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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Some leftist groups beat around the bush about what they stand for and what they do.
Not ‘Climate Defiance’ which is running a fundraiser to ‘Make Complicit Climate Cowards’ Lives F____g Miserable’.
The ecoterrorist group which boasts of having “fully shut down Joe Manchin’s keynote” and “made pipeline lover Amy Klobuchar flee the stage at her own book launch party” is also pretty clear about what donors can buy by funding the environmentalist group.
For $100, you get “photography for one direct action” while $1,000 buys you a “whole keynote speech shutdown, soup-to-nuts”.
Funding for this illegal activity is being processed by Stripe and PayPal. Both companies have a history of suspending conservatives, but have no objection to allowing leftists to directly subsidize harassment of elected officials. When contacted for a comment, they did not reply.
But Climate Defiance’s operations also share a funding platform with the DNC.
Climate Defiance announced its fundraiser for a “a bold action to blockade the White House Correspondents Dinner on April 29th to call attention to President Biden’s failed campaign promise to stop drilling on Federal Lands” on the Action Network.
That same month, Declare Emergency, another eco terrorist group, made headlines by vandalizing Degas’ Little Dancer sculpture case at the National Gallery of Art. Even though the two perpetrators were indicted by a federal grand jury, no action was taken against the group despite its flyers being left at the scene and Declare Emergency urging others to follow suit.
Declare Emergency has retained its 501(c)(4) status despite this criminal activity. Tax code regulations clearly state that illegal and criminal activity voids any such status, but as the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s IRS investigations have shown, leftist eco-terrorists, actual terrorists and pedophiles have been able to retrain C3 and C4 status no matter what their crimes are.
The eco terrorist group linked to the Degas attack, like Climate Defiance, fundraises through Action Network. And they are not alone. Freedom Center investigations have shown that Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, the DSA and Communist Party USA and Antifa all fundraise through the Action Network. As does the Democratic National Committee.
The Action Network, like Climate Defiance and Declare Emergency, is a 501(c)(4) and it shows the entanglement of the Democrat establishment with the far Left even when its extremists are targeting Senate Democrats and the White House for not adopting their full radical agenda.
The eco terrorists aren’t just funneling money through 501(c)(4)s, but have received funding from an actual 501(c)(3) organization that has to meet the gold standard of charitable activities.
Eco-terrorism and any kind of illegal actions are very definitely not on the list.
Climate Defiance, currently crowdsourcing the harassment of elected officials, received a grant from the Climate Emergency Fund. The Climate Emergency Fund is a 501(c)(3) backed by, among others, Aileen Getty, a Getty Oil heiress, Rory Kennedy, the daughter of the deceased senator, and leftist director Adam McKay.
Its support for eco terrorism has never been subtle and the Freedom Center had previously exposed its funding of attacks on paintings in Europe by Just Stop Oil. Like Climate Defiance and Declare Emergency, Just Stop Oil engages in ‘direct action’ and made headlines by splashing tomato soup on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting in London’s National Gallery.
The Climate Emergency Fund has been linked to the funding of numerous ecoterrorist activities around the country, including the Atlanta Forest Defenders, who were described in an arrest affidavit as a “group classified by the United States Department of Homeland Security as Domestic Violent Extremists” after violent riots and assaults that ended in at least one death.
But Climate Defiance, a listed CEF grantee, is further testing whether the IRS will cover for leftists or enforce the law by directly targeting.Senator Manchin, Senator Klobuchar and brags of having shut down “keynote addresses by Biden’s two top climate advisors”.
The Biden administration and the IRS could easily put a stop to this if they choose to. The violations are blatant and pulling the Climate Emergency Fund’s nonprofit status is as straightforward as it gets. The tax code and precedent make it abundantly clear that illegal activities and protests are incompatible with tax-exempt status for charities.
The Fund has lied to the IRS by falsely claiming in its 990s that it “supports only nonviolent, legal activities”. Even the briefest glance at its grantees and partners, and its own rhetoric, makes it clear that it supports organizations engaged in illegal activities.
And that was obvious even before Climate Defiance began crowdsourcing “Make Complicit Climate Cowards’ Lives F____g Miserable” which offered donors the opportunity to donate $1,000 to fund the shutdown of an event by public officials.
Why won’t the Biden administration stop this even when its own personnel are being targeted?
The American Left is the tail that wags the Democrat dog. The Biden administration would rather be slapped around by its own political extremists than take action against them. Biden’s Justice Department tried to go after mothers protesting at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, but doesn’t have anything to say when actual leftist domestic terrorists target it.
The Climate Emergency Fund is also funded by the Democrat donors that Biden and his party are not about to offend. That includes Aileen Getty, who has provided generous support to Obama, Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Raphel Warnock and others. In an op-ed after the National Gallery attack, Getty defended the vandalism of a classic painting and admitted that “I proudly provide funding to the Climate Emergency Fund” which makes grants to vandals including “Just Stop Oil”, but claimed that she does “not fund these groups directly” and does not control them.
