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Resolving the homicide of DHS whistleblower Philip Haney needs to be on the top priority list.
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Video: The Savage Truth About Selena Gomez and Deportations
“Where was her sobfest over American lives lost to criminal aliens?”
Arizona Man Wanted to Become ‘the Beheading Guy’ for ISIS
A story that should be a cautionary tale.
The ‘Trump is a Tyrant’ Critics Defended Biden’s ‘Imperial Presidency’
It’s going to be a long four years.
Hamas’ ‘Victory Narrative’ as a Recruitment Tool
Grandstanding – but devastated by the IDF.
UK: Freedom of Expression on the Ropes
Man arrested for burning the Qur’an.
CNN Anchor Can’t Handle the Truth of Trump’s New Polling High
The hysterical gnashing of teeth continues.
Video: Trans Person Says He Hasn’t Slept Since Trump Became President
He may flee Florida for New York – or seek asylum in Canada.
Trump Says U.S. Will ‘Own’ Gaza
And refuses to repeat failed policies.
Wednesday Quick Takes
Thoughts on DEI in the military, blasphemy in the UK, and kink in Canada.
Montana Supreme Court Declares State Constitutional Right to ‘Stable Climate System’
Another progressive court policy decision at war with separation of powers.
Sixth Wave Feminism
The final feminism should be a liberation from feminism.
Yahya Sinwar and PFLP Terrorists Promoted at Florida Muslim Conference
Proof that last year’s pro-Hamas conference was no fluke.
The Green Paradigm is Shifting Fast
We no longer can afford our Disneyfied ideals about nature.
Meta Staffers Enraged Over Removal of Tampons from Men’s Rooms
Revolt of the insane.
The Islamic Republic’s Next Move
Inside the chess game between Trump and the Mullahs.
Qatar’s Emir ‘Should Be Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize’?
He deserves it just as much as Yassir Arafat and Barack Obama.
Richard Was Still A Heretic
After 40 years, the Church was still after him.
How We Beat Debanking
The David Horowitz Freedom Center led the way in the fight.
Democrats Still in Denial
Voters are done with the Hate America First crowd.
When Leftists Killed Presidents
This was during pauses in their pious blather about “our democracy.”
Trump’s Shock and Awe Campaign Is Our Conservative Dream Come True
A dawn of the dead ideology of leftism.
New DNC Top Dog Wanted Trump Tried for Treason
Yeah, this is sure to work.
Glazov Gang: Organ Harvesting and Trafficking on Our Border
Nightmarish terror brought to you by the Biden regime.
Never Forget Who Democrats Are, Hold Them to Their Own Standards
They created this medicine. Give them massive doses of it.
My Principles for a Fruitful and Fulfilling Life to Embrace in the New Year
Becoming the best versions of ourselves.