The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Anti-Israel NAACP Leader Linked to Top Dems Defends Alice Walker’s Anti-Semitism
Daniel Greenfield
Just like Farrakhan and the Women’s March, when you expose racism, you also expose the folks who rush out to defend it. The context is Alice Walker’s anti-Semitism becoming a public topic of discussion, even though it had been well known for a while. Walker, the ADL statement went on, “suggests that Israeli settlements are…
Alice Walker: “I Admire Farrakhan”
Daniel Greenfield
Lefties are trying to spin the outrage over Alice Walker’s anti-Semitism as being a conspiracy theory issue. Yes, Alice Walker believes in a variety of conspiracy theories. And yes, she’s also blatantly anti-Semitic in a way having nothing to do with conspiracy theories. We’re talking about stuff like this. Walker, the ADL statement went on,…
Why Did It Take So Long for the Media to Discuss Alice Walker’s Anti-Semitism?
Daniel Greenfield
Alice Walker is an anti-Semite. There’s no serious argument about that. It’s not just her endorsement of David Icke’s Holocaust denial and Jewish reptilian space people. Even her anti-Israel activism is so blatantly anti-Semitic that it’s hard even for the “it’s anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism” crowd to defend. Walker, the ADL statement went on, “suggests that…
The Cops Let Him Out on Bail and He Killed a 66 Year Old Woman
Daniel Greenfield
Something to remember in the pro-crime rush (euphemistically labeled ‘criminal justice reform’), which includes the no-bail movement, there are reasons that we have jails and bail. And reasons we don’t let out some criminals even on bail. And reasons we try some juveniles as adults. Because this is what happens when we do. And then…
New York Times Runs Op-Ed Justifying End of Human Race
Daniel Greenfield
Progressives can never be content to rest on their laurels. After all the New York Times pieces praising the Soviet Union, like an insane leftist Alexander, it has to find new worlds to conquer. Hence, ’Would human extinction be a tragedy?” a New York Times op-ed piece. Let’s recall that the old gray lady refused…
Russian Trolls Reached 3x Many Blacks as Conservatives
Daniel Greenfield
In a totalitarian state, media is read between the lines. The media blasting out the two reports for the Senate Intelligence Committee produced by outside organizations, one from Oxford and one explicitly lefty partisan one from New Knowledge, have shifted the tone a little bit to accommodate some problematic facts. Russian trolls had targeted African-Americans…
Media Spins Russian Targeting of Black Nationalists as Effort to Aid Trump
Daniel Greenfield
The media is buzzing about two new Senate reports about Russian election trolling (despite the endless Clinton campaign conspiracy theories, there’s zero evidence of any actual election interference). And, while it belatedly acknowledges that Russia targeted black nationalists (though as usual it avoids using the term), it claims that it did so to help Trump.…
Media Accuses Gov Bevin of “Anti-Semitism” for Citing Lefty Billionaires in SNL Skit
Daniel Greenfield
The media lately has taken to claiming that Muslim terrorists killing Jews isn’t anti-Semitic, Obama and Eric Holder posing with Farrakhan isn’t anti-Semitic, but any criticism of George Soros, an alleged Nazi collaborator, is anti-Semitic. The Soros silly season led to ProPublica accusing Governor Bevin in Kentucky of anti-Semitism for criticizing Soros’ donations to it.…
Fake Republican Becomes Democrat, Discovers “Caring”
Daniel Greenfield
The rate of fake Republicans announcing they’re Democrats will leave the GOP with a drastic shortage of real fake Republicans. The loss is catastrophic, as this unintentionally hilarious Kurt Bardella about his first year as a Democrat, shows. My first year as a Democrat has given me an appreciation of the gulf between the world…
Minneapolis Kills Single Family Home Neighborhoods
Daniel Greenfield
The war on the middle class must go on. And on and on. Single family homes are the new villains in the housing cost debate. Single family home areas are being accused of segregation. And thus the new “desegregation” becomes destroying traditional residential and suburban areas, and replacing them with housing projects. What a brave…