Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren, two socialist millionaires, want to raise taxes on everyone except them.
Elizabeth Warren is proposing a $50 million tax that conveniently leaves her out. And Sanders has a bold old proposal.
“There should be no billionaires. We are going to tax their extreme wealth and invest in working people,” the millionaire socialist parasite claimed, announcing the rollout of his “extreme wealth” tax.
That call sounds familiar.
The millionaire socialist used to say things like that about millionaires until he became one.
“Nobody should earn more than a million dollars,” Bernie Sanders said back in the seventies.
Then Bernie began earning more than a million dollars. It’s a safe bet that if Bernie woke up tomorrow with a billion bucks, he would rethink his billionaires plan and call for a tax that begins above his income level.
Ronald Bridge says
Billionaires should not be allowed. They adversely effect a country’s politics and economy while contributing nothing. Why should some people have so much money that they never could spend in their lifetime while others are homeless and starving? Billionaires are psychopaths because they would rather sit on that money than help anyone else. Jeff Bezos could wipe out hunger in the world and still have plenty of cash left!