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How bad is Soros DA Pamela Price? First the Asian community turned on her after she washed her hands of the murder of a 3-year-old boy, and now the NAACP.
Shouting “justice for Jasper,” “do your job!” and “victims come first,” protestors sounded off on Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price on Monday over concerns about how she’s handing the emotionally charged Jasper Wu case.
Jasper Wu, a 23-month-old boy, lost his life to a stray bullet while riding in his car seat.
Three men – Trevor Green, Johnny Jackson, and Ivory Bivens have their preliminary hearing on murder charges in three weeks. A member of the AAPI community asked Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price for an update on the case, and Price sent this email Tuesday that reads in part, “Our office is currently working on a partnership with the Asian Law Caucus to support AAPI victims of violence in ways that open up broader possibilities for healing and non-carceral forms of accountability.”
Price then sent a hostile email blasting Asian-American critics as ignorant of “constitutional law” and argued that the gang members are “presumed innocent”. Then she accused Asian-Americans complaining about her pro-crime policies of “mob violence” and claimed that “as a descendant of people in this country who were historically subjected to mob violence in the form of lynchings, racist profiling and wrongful convictions, I am particularly sensitive to the danger of this type of comment” and proposed a forum to “better educate” Asian Americans.
Price was so bad that Rep. Eric Swalwell, of all people, brought a victim’s mother to testify against her in the House.
The parents of 26-year-old Blake Mohs, a Home Depot loss prevention employee, who police said was shot to death by a shoplifter in April, are deeply troubled by the lack of communication with District Attorney Pamela Price and her decision to pursue lesser charges and sentencing in the case.
Police said Knapps stole a charger for a power tool, and tried to leave the store through the loading dock when she was stopped by Blake.
Lorie said her son was shot in the chest at close range, and Knapps retrieved the item after killing him.
Since his death, the family said Price has never reached out. It was only after consistent outreach on their part, that a DA assigned to the case responded.
“The phone call was that Pamela Price was not going to meet with us, she was not going to have a conversation with us, and we discussed my concerns about the charges, and we were not being kept in the loop with my victim’s advocate along with the DA’s office,” Mohs said.
“Can you also tell us — you have this public forum, a forum that you never wanted — but to the prosecutors in this case, I hope they’re listening to this, what do you want to see as an outcome?” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-California) asked in that meeting.
“We should be charging this case appropriately and we should be charging the case based on facts and not personal opinion or personal agenda,” Mohs said. “We should be using the judicial system as it should be used, not for personal gain but for the safety of our communities and our children. By not charging the proper ‘gun’ which is discharge and death, Benicia Knapps will serve much less of a sentence and the DA’s office is refusing to do so. It’s not fair that we have to be victimized again.”
Now the NAACP is turning against her.
The Oakland, California, NAACP civil rights organization blasted woke city leaders for their soft-on-crime policies which they say have led to skyrocketing numbers of shootouts and violent armed robberies, forcing residents to leave the area for good.
The group issued the statement Thursday as dozens of Oakland residents packed a public safety meeting and demanded progressive Alameda County DA Pamela Price to address the alarming uptick of violent crime in the city.
In the letter, the local NAACP chapter said residents are “sick and tired” of the shootings, car-break-ins and highway shootouts and implored city leaders to declare a state of emergency.
“There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety,” the group wrote.
“It is not racist or unkind to want to be safe from crime. No one should live in fear in our city.”
The group, along with Bishop Bob Jackson of the Acts Full Gospel Church, said Price’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute serious criminals, as reported by The Post, has created “the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric and created a heyday for Oakland criminals.”
Jackson and the NAACP said no one is safe when it comes to becoming targets of criminals who have taken over Oaklands’ streets because of the lack of leadership and prosecution.
“African Americans are disproportionately hit the hardest by crime in East Oakland and other parts of the city,” the group said. “But residents from all parts of the city report that they do not feel safe. Women are targeted by young mobs and viciously beaten and robbed in downtown and uptown neighborhoods.
“Asians are assaulted in Chinatown. Street vendors are robbed in Fruitvale. News crews have their cameras stolen while they report on crime. PG&E workers are robbed and now require private security when they are out working. Everyone is in danger.”
DA Price’s whole argument was that she was defending black people against racism. Now that argument is dead. Her only constituents are criminals. Asians have turned against her. Even the NAACP is against her.
No one except Soros, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and other rich white pro-crime lefties support criminals.
Thanks Daniel! Thinking back, I think she is the worst they ever had in that jurisdiction.
Who would be stupid enough to live in Oakland? You might as well live in Hell.
Oops! I forgot you used to live there. But it was nice in the past. I hear Alameda is still nice.
It was Paradise in the 1950s. Now Oakland and San Francisco are in the top 10 worst cities in USA.
San Jose is in the top 50 worst. It used to be much better.
Yeah, San Jose sucks, I can tell you that right now. It’s far and away thr worst city in the Santa Clara Valley.
I can’t wait to move away.
All of California used to be better. I can’t believe what has happened to my home state. And the same type of politicians (and their policies) keep getting voted into office.
Pop Quiz: Compare and Contrast.
• government by committed Leftists
• colonic irrigation with battery acid
I’d take the battery acid colonic before I’d take either of the two skanks in the photo above. Hideous. Just looking at their photo gives me a George Costanza shriv. They could cause permanent impotence in the strongest man.
Not me, of course. I’m ever ready.
Soros needs to lose his American Citizenship then returned t Europe to fake War Crimes Trials from WW II he should be hanged
Are you calling the Nuremberg Trials fake?
Spurwing writes poorly and his typing is execrable. I think he meant “face,” not “fake” war crimes charges.
Why are these “soros DA’s” not subject to ARREST for ENDANGERING the PUBLIC?? SURELY that has to be a crime! Or, how about CONSPIRACY to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE??? You could rope soros in on that one too since HE foots the bills and sets the policies!
The higherups are on her side and are worse.
When your government refuses to protect you, Americans must take the law into their own hands….there is simply no other way. Let the Chinese community find the killers of this child and execute them quickly. The courts do not work. It is time for vigilante justice, especially when the killer’s identities are known.. Hunt them down like the filth that they are…..and rid society of these menacing barbarians
She is just another criminal thug who has infiltrated the justice system by pretending to be a victim.
If people really want law and order, they must remove all these trash from all government positions.