull to keep the old kook and his handlers in power.
We’re gonna need to fasten seat belts because this plane will soon be flying upside down.
“Shenanigans” ? How about calling them crimes?
Sorry Mr. Spencer. I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, watch the O’Biden ad. That would be time I could never get back. Besides I will hear it endlessly on talk radio while I’m doing something else.
I’m already sick of the Leftist anti-Trump propaganda.
Trump ’24
I watched the ad, and Ive got to say that it made me feel as if Zeus himself was calling down to me from Mt. Olympus. The energy and vigor of our benevolent leader is proof of providence, and Gods continued love for the United States of America.
The USA–USA chant will be stuck in my head all day after such a stirring discourse.
Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or are a true idiot?
”Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or are a true idiot?”
Truly sarcastic. I wish his ancestors had stayed in Ireland.
Biden is, as always, dishonest and divisive. That he should imply that he – of the governing by executive older, refusing to enforce laws, siccing the DOJ and political allies on his political opponents, demanding social media censor posts contrary to his maladministration’s narratives, demonizing millions of Americans, trying for a national takeover of state election laws in ways that would further undermine election integrity, and on and on – is the savior of democracy is laughable. He is just the worst.
His speech is a slur on democracy, literally and figuratively. And never mind that the US is a constitutional republic.
I remember when Joe Biden thought he was talented and popular enough to be president in 1988. He was neither and had to drop out, due to his lies and plagiarism about his perceived accomplishments, much like he’s doing today.
Joe has never been the man he claims to be, then or now.
Campaigning against half the country is a move towards a totalitarian state. I guess “we the people” no longer carries any meaning, much less any value.
I PERSONALLY, cannot look upon Biden or those who surround him BECAUSE of all the DEMONIC ACTIVITY around him. UGLY, UGLY, UGLY.
Americans who voted for this puppet of Satan, YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE, very soon at millions and millions of demons will be unleashed on the world after the RAPTURE occurs and those of us who belong to Jesus, will be gone.
YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT to get your soul right with GOD and it isn’t difficult. IT IS PERSONAL between you and HIM through His Son, Jesus. Just ask Him to save you, make you a new person, fill you with HIS HOLY SPIRIT and serve Him until He comes for you or you die. THAT IS ALL IT TAKES. But, you have to confess your sins TO HIM first. Just ask HIM to forgive you and mean it.
I agree, sir. I just cannot stand to even lay eyes on the creep..
I feel the same way. Looking at him makes me sick, and I can’t stand to listen to his lies anymore. His master Satan must be so proud of him. He’s been successful at destroying this once great nation.
God is absolutely sovereign and accomplishing his purpose, Jesus Christ the Jehovah of the Old Testament completed his work and adding to his work by requiring you to do something makes you more powerful than God and reduces Christ work to 0. You sir have been deceived.
Biden is trying to claim the that United States was within a whisker of toppling when 1200 angry Trump supporters that were unarmed protested the 2020 election and the voter fraud that put an idiot and criminal in the White House.
America has been weakened under Biden, but America is not so weak that unarmed protestors could take it over.
Aobut your last sentence — I hope you are right.
When I see the above picture, I laugh and think of Walter.. Jeff Dunham’s puppet.