That has always been the familiar excuse of the funders of terrorist groups around the world.
While Democrats and their media continue to posture about an insurrection, their donors and their platforms are funding an actual insurrection that includes eco terrorists targeting Congress and even occupying Pelosi’s office. This continuing green assault is made possible by the complicity of the IRS in allowing 501(c)(3) charities and 501(c)(4) platforms and activist groups to continue funding vandalism, riots and attacks on elected officials.
The real Complicit Climate Cowards are in the IRS. Those complicit climate cowards are the reason why art is under siege and events are closed down. The IRS has ignored the law, allowed eco terrorists to abuse the tax code, to destroy culture and intimidate elected officials.
The vandalism of paintings, the disruption of events and the attacks on Congress could be stopped very easily. The IRS could end it in a month if it enforced the law, but the same organization that sends chills down the spines of ordinary taxpayers is terrified of using its nearly limitless power to hold even the worst leftist nonprofit abusers accountable.
About pipelines, the anti-pipeline movement is one of the strangest. Putting things underground was considered top quality environmentalism and aestheticism in the 1950s. My Mom was a profoundly environmental and aesthetic person, she was already advocating putting wires underground in the 1950s, so I became aware of the issue early on.
Pipelines requite ditch diggers… Can I sign up?
The entire purpose of the “environmentalist” movement is NOT to transfer to “clean energy” or to make things “cleaner.” It is to shut HUMANITY down as a whole, by not allowing oil-based energy that is far more than transportation, but the entire industrial complex. No more cars, no more A/C, no more electricity 24/7, no more meat/dairy food processing… Do you understand??
Except for the elites.
👍👍👍. Good for your Mom.
Same for the likes of BLM and the Homeless Industrial Complex.
It’s known as a self-feeding extortion loop. BLM knows how the reflexive servility of the weak works, and how they will throw BILLIONS at them or face social guilt trips and threats of urban violence.
Oh to have Madison, Jefferson, Paine and their contemporaries weigh-in on what has become of their nation, and this thing known as Western Civilization.
Eco terrorists should be prosecuted not protected by the law
that wont happen so we need to put fear in them
“The Biden administration would rather be slapped around by its own political extremists than take action against them.”
This presupposes that they have either no control over these groups/people and they don’t approve of their actions. It is more and more evident that the indeed approve of their acting as de facto Brownshirts and there is a strong probability that they in fact do control them.
Absolutely. It’s “revolution from above and revolution from below” in one tidy package – Dem politicians and officials being the “above – and the street activists representing the “below.” But it’s all one revolution.
Thank you. I believe the term that applies is “useful idiots”.
It’s true that ” The real Complicit Climate Cowards are in the IRS ”
But….. where is the Republican party. What have they done to rein in the IRS ?
Read the bills they have initiated for the info you seek.
The eco-Fascists aided and abated by the Internal Robbery Service this should be a crime and the whole IRS Abolished
“abetted”; not “abated”!
Terrorists are terrorists because they lack the intellectual and philosophical depth necessary to create a compelling arguement. So they kill people and break things, and think it will change people’s minds. A case in point was vandalizing a Van Gogh as a protest against Big Oil, but what part of linseed, lin-SEED, oil didn’t they get? These aren’t activists, they are personality disorders. No wonder the IRS likes them.
they’re narcissists and megalomanical totalitarians
Don’t forget “hypocrites”. How many of them would give up the convenience and utility of the things they protest? How many of them live “off the grid”? Practically none of them. My retort to every one of these eco-fruitcakes is “you go first”. No automobile, no electricity, nothing made from petroleum extracts, the list goes on. I believe, indeed, they are incredulous hypocrites with no purpose in life other than to stir up shit.
Gotta be faster than the Commies….
This government uses anyone and anything – animal, vegetable and mineral – to destroy America.
And that costs a lot of moolah. Our moolah.
Because the inanimate idea of government never earns, like a human being, its own money; it takes real people’s money and pretends it’s its money.
Like a bank on hallucinogens.
Everyone needs money. How it’s made and used can either be called hard work, an act of loving kindness or a crime.
Government can actually be defined as being…
Money “oils” the cogs of government.
It cannot exist without money.
What can it do without money?
What can you do without blood, breath and a heart beat?
Always a necessity and temptress, money has been elevated to the status of another woke god that can magically make everything happen from trans surgery to anointing paintings.
With all its seeming power in the hands of those who have no integrity, no awe, no respect and love for humanity as a whole, no amount of money will buy God’s Will.
Question well raised. A week or 10 days ago, I heard on a radio station here in eastern Nebraska extolling Speaker McCarthy’s amazing and awfully goodly skill at getting 85,000 IRS agents removed from being in the pipeline to be deployed. Did the debt increase legislation indeed include such a provision? I heard the advertisement only once, and I’ve not seen the staying of the increase in IRS agents elsewhere.
Strand the Eco-Freaks in the wilderness of Alaska