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In Cologne, on September 17, a 13-year-old German girl was sexually assaulted at a swimming pool in Cologne, Germany. The police arrested eight suspects, all of them Muslim migrants — 1 Iraqi, 3 Turks, and 4 Syrians. Robert Spencer wrote about this here, and more on this latest Muslim atrocity can be found here: “Germany: 8 migrants arrested for sexual assault of 13-year-old girl in Cologne swimming pool,” by John Cody, Remix News, September 19, 2023:
Eight foreign nationals have been arrested for surrounding and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in a Cologne swimming pool in Germany, with the girl managing to free herself and immediately alert police on Sunday.
According to police, there are eight suspects between the ages of 16 and 26 who are said to have surrounded the girl in a bathroom at the pool. They harassed her and fondled her, according to the police report released on Monday.
The main suspect, a 16-year-old Iraqi, is said to have reached inside the girl’s bikini bottom. She freed herself from her attackers and went to inform a lifeguard, who then called the police. They arrived in seven patrol cars and discovered the suspects at the exit of the pool, according to German broadcaster ZDF.
The suspects didn’t even bother to leave the scene, so sure were they that the girl they assaulted wouldn’t have dared to report them.They were wrong.
Three of the other suspects have Turkish citizenship and four have Syrian citizenship. The investigation remains in its early stages, and it is unclear how far the sexual assault went, but the 16-year-old Iraqi has already been charged with sexual assault….
It sounds as though not actual rape, but digital penetration, was the extent of the assault. But one can well imagine the effect on a 13-year-old girl, suddenly being surrounded by eight jeering and threatening males, some in their mid-20s, groping her sexually. It’s not something she will ever forget.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party released a statement about the alleged sexual assault, writing: “A disgusting and speechless crime occurred on Sunday in an outdoor pool in Cologne’s Agrippabad: A 13-year-old girl was harassed, surrounded and then sexually abused by a group of eight foreign men (16 to 26).”
The party also referenced the mass sexual assault attacks also seen in Cologne in 2016.
“And again, the reactions of the established parties are predictable: nothing but unbearable phrases, appeasements, silence and trivialization — instead of finally deporting people and protecting our children and women! In the city of Cologne in particular, sexual abuse brings back horrific memories: on New Year’s Eve 2015, there were hundreds of sexual attacks by migrants in the area of Cologne Cathedral and the main train station. The mass migration ideologues in Cologne have apparently learned nothing. The incredible extent of the suppression of reality and the mockery of victims culminated in the statement by the still incumbent mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, that women should keep an ‘arm’s length away.’ But this helpless 13-year-old girl in the swimming pool had no chance of getting an ‘arm’s length distance.’ She is the victim of a political mainstream that puts its ideology before the protection of women and girls.”
After hundreds of German girls and women were sexually assaulted by Muslim migrants on New Year’s Eve 2015, the then- Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, outrageously blamed the victims instead of blasting the perpetrators: she faulted the women for not having kept at “arm’s length” from their attackers. At least she did not accuse them of having incited their attackers by wearing what, for Muslims, are seen as “come-hither” outfits. And apparently Reker is still blaming the victim in this case, a 13-year-old girl, for not having kept “an arm’s length away” from her attackers. And how was that 13-year-old, surrounded by eight older males in a bathroom where they sexually groped her, supposed to keep them all “at arm’s length”?
These mass sexual assaults, including rapes, by Muslim migrants of German girls and women at swimming pools will continue, undiminished, until the anti-Muslim immigrant party, Alternative für Deutschland, which is climbing precipitously in the polls, takes power — it is now the second largest party in Germany — possibly as the head of a right-wing coalition.
AfD promises to halt Muslim migration, and to deport Muslim migrants who commit crimes back to their countries of origin. These measures will keep the Muslim population from growing, and threaten a punishment — deportation back to Muslim hellholes after a sentence has been served — that is far more worrisome to Muslims than time spent in a comfortable Western jail. Those Muslim migrants who have been having their fun assaulting little girls and women at municipal pools from now on will have to consider the newly-severe consequences imposed by the AfD. And, of course, the AfD will also devote greater resources to deal with the rise in crime by Muslims, including police to be stationed right at the entry to, and even inside, municipal pools, for an extensive presence that, until now, the center-left government has not thought necessary or advisable. It all depends on enough voters in Germany coming to their senses, ignoring the smear campaign against, and voting in, the AfD.
The solution is to deport all Muslims back to their countries. Only the AfD political party can save Germany. The Germans should give them absolute majority in the next election. Germany should also leave the EU and NATO. Build a strong military to protect the German people. Declare themselves neutral regarding international conflicts Develop nuclear weapons for self defense from U. S. political and economic aggression. Restore self pride in themselves and in their achievements in many areas. Tell the U.S. and other NATO countries to closed down their military bases in Germany. Germany should do what is best for the German people because they deserve to keep their language, culture, customs, and way of life. Not be destroyed by an invasion of migrants.
Total unfettered deportation back to homeland is the only answer.
The last time Germany restored its own national pride and rearmed itself, it didn’t end well. In fact it ended in ruin and ashes. While I am all in favor of protecting native women and girls — and the rest of the non-Muslim population — with the strictest law enforcement and deportation of foreign lawbreakers, are you sure you want to see a restoration of German pride and rearmament happen again?
Yes, quite sure.
Don’t be a Deutch bag. Do you think that there is something genetically wrong with the German people? You’re accusing them of being hidden monsters because of their white skin.
A communist/socialist named Adolf, took one of the most civilized places in the world, known in Europe for it’s enlightened people and advancements and in a short time, turned them into an evil machine. The main promise of socialism was realized to its fullest in Germany and is completely and fully responsible for all the evil that happened. Unless you are arguing that the German people are especially prone to socialism you don’t have much of an argument.
There are no human rights unless there is ownership and borders are just one of many types of ownership that are necessary for there to be human rights.
Do you really know German history? I disagree with your last line. I know what you are implying and it is obvious you misunderstand what I wrote. I said Germany would be be neutral regarding any international conflict. There is nothing wrong with redeveloping German pride which was destroyed after World War II by Allied brainwashing of the German population. The current leadership in Germany is the product of that brainwashing.
Dear Mr. A, Mr. Jeremiah, Mr. Teachem2think and Mr. Gates,
Thank you very much for your good hearts and kindly words❤️
It is deeply appreciated, with biggest gratitude, by this German.
May He help and bless all of us, and all Western nations.
Diversity leads to War and Armagedón
Whatever you enable, you get MORE OF! How the idiots went after Jews but always remember how a muslim …. al-Husenni – the grand mufti of Israeli Jerusalem, was made an SS General by Hitler.
The German people must want muslims doing this.
al Huessini, as wicked and vile as he was, was never an SS general. Please do get your facts straight.
“What will it take to end this surge of atrocities?”
Do you really want the answer this question? Because at this point, it is the only, shall we say, solution.
My guess is it won’t end until the young women stop voting for the politicians that support the policies that result in sexual assaults, rapes and murders.
One female victim of a brutal rape decided to fight against “islamophobi” by falsely naming a native white German as the assailant.
It was, of course, a chickenshit muslim, so you have a point.
Add that slander to the long list of fashionable hatreds required towards evil white European males.
What will it take to end this surge of atrocities?
Need you ask? Stop electing liberal girly men and lesbians to office. Change the laws and start reporting who the perps are. Stop bringing the ferals into civilized countries. Deport the ones who are already here.
It’s clear that Muslim men simply cannot control themselves around women in any state of dress.
We are having the beginnings of that problem here in the states. Remember the rape charges in Iowa a few years back? Not much was done. a slap on the wrist at most. Fortunately we are armed and perhaps a dose of vigilante justice is in our future. Again the problem is with weak lib politicians and Soros funded prosecutors, and blacks who know they can literally get away with murder.
I posted long ago that the muslims are stuck in the 7th Century mentally and rightfully should be ALLOWED to live in that Century! The US should have gone in and eliminated everything INVENTED after the 7th! It would have been less expensive and more humane to destroy all their infrastructure and means of leaving their 7th Century PARADISE! But then think of the poor goats!
It will end when the Germans love their children more than they fear the R word.
The German politicians will solve this problem by creating Sexual Assault Pools and Non Sexual Assault Pools. Choose the one you want to enjoy. See? Problem solved…
Maybe if we just moved the whole UN to Moscow then sent them those so called refugees that would solve all our problems
What the f*ck is wrong with this Henriette Reker sh*t-for-brains? I wouldn’t normally wish that on anybody but maybe she should be the target of such gang sexual assaults, and then we could say to her “What’s the matter? Wasn’t your arm long enough to keep them away? It’s all your fault!”
My first and last question about this subject is, why are they invading Germany and Europe? What do they want? Talk amongst yourselves.
Q) What’s it going to take to stop these atrocities?
A) Gunpowder and Lead.
and GOD gets a bad rap for destroying entire nations in the O.T. something to be said for the O.T. policy to be reintroduced . germany , home of gas ovens , hypocrisy of the highest order , failed system of the aryan clan , despots condemning israel in the u.n. for its human rights record while elevating the cult of islam and its debauched adherents . germany will go down in a steaming pile of excrement for its betrayal of the innocent in their midst . they have failed in their responsibility to their constituents and it is going to get worse as long as they tolerate the cult of mohammed